Our family had one of the best Christmas Days we can remember. We were up and at 'em early with the kids going through gifts like Mark Ingram going through the Florida defense. It was indeed fast and furious. Needless to say, I am blessed with a wonderful family. Crystal, Alyssa, and Garrett are God's gifts to me...and I am thankful.
Christmas morning my dad came over for breakfast. My mother has been gone now a little over three years. We miss her. Most of all my dad misses her. There is an obvious void in his life. She made his life complete and without her he's simply not the happy fella he used to be. ...So, we sat down to breakfast and I was honored to have my dad ask God's blessing on the meal. I can't remember a word he said. I just remember being blessed as he prayed for my family and thanked God for the food.
That evening, we had Crystal's family over for a Christmas dinner. That means our house was invaded with Keenums and Fitzgeralds. We survived the brothers-in-law and enjoyed the two sisters and their kids... Crystal's mother has been gone almost eight years. Even though he has married a wonderful lady, we still miss Wanda. ....So, we gathered around the table to eat more than any one family ought to and I was honored to have my father-in-law ask God's blessing on the meal. I thought again, as he prayed, how blessed we are to have a good man like HT as a grandfather to my kids.
Two dads....Lewis and Harold. Two families that reflect the values instilled in us by those two dads. Two prayers prayed over two meals on a wonderful Christmas day. Two people...me and Crystal... who thank God each day for our fathers who also happen to be really good guys. We are blessed.

Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Character Matters
Bob Pitman has been preaching this week at Trinity Baptist. I have been looking forward to these few days for over a year. I have not been disappointed. The messages been simple, biblical, and much needed. Like an arrow hitting the bull's eye, his messages have hit the spot in my life and in our church. And, like a sponge absorbing water, I have been soaking up the preaching of God's word.
I have found myself a few times asking, "What is it with Bob Pitman?" Our church is sitting almost spellbound as this simple, yet well known preacher preaches. He is in demand. Just look at his schedule. This year he will preach all over America and in several foreign countries. What does he possess that causes grown men and women as well as children to be captivated? He seldom raises his voice. His calm demeanor is not the least bit intimidating. I am comfortable in his presence as if I had known him most of my life. What can I learn from Bob Pitman? What is it with Bob Pitman?
This is my answer to what "it" is. "It" is character. Character matters. It is character that causes folks to stand in line after the service to shake his hand or simply speak to him. It is character that causes an entire congregation to sit enthralled at his message. It is character that causes young parents to bring their babies up to meet Bro. Bob. Character. That's what it is. He doesn't need to be a name dropper. Doesn't need to flaunt his education to gain credibility. He is who he is...and his life is marked by character.
Character. The lost and unbelievers will never trust our message if they can't trust us. Character matters.
I have found myself a few times asking, "What is it with Bob Pitman?" Our church is sitting almost spellbound as this simple, yet well known preacher preaches. He is in demand. Just look at his schedule. This year he will preach all over America and in several foreign countries. What does he possess that causes grown men and women as well as children to be captivated? He seldom raises his voice. His calm demeanor is not the least bit intimidating. I am comfortable in his presence as if I had known him most of my life. What can I learn from Bob Pitman? What is it with Bob Pitman?
This is my answer to what "it" is. "It" is character. Character matters. It is character that causes folks to stand in line after the service to shake his hand or simply speak to him. It is character that causes an entire congregation to sit enthralled at his message. It is character that causes young parents to bring their babies up to meet Bro. Bob. Character. That's what it is. He doesn't need to be a name dropper. Doesn't need to flaunt his education to gain credibility. He is who he is...and his life is marked by character.
Character. The lost and unbelievers will never trust our message if they can't trust us. Character matters.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Applauding Sin
Just a few nights ago David Letterman admitted to having had several sexual relationships, over the past few years, with women on his staff. He came forward after being threatened and to "protect" the women involved...or so he said. I didn't see the actual show when he made his admission. I stopped watching Letterman years ago. He is not a reflection of anything I respect, admire, trust, or believe in. He is a pitiful example of late night entertainment. His jokes are not funny, his political views are left of the far left and his remarks about Christians are almost blasphemous.
When he said, on national television, that he had actually had sex with several women on his staff, the audience applauded. They clapped. A few whistled. Some laughed.
Something is terribly wrong when a talk show host can admit to doing the worst and most shameful... and he's praised by the media as if he did something right. I am not mad at Dave. He's a dog. And dogs do what dogs do. I am upset that many Americans, evidently, don't have a problem with Dave doing what he did.
After his remarks toward Sarah Palin and her daughters, he deserves any backlash that comes his way. He deserves to lose his show. He deserves to be sued by every woman he ever had a relationship with. He deserves to become a "has-been."
He's an old man who is not cool...is not funny...hasn't got "it"...and doesn't even realize it. If I do what Dave has done, and admit it with a smirk on my face, I deserve to be ignored, ostracized, condemned and jailed. His sin isn't unforgivable but it almost is. Shame on any of us for applauding this silly man.
Gal 6:7 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
When he said, on national television, that he had actually had sex with several women on his staff, the audience applauded. They clapped. A few whistled. Some laughed.
Something is terribly wrong when a talk show host can admit to doing the worst and most shameful... and he's praised by the media as if he did something right. I am not mad at Dave. He's a dog. And dogs do what dogs do. I am upset that many Americans, evidently, don't have a problem with Dave doing what he did.
After his remarks toward Sarah Palin and her daughters, he deserves any backlash that comes his way. He deserves to lose his show. He deserves to be sued by every woman he ever had a relationship with. He deserves to become a "has-been."
He's an old man who is not cool...is not funny...hasn't got "it"...and doesn't even realize it. If I do what Dave has done, and admit it with a smirk on my face, I deserve to be ignored, ostracized, condemned and jailed. His sin isn't unforgivable but it almost is. Shame on any of us for applauding this silly man.
Gal 6:7 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I guess I rode a thousand miles on my bike every summer when I was a boy. I had no motorcycle...four-wheelers were yet to be built...so I rode my bike. Everywhere.
I lived just off Antioch Road in Somerville, Alabama. About a mile south of Center Springs Methodist Church was Route 1 Box 177. That was my address. Just a quarter of a mile from my house was an amazing hill. With enough speed at the top of the hill, on my bike, I could coast what seemed to be forever. Coasting...what a wonderful feeling. Pedal hard for a while, then top the hill and enjoy the ride. Wind in my face, blue skies, sunshine. I was brave enough back then to stand up on the way down with my hands in the air.
Coasting in the Christian life is much the same. How many folks do you know who are coasting? They're saved, going to Heaven, but they've stopped peddling? They're still on the bike...still making a little progress...but they're coasting. The sad thing about coasting is at some point...if you don't start peddling again...you'll simply stop. I know some Christians like that. They've stopped. Stopped reading their Bible...stopped praying...stopped going to church. They must have been coasting.
Most days, at some point, I am tempted to coast. I think I deserve a break. I think about how hard I've worked. I think I deserve some kind of recognition for all the hills I've climbed already. Sometimes I just want to throw my hands in the air and coast.
But I can't. I've got to keep peddling as a believer for the same reason I had to keep peddling as a boy on my bike. There's always another hill to climb.
At the end of Antioch Road, you could take a left and be at Lester Whitten's store in just a minute. That's where I wanted to be. He had everything a boy could want. Ice cream, cokes, candy...the good stuff. But before I could get to the end of Antioch Road, there was another hill to climb. If you want to get where you hope to be, you'll have to climb a few hills.
As a believer, I can't coast. I know where I want to be. I want to finish well. I want to be pleasing to the Heavenly Father. If I want to end well...I simply cannot coast. There's always another valley to cross and another hill to climb.
Don't coast. Keep peddling. Enjoy the ride. MM
I lived just off Antioch Road in Somerville, Alabama. About a mile south of Center Springs Methodist Church was Route 1 Box 177. That was my address. Just a quarter of a mile from my house was an amazing hill. With enough speed at the top of the hill, on my bike, I could coast what seemed to be forever. Coasting...what a wonderful feeling. Pedal hard for a while, then top the hill and enjoy the ride. Wind in my face, blue skies, sunshine. I was brave enough back then to stand up on the way down with my hands in the air.
Coasting in the Christian life is much the same. How many folks do you know who are coasting? They're saved, going to Heaven, but they've stopped peddling? They're still on the bike...still making a little progress...but they're coasting. The sad thing about coasting is at some point...if you don't start peddling again...you'll simply stop. I know some Christians like that. They've stopped. Stopped reading their Bible...stopped praying...stopped going to church. They must have been coasting.
Most days, at some point, I am tempted to coast. I think I deserve a break. I think about how hard I've worked. I think I deserve some kind of recognition for all the hills I've climbed already. Sometimes I just want to throw my hands in the air and coast.
But I can't. I've got to keep peddling as a believer for the same reason I had to keep peddling as a boy on my bike. There's always another hill to climb.
At the end of Antioch Road, you could take a left and be at Lester Whitten's store in just a minute. That's where I wanted to be. He had everything a boy could want. Ice cream, cokes, candy...the good stuff. But before I could get to the end of Antioch Road, there was another hill to climb. If you want to get where you hope to be, you'll have to climb a few hills.
As a believer, I can't coast. I know where I want to be. I want to finish well. I want to be pleasing to the Heavenly Father. If I want to end well...I simply cannot coast. There's always another valley to cross and another hill to climb.
Don't coast. Keep peddling. Enjoy the ride. MM
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Life For Losers
Cash for Clunkers is about over, thank goodness. Word is, the program is running out of money. I have a clunker and seriously considered trading, but just couldn't bring myself to do it. I guess I am a little too attached to my 2000 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Edition, with close to 150K miles. I remember when I first got it. I said to myself, "I'll drive this 'till it falls apart." I'm pretty sure "falling apart" will be sooner than later, but I still can't bear to let her go.
I have had the Explorer for four years. I remember the first nite I parked her in the garage, I went out, sat in the front seat listening to what I believed had to be the best stereo I had ever heard in a vehicle. I thought, "this is what I have always wanted." Now, the government has the audacity to offer me about $4000 if I will trade her in on some boring, four cylinder sardine can with wheels. I ain't doing it. I hear they'll take my explorer out back of the dealership and put her out of her misery. I really can't imagine doing that. We've been on too many revival trips together. She's brought me home safely past midnight more times than I can count. She's never left me stranded. Never broke down on the side of the road. The only problem...she has a drinking problem. She's a gas guzzler. Minor problem for such a great ride.
Jesus offers a similar plan for anyone who will believe he died for their sins. I call it "Life for Losers." Salvation for Sinners... Grace for Guilty...etc. John 3:17 makes his plan pretty clear. God did not send Jesus into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. Wow. That's a pretty good deal. Paul says, "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." I was a sinner and Jesus gave me salvation. I was guilty of rejecting God, yet he gave me grace. I was a loser, well on my way to losing my soul, but Jesus gave me life. The Government program will come to an end...it will eventually run out of money. But, God's salvation plan will never end. He will never run out of mercy. Jesus went to the cross to guarantee the free gift of salvation to all who will believe. That's life for a loser. Think about it.
I have had the Explorer for four years. I remember the first nite I parked her in the garage, I went out, sat in the front seat listening to what I believed had to be the best stereo I had ever heard in a vehicle. I thought, "this is what I have always wanted." Now, the government has the audacity to offer me about $4000 if I will trade her in on some boring, four cylinder sardine can with wheels. I ain't doing it. I hear they'll take my explorer out back of the dealership and put her out of her misery. I really can't imagine doing that. We've been on too many revival trips together. She's brought me home safely past midnight more times than I can count. She's never left me stranded. Never broke down on the side of the road. The only problem...she has a drinking problem. She's a gas guzzler. Minor problem for such a great ride.
Jesus offers a similar plan for anyone who will believe he died for their sins. I call it "Life for Losers." Salvation for Sinners... Grace for Guilty...etc. John 3:17 makes his plan pretty clear. God did not send Jesus into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. Wow. That's a pretty good deal. Paul says, "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." I was a sinner and Jesus gave me salvation. I was guilty of rejecting God, yet he gave me grace. I was a loser, well on my way to losing my soul, but Jesus gave me life. The Government program will come to an end...it will eventually run out of money. But, God's salvation plan will never end. He will never run out of mercy. Jesus went to the cross to guarantee the free gift of salvation to all who will believe. That's life for a loser. Think about it.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Preaching Dates Fall 2009
August 23-26 East Highland Baptist, Hartselle, Al. Revival
September 21-23 Mt. Zion Baptist, Hartselle, Al. Revival
September 24 Moulton Baptist, Moulton, Al. Senior Adult Banquet
October 26-November 7 Leading Trip To Israel with Scotty Hogan and Doug Ripley
November 14 Moulton Baptist, Moulton, Al. Men's Retreat
September 21-23 Mt. Zion Baptist, Hartselle, Al. Revival
September 24 Moulton Baptist, Moulton, Al. Senior Adult Banquet
October 26-November 7 Leading Trip To Israel with Scotty Hogan and Doug Ripley
November 14 Moulton Baptist, Moulton, Al. Men's Retreat
Elvis and Woodstock
Several years ago, author Lewis Grizzard wrote, "Elvis is dead and don't feel so good myself." I thought about that this past weekend as I watched bits and pieces of documentaries featuring Elvis and Woodstock. Woodstock happened about 40 years ago and Elvis died about 30 years ago. It is amazing how those two events have shaped the lives of so many Americans. Many people still make an annual trip to Memphis to remember a man who has become more famous in death than he was in life. And, many folks who were at Woodstock back in the late 60s wish they could go back, just one more time, for that once in a lifetime event.
We can only hope it was a once in a lifetime event. I think it is interesting that an event that only a handful of the nation's population attended, still gets airtime and headlines. Evidently, the people who came to Woodstock are telling their kids and grand-kids about that life-changing weekend. I wonder what would happen if Christians were as enthusiastic about their salvation experience. What would happen if we talked about Christ as some talk about Woodstock? What kind of difference could we make in the world if we told our kids and grand-kids about the greatest event in the history of the world...the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ?
I liked Elvis...liked his music. I think he was one of the best singers of all time. I even remember where I was when I heard he had died. I was at Opryland in Nashville, Tennessee. The announcer came over the loudspeaker and asked for everyone's attention. As most of us stood quiet, he said, "Elvis Presley has died." What stands out to me, as I remember that day, is that seconds after the announcer made his announcement, the rides were back in full swing, and the people who stood quietly went back to talking, laughing, and enjoying the day. In other words, Elvis died, but life goes on.
The death of Elvis didn't change the world. But the death of Jesus Christ changed everything. Had he not died, there would have been no resurrection. Had there been no resurrection, we would have no hope. Because he died, we live. Because he lives, we can live eternally. Wow.
I never met Elvis...and I didn't go to Woodstock. But I have met Jesus and one day I'll go to Heaven. That'll be something to talk about for eternity.
Think about it.
We can only hope it was a once in a lifetime event. I think it is interesting that an event that only a handful of the nation's population attended, still gets airtime and headlines. Evidently, the people who came to Woodstock are telling their kids and grand-kids about that life-changing weekend. I wonder what would happen if Christians were as enthusiastic about their salvation experience. What would happen if we talked about Christ as some talk about Woodstock? What kind of difference could we make in the world if we told our kids and grand-kids about the greatest event in the history of the world...the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ?
I liked Elvis...liked his music. I think he was one of the best singers of all time. I even remember where I was when I heard he had died. I was at Opryland in Nashville, Tennessee. The announcer came over the loudspeaker and asked for everyone's attention. As most of us stood quiet, he said, "Elvis Presley has died." What stands out to me, as I remember that day, is that seconds after the announcer made his announcement, the rides were back in full swing, and the people who stood quietly went back to talking, laughing, and enjoying the day. In other words, Elvis died, but life goes on.
The death of Elvis didn't change the world. But the death of Jesus Christ changed everything. Had he not died, there would have been no resurrection. Had there been no resurrection, we would have no hope. Because he died, we live. Because he lives, we can live eternally. Wow.
I never met Elvis...and I didn't go to Woodstock. But I have met Jesus and one day I'll go to Heaven. That'll be something to talk about for eternity.
Think about it.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Preaching Opportunities 2009
Pray for me in the coming months. I thank God for the opportunities to preach his Word.
July 21
Associational Men's Meeting - Springfield Baptist, Springfield, Tenn.
July 26-29(Sunday pm)
Carlisle Baptist Revival - Albertville, Al.
August 3
Marvelous Monday, Grace Baptist - Tullahoma, Tenn.
August 4
Adult Luncheon, Northbrook Baptist - Cullman, Al.
August 23-26
East Highland Baptist Revival - Hartselle, Al.
September 21-23
Mount Zion Baptist Revival - Hartselle, Al.
July 21
Associational Men's Meeting - Springfield Baptist, Springfield, Tenn.
July 26-29(Sunday pm)
Carlisle Baptist Revival - Albertville, Al.
August 3
Marvelous Monday, Grace Baptist - Tullahoma, Tenn.
August 4
Adult Luncheon, Northbrook Baptist - Cullman, Al.
August 23-26
East Highland Baptist Revival - Hartselle, Al.
September 21-23
Mount Zion Baptist Revival - Hartselle, Al.
Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon, Michael Jackson, and Marvin Brock
Just a few weeks back we were bombarded on TV, radio, and in most publications about the passing of Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon, and Michael Jackson. Farrah died after an extended illness. Ed died having lived a long life. And, Michael died, as some would say, an untimely death. What contributions did they make to society? They were all entertainers. They were all well known and loved by millions. But what did they do in their lifetime to make the world a better place?
When I was in the 7th grade, most boys had a t-shirt with Farrah's picture on it. I wanted one. Mother said, "no." I also remember as a 13 or 14 year old boy, getting back up after my parents had gone to bed and watching the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon. He was a good laugher. And I remember one night in the early 80's watching Michael Jackson doing the "moon-walk" on national television. As much as I remember about these folks, what kind of lasting impact will they have on my life, and on Americans in general?
On the same week that these folks passed away, my friend Marvin Brock also died. Marvin was not a celebrity. He was a pastor and a retired military man. He loved his country and served it well. He loved the Lord Jesus and served him faithfully. He was never the cover story on any publication. He was never the lead story on the evening news. Never starred in a hit TV show. Never chatted with celebrities on late night talk shows. Never amazed people with his dancing skills.
So what did he do? He loved his wife. He loved his family. He loved his country. He loved God. He loved his church. He loved to preach. I suggest that he made a greater impact on this world than the three celebrities who passed away the same week. He stood for morals, values, and standards that the other three mocked. He would pledge his allegiance to the flag of the United States. He would defend the Bible and the Gospel that makes men free. He was faithful to one woman til death.
Wow. He will never...and most of us will never be regarded by the mainstream as valuable to society. But, let's make sure that when we've left this world we have made a difference for good...that we, in some way have made the world a better place...to the glory of God.
Thank you, Bro. Marvin Brock, for being the real deal.
When I was in the 7th grade, most boys had a t-shirt with Farrah's picture on it. I wanted one. Mother said, "no." I also remember as a 13 or 14 year old boy, getting back up after my parents had gone to bed and watching the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon. He was a good laugher. And I remember one night in the early 80's watching Michael Jackson doing the "moon-walk" on national television. As much as I remember about these folks, what kind of lasting impact will they have on my life, and on Americans in general?
On the same week that these folks passed away, my friend Marvin Brock also died. Marvin was not a celebrity. He was a pastor and a retired military man. He loved his country and served it well. He loved the Lord Jesus and served him faithfully. He was never the cover story on any publication. He was never the lead story on the evening news. Never starred in a hit TV show. Never chatted with celebrities on late night talk shows. Never amazed people with his dancing skills.
So what did he do? He loved his wife. He loved his family. He loved his country. He loved God. He loved his church. He loved to preach. I suggest that he made a greater impact on this world than the three celebrities who passed away the same week. He stood for morals, values, and standards that the other three mocked. He would pledge his allegiance to the flag of the United States. He would defend the Bible and the Gospel that makes men free. He was faithful to one woman til death.
Wow. He will never...and most of us will never be regarded by the mainstream as valuable to society. But, let's make sure that when we've left this world we have made a difference for good...that we, in some way have made the world a better place...to the glory of God.
Thank you, Bro. Marvin Brock, for being the real deal.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Old Enough
Hey Folks,
My mother went to Heaven almost three years ago. She and my dad were married in 1955. They drove to Iuka, Mississippi...got married...drove back to Decatur, Alabama...spent the night in the "Nite-Fall" motel...then spent the next almost 51 years together as husband and wife.
My dad keeps a picture of he and mother together, on the table beside his chair. He says he talks to her about alot of things. My dad is not on the verge of insanity, he just misses mother.
He has had several opportunities since mother died to have a girlfriend. He says he's not interested. In fact, he told us the day mother died, that he would never marry again. He said, "once you've had the best, anyone else would be a disappointment." Then he said, "I've had the best."
He has had so many good things to say about how he misses mother, I should be writing all of them down. Here's the most recent. Last weekend he was at our home for supper. We were talking about one of his friend's ex-wife. He said, "I don't have any ex-wives. I have only one wife and I'm going to see her when I get old enough." Daddy is 78.
If I can be half the man my dad has been, I'll be alright. I don't know when dad will be old enough to go see mother. All I know is I have been blessed to have had a father and mother who loved me and my sister...and each other. I am blessed.
Have a good one. Michael
My mother went to Heaven almost three years ago. She and my dad were married in 1955. They drove to Iuka, Mississippi...got married...drove back to Decatur, Alabama...spent the night in the "Nite-Fall" motel...then spent the next almost 51 years together as husband and wife.
My dad keeps a picture of he and mother together, on the table beside his chair. He says he talks to her about alot of things. My dad is not on the verge of insanity, he just misses mother.
He has had several opportunities since mother died to have a girlfriend. He says he's not interested. In fact, he told us the day mother died, that he would never marry again. He said, "once you've had the best, anyone else would be a disappointment." Then he said, "I've had the best."
He has had so many good things to say about how he misses mother, I should be writing all of them down. Here's the most recent. Last weekend he was at our home for supper. We were talking about one of his friend's ex-wife. He said, "I don't have any ex-wives. I have only one wife and I'm going to see her when I get old enough." Daddy is 78.
If I can be half the man my dad has been, I'll be alright. I don't know when dad will be old enough to go see mother. All I know is I have been blessed to have had a father and mother who loved me and my sister...and each other. I am blessed.
Have a good one. Michael
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Hold Your Horses
Hey Folks,
Life is crazy fast. Everyone is in a hurry. Fast food and fast cars...it's life in the fast lane. We would all do well to slow down and get with God. I'm sure God is in no hurry. He is at work, but he's not in a rush. I've recently read the book, "Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson. The "Wild Goose Chase" is about following God wherever he leads. Batterson says if we want to follow and experience God wherever he leads, we may be led to a new place, a new pace, and a new perspective.
A new pace. That one fits the young man in Mark chapter 10. This young fella looks like he’s in a hurry. The Bible says, “He came running...” That could mean a number of things. Don’t jump to the conclusion that he was eager to give his heart to Jesus. Especially when you read the end of the story. Sounds like he wanted to go to Heaven, but he didn’t want to do what was necessary to get there. He wanted eternal life, he just didn’t want to live for Jesus. There’s an old song that says, “Everybody wants to go to Heaven but Nobody wants to die...” That probably describes the guy in Mark 10.
Maybe you have heard the old saying, “Hold your horses!” As a child I grew up understanding that saying meant “slow down and take your time.” Don’t be in such a hurry. Be patient. Hold back on the reins. This fella in Mark 10 needed to hold his horses. He was in too big of a rush. He ran to the right person, asked the right question, and seemed to be willing to do the right thing. But Jesus told him what he didn’t want to hear. Sell everything. Why would Jesus tell him to sell everything? Jesus knew the one thing he wouldn’t do. His money and love for more came before his relationship with God.
I have learned “hold your horses” has another meaning. I have read during the American Revolution, someone was responsible for holding the horses. Makes sense to me. Think about it. You’d have a hard time loading and firing your gun, doing arm-to-arm combat, and all the while hanging on to your horse. I understand that someone was in charge of holding the horses while the soldiers fought it out on the battlefield. Once the battle was won, the soldier’s horse would be waiting. It’s good to know, that when life gets out of control....and you have questions without answers.....God is holding your horses.
So do what you need to do. Slow down and take care of business. Most of all, take the time for God, and for your family. Hold your horses, and enjoy life.
Talk to you later, Michael
Life is crazy fast. Everyone is in a hurry. Fast food and fast cars...it's life in the fast lane. We would all do well to slow down and get with God. I'm sure God is in no hurry. He is at work, but he's not in a rush. I've recently read the book, "Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson. The "Wild Goose Chase" is about following God wherever he leads. Batterson says if we want to follow and experience God wherever he leads, we may be led to a new place, a new pace, and a new perspective.
A new pace. That one fits the young man in Mark chapter 10. This young fella looks like he’s in a hurry. The Bible says, “He came running...” That could mean a number of things. Don’t jump to the conclusion that he was eager to give his heart to Jesus. Especially when you read the end of the story. Sounds like he wanted to go to Heaven, but he didn’t want to do what was necessary to get there. He wanted eternal life, he just didn’t want to live for Jesus. There’s an old song that says, “Everybody wants to go to Heaven but Nobody wants to die...” That probably describes the guy in Mark 10.
Maybe you have heard the old saying, “Hold your horses!” As a child I grew up understanding that saying meant “slow down and take your time.” Don’t be in such a hurry. Be patient. Hold back on the reins. This fella in Mark 10 needed to hold his horses. He was in too big of a rush. He ran to the right person, asked the right question, and seemed to be willing to do the right thing. But Jesus told him what he didn’t want to hear. Sell everything. Why would Jesus tell him to sell everything? Jesus knew the one thing he wouldn’t do. His money and love for more came before his relationship with God.
I have learned “hold your horses” has another meaning. I have read during the American Revolution, someone was responsible for holding the horses. Makes sense to me. Think about it. You’d have a hard time loading and firing your gun, doing arm-to-arm combat, and all the while hanging on to your horse. I understand that someone was in charge of holding the horses while the soldiers fought it out on the battlefield. Once the battle was won, the soldier’s horse would be waiting. It’s good to know, that when life gets out of control....and you have questions without answers.....God is holding your horses.
So do what you need to do. Slow down and take care of business. Most of all, take the time for God, and for your family. Hold your horses, and enjoy life.
Talk to you later, Michael
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Gay Question
Hey Folks,
I never cease to be amazed. This past week, at a beauty pageant of all places, conservative Christian values once again came under attack. During the April 19 Miss America Pageant, judge Perez Hilton asked Miss California, Carrie Prejean a loaded question. Loaded because he wanted the answer she gave. Loaded because he wanted a platform to mock traditional values. Loaded to offer him the opportunity to rant and ridicule anyone who stands for anything right.
Hilton asked Prejean....who is openly Christian, "Should every state legalize same-sex marriage?" She responded by saying, "In my country, in my family, I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised and that's how I think it should be...between a man and a woman."
Since then, Hilton has been on a crusade to crush Carrie Prejean and all those who hold her values. Guess what? He's offended. Guess what again? I'm offended that he's offended.
I'll never go on a crusade to bash the gay community, but I will take the opportunity to defend the truth, morals, values, and everything that has made America great. I don't know Miss Prejean. I appreciate and agree with her opinion, but my defense is less about her and more for the truth she stood for. She spoke her mind...it just happened to be influenced by her Christian roots. If she had sided with Hilton, she would have immediately became the spokesperson for gay marriage. But she disagreed with the mainstream media and is receiving what has become the bitter fruit of speaking your mind.
On the Fox network Miss California said, "I forgive him (Hilton). I know that he's angry for whatever reason. I know there must be a bigger issue going on in his life." The bigger issue in his life and in the lives of all who oppose God, truth, purity, and morality is Evil. That's the bigger issue. The Apostle Paul wrote, "In the last days perilous times will come. Men will be lovers of themselves..." (2 Timothy 3:1-5...read it) The problem is much bigger than some guy named Hilton getting his fifteen minutes of fame on YouTube. It' s bigger than obscenity on every network and in every news publication. It's worse than a bad economy. It is clear and unashamed Evil. And, it's going to get worse.
President Obama said recently on his world tour, "Islam has made the world a better place." I completely disagree. The world will never be a better place. It will become worse. The good news of Christianity is that Jesus didn't come to make the world a better place. He came into an evil world to save sinners from their sin.(John 16:33) His grace is greater than our sin.
Chances are this week, there will be another slam against Christianity and all that is good and right. I ask you to join me, and others who believe in traditional Christian values, in simply standing for truth. That begins in our homes, churches, and schools. Our goal is not necessarily to change the world, but to be faithful where we are. Let's pray for each other.
See you later, Michael
I never cease to be amazed. This past week, at a beauty pageant of all places, conservative Christian values once again came under attack. During the April 19 Miss America Pageant, judge Perez Hilton asked Miss California, Carrie Prejean a loaded question. Loaded because he wanted the answer she gave. Loaded because he wanted a platform to mock traditional values. Loaded to offer him the opportunity to rant and ridicule anyone who stands for anything right.
Hilton asked Prejean....who is openly Christian, "Should every state legalize same-sex marriage?" She responded by saying, "In my country, in my family, I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised and that's how I think it should be...between a man and a woman."
Since then, Hilton has been on a crusade to crush Carrie Prejean and all those who hold her values. Guess what? He's offended. Guess what again? I'm offended that he's offended.
I'll never go on a crusade to bash the gay community, but I will take the opportunity to defend the truth, morals, values, and everything that has made America great. I don't know Miss Prejean. I appreciate and agree with her opinion, but my defense is less about her and more for the truth she stood for. She spoke her mind...it just happened to be influenced by her Christian roots. If she had sided with Hilton, she would have immediately became the spokesperson for gay marriage. But she disagreed with the mainstream media and is receiving what has become the bitter fruit of speaking your mind.
On the Fox network Miss California said, "I forgive him (Hilton). I know that he's angry for whatever reason. I know there must be a bigger issue going on in his life." The bigger issue in his life and in the lives of all who oppose God, truth, purity, and morality is Evil. That's the bigger issue. The Apostle Paul wrote, "In the last days perilous times will come. Men will be lovers of themselves..." (2 Timothy 3:1-5...read it) The problem is much bigger than some guy named Hilton getting his fifteen minutes of fame on YouTube. It' s bigger than obscenity on every network and in every news publication. It's worse than a bad economy. It is clear and unashamed Evil. And, it's going to get worse.
President Obama said recently on his world tour, "Islam has made the world a better place." I completely disagree. The world will never be a better place. It will become worse. The good news of Christianity is that Jesus didn't come to make the world a better place. He came into an evil world to save sinners from their sin.(John 16:33) His grace is greater than our sin.
Chances are this week, there will be another slam against Christianity and all that is good and right. I ask you to join me, and others who believe in traditional Christian values, in simply standing for truth. That begins in our homes, churches, and schools. Our goal is not necessarily to change the world, but to be faithful where we are. Let's pray for each other.
See you later, Michael
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Friends, Flowers, and a Funeral
Hey Folks,
It's amazing how a funeral can bring us all back to reality. My friend Rodney Bowling died two weeks ago. It's especially eye opening for me. Rodney and I graduated together from Brewer High School in 1981. We both went into the ministry. We both attended New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and graduated about the same time.
Like most of us who claimed Rodney as one of our friends, I was surprised at the news. Many of us who went to school gathered at the funeral home and waited in line at least two hours to tell his wife and children how sorry we were. But here's a good question: Were we really sorry...or were those just the right words to say? I can tell you, we are sorry....we hate it for his wife and children....we hate what they'll face in the days ahead...we hate that his life was cut so short.
But, more than anything, we are shocked. Shocked, because we realize we could be next. Shocked, because we have come face to face with the ugly reality that we're all gonna die. I'd like to think I'm going to live till I'm 100 then die in my sleep. I like to imagine that I'll spend 50 or 60 years married to Crystal....that I'll grow old enjoying my children and grandchildren. But I, along with many of Rodney's friends, have had a reality check. We do care. We are sorry. But, more than anything, we are shocked.
How do we respond to such shock? Ignore it? Make light of it? Here's what happened on Friday after the funeral. Me and my two best friends from high school, Marty Feemster and Van Johnson, went and played golf together. That may not seem like much except for the fact we have never played golf together. In 46 years of life we have never spent most of one day together doing anything. Van even had to borrow a set of clubs. We played the last few holes under a Tornado Watch. We laughed, cut up, lost too many balls, and had more fun than I have had in a long time. Marty, Van, and myself were all friends with Rodney. His death has been a wake up call for us.
I can ignore or make light of the reality....or I can face it. I can determine I am going to live each day with purpose. I'm not going to coast. I'm going to enjoy my wife and children while I can. I'm going to appreciate people more than I have in the past. I'm going to play golf with my buddies more often. I'm going to live for Jesus in such a way that when I die, my family won''t have to wonder where I am. I'm going to live till I die.
I dropped in to visit my dad on the afternoon of the funeral. I'm not a big "hugger"...but that day, before I left I hugged him and told him I loved him. He told me he loved me too. Then said, "It's something to think about, son...you never know who could go first...could be me or you." That's reality.
Talk To You Later, Michael
It's amazing how a funeral can bring us all back to reality. My friend Rodney Bowling died two weeks ago. It's especially eye opening for me. Rodney and I graduated together from Brewer High School in 1981. We both went into the ministry. We both attended New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and graduated about the same time.
Like most of us who claimed Rodney as one of our friends, I was surprised at the news. Many of us who went to school gathered at the funeral home and waited in line at least two hours to tell his wife and children how sorry we were. But here's a good question: Were we really sorry...or were those just the right words to say? I can tell you, we are sorry....we hate it for his wife and children....we hate what they'll face in the days ahead...we hate that his life was cut so short.
But, more than anything, we are shocked. Shocked, because we realize we could be next. Shocked, because we have come face to face with the ugly reality that we're all gonna die. I'd like to think I'm going to live till I'm 100 then die in my sleep. I like to imagine that I'll spend 50 or 60 years married to Crystal....that I'll grow old enjoying my children and grandchildren. But I, along with many of Rodney's friends, have had a reality check. We do care. We are sorry. But, more than anything, we are shocked.
How do we respond to such shock? Ignore it? Make light of it? Here's what happened on Friday after the funeral. Me and my two best friends from high school, Marty Feemster and Van Johnson, went and played golf together. That may not seem like much except for the fact we have never played golf together. In 46 years of life we have never spent most of one day together doing anything. Van even had to borrow a set of clubs. We played the last few holes under a Tornado Watch. We laughed, cut up, lost too many balls, and had more fun than I have had in a long time. Marty, Van, and myself were all friends with Rodney. His death has been a wake up call for us.
I can ignore or make light of the reality....or I can face it. I can determine I am going to live each day with purpose. I'm not going to coast. I'm going to enjoy my wife and children while I can. I'm going to appreciate people more than I have in the past. I'm going to play golf with my buddies more often. I'm going to live for Jesus in such a way that when I die, my family won''t have to wonder where I am. I'm going to live till I die.
I dropped in to visit my dad on the afternoon of the funeral. I'm not a big "hugger"...but that day, before I left I hugged him and told him I loved him. He told me he loved me too. Then said, "It's something to think about, son...you never know who could go first...could be me or you." That's reality.
Talk To You Later, Michael
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
47th Year
Hello Friends,
I got to thinking about it the other day. It was Friday, March 27th that I began to think about it. I was enjoying my 46th birthday and had an ugly thought. I am in my 47th year of life. I'm not just 46 years old, I am in my 47th year pushing 50. You hear broadcasters and journalists all the time saying, "We are in the 21st century." Sounds impressive as if we had something to do with it. I am in my 47th year and really had nothing to do with it. Mom and dad took care of me the first 21 years. Crystal has taken care of me the last 20. For about six years between my folks and Crystal, the Lord was busy watching over me. I have arrived at my 47th year by the grace of God.
I heard about Bill and Bob, two old men, in their early eighties walking along a bike trail early one morning. As they enjoyed the sunrise they noticed a frog sitting right in the middle of the trail. As they approached the frog, it spoke to Bob the older of the two men. It was a girl frog and she said to Bob, "Pick me up, kiss me on the head, and I'll turn into a beautiful princess and go anywhere you want to go and do anything you want to do." Bob reached down, picked up the frog, and put it inside his jacket pocket. His buddy Bill said, "Bob, did you hear that? That frog said if you'd kiss her, she'd turn into a beautiful princess and go anywhere and do anything you want to do. Bob turned to Bill and said, "Yes, I heard her, but at my age I'd rather have a talking frog."
Too many people settle for a "talking frog" when they could have a "princess." I'm talking about life. I'm talking about life that's worth living. For me, I'm talking about my walk with the Lord. Too many people settle for a "talking frog" religion, when they could have a "princess" salvation. These are those who are Christians, but never really become followers of Christ. These are those who get saved and eventually go to Heaven, but they miss out on what Jesus called the "abundant life." I am in my 47th year. I have been saved for 27 of those years. I hope I have another 27 years ahead of me to preach the Gospel. I would love to be an old preacher one day looking back over 75 or 80 years reflecting on the faithfulness of God. I have made up my mind. I'm not interested in settling for a "talking frog" way of life. I want a princess salvation.
Listen to Isaiah 40:8. "The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Yes the grass withers, the flowers fade, ...and so do we. But even though we fade and wither like the grass and the flower, we have the promise that the word of God never fails. God is true to his word. We can have eternal life. We can know peace that passes understanding. We can have joy that is unspeakable and full of glory. That, my friend, is "princess" salvation.
I'll talk to you later.
Michael Mason Ministries...Preaching Schedule
April 3-4 First Baptist, Bay Minette, Al., Marriage Wknd.
May 3-6 First Baptist, Rogersville, Al., Revival
I got to thinking about it the other day. It was Friday, March 27th that I began to think about it. I was enjoying my 46th birthday and had an ugly thought. I am in my 47th year of life. I'm not just 46 years old, I am in my 47th year pushing 50. You hear broadcasters and journalists all the time saying, "We are in the 21st century." Sounds impressive as if we had something to do with it. I am in my 47th year and really had nothing to do with it. Mom and dad took care of me the first 21 years. Crystal has taken care of me the last 20. For about six years between my folks and Crystal, the Lord was busy watching over me. I have arrived at my 47th year by the grace of God.
I heard about Bill and Bob, two old men, in their early eighties walking along a bike trail early one morning. As they enjoyed the sunrise they noticed a frog sitting right in the middle of the trail. As they approached the frog, it spoke to Bob the older of the two men. It was a girl frog and she said to Bob, "Pick me up, kiss me on the head, and I'll turn into a beautiful princess and go anywhere you want to go and do anything you want to do." Bob reached down, picked up the frog, and put it inside his jacket pocket. His buddy Bill said, "Bob, did you hear that? That frog said if you'd kiss her, she'd turn into a beautiful princess and go anywhere and do anything you want to do. Bob turned to Bill and said, "Yes, I heard her, but at my age I'd rather have a talking frog."
Too many people settle for a "talking frog" when they could have a "princess." I'm talking about life. I'm talking about life that's worth living. For me, I'm talking about my walk with the Lord. Too many people settle for a "talking frog" religion, when they could have a "princess" salvation. These are those who are Christians, but never really become followers of Christ. These are those who get saved and eventually go to Heaven, but they miss out on what Jesus called the "abundant life." I am in my 47th year. I have been saved for 27 of those years. I hope I have another 27 years ahead of me to preach the Gospel. I would love to be an old preacher one day looking back over 75 or 80 years reflecting on the faithfulness of God. I have made up my mind. I'm not interested in settling for a "talking frog" way of life. I want a princess salvation.
Listen to Isaiah 40:8. "The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Yes the grass withers, the flowers fade, ...and so do we. But even though we fade and wither like the grass and the flower, we have the promise that the word of God never fails. God is true to his word. We can have eternal life. We can know peace that passes understanding. We can have joy that is unspeakable and full of glory. That, my friend, is "princess" salvation.
I'll talk to you later.
Michael Mason Ministries...Preaching Schedule
April 3-4 First Baptist, Bay Minette, Al., Marriage Wknd.
May 3-6 First Baptist, Rogersville, Al., Revival
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Billboard on the Beltline
There's a billboard on the beltline highway near our church that's getting a lot of attention. The beltline is highway 67 that runs right through the middle of Decatur, Alabama. There is bumper to bumper traffic everyday. It's that busy. It's a great place to advertise your church or business. Several local churches have done just that.
One church has gone to the extremes to get our attention. Beside the name and location of the church is this advertisement: "The real 'f' word..." I have been saved and preaching the gospel for almost 27 years. I strive to have a pure heart and mind. I try to focus on the positive. But I have to tell you, when I read that billboard there was only one "f" word that came to mind, and it wasn't forgiveness.
Is it OK for churches to use crude references, offensive suggestions, and sexually explicit ideas to convey our message of Jesus and the cross? We might ask, WWPS....What Would Paul Say? I don't know for sure. I think, however, Paul had other things in mind when he referenced becoming all things to all men that he might win some. Would he endorse using suggestive language?
This type of advertising has become popular among churches today. Why? In many circles, its called marketing. I believe it comes down to sacrificing values to draw a larger crowd. One local church is promoting a sermon series called, "Good sex God's way." That will surely draw a crowd, but will it change anyone's life?
I simply believe we can do better. We have the opportunity each Sunday to preach a a message that will literally change lives. I have no problem with seeking to have a larger crowd to preach to. If we just want to draw a crowd, then we can preach a message about Good sex God's way, The "f" Word, and other extreme topics. But, if we want to see lives changed, we had better preach the cross and point people to Jesus. I may be labeled out of touch by the critics. I may be considered irrelevant by the latest church growth gurus. But I think I'll preach the cross. The preaching of the cross has always seemed foolish to the world. But it's the only message that saves.
Yes, I realize the real "f" word is forgiveness. I realize what the church down the road is trying to do. I realize they are trying to reach a crowd that most traditional churches will never reach. I can appreciate their motives. I have visited their website and agree with most of the core beliefs they hold to. I could have lunch with the pastor and enjoy myself. But the billboard is too much.
I don't have all the answers...I have not arrived...But this one thing I know. The "j" word is the only word that will save a lost soul, help a troubled life, heal a broken marriage, and bring home a prodigal son. The "j" word is Jesus. He said, "If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me."
Michael Mason Ministries: Preaching Dates
March 30-April 1 New Center Baptist, Moulton, Al. 7pm each nite
March 30 Muscle Shoals Pastor's Conference, Moulton, Al., 10 am
April 3-4 First Baptist, Bay Minette, Al., Marriage Wknd.
May 3-6 First Baptist, Rogersville, Al., Revival
There's a billboard on the beltline highway near our church that's getting a lot of attention. The beltline is highway 67 that runs right through the middle of Decatur, Alabama. There is bumper to bumper traffic everyday. It's that busy. It's a great place to advertise your church or business. Several local churches have done just that.
One church has gone to the extremes to get our attention. Beside the name and location of the church is this advertisement: "The real 'f' word..." I have been saved and preaching the gospel for almost 27 years. I strive to have a pure heart and mind. I try to focus on the positive. But I have to tell you, when I read that billboard there was only one "f" word that came to mind, and it wasn't forgiveness.
Is it OK for churches to use crude references, offensive suggestions, and sexually explicit ideas to convey our message of Jesus and the cross? We might ask, WWPS....What Would Paul Say? I don't know for sure. I think, however, Paul had other things in mind when he referenced becoming all things to all men that he might win some. Would he endorse using suggestive language?
This type of advertising has become popular among churches today. Why? In many circles, its called marketing. I believe it comes down to sacrificing values to draw a larger crowd. One local church is promoting a sermon series called, "Good sex God's way." That will surely draw a crowd, but will it change anyone's life?
I simply believe we can do better. We have the opportunity each Sunday to preach a a message that will literally change lives. I have no problem with seeking to have a larger crowd to preach to. If we just want to draw a crowd, then we can preach a message about Good sex God's way, The "f" Word, and other extreme topics. But, if we want to see lives changed, we had better preach the cross and point people to Jesus. I may be labeled out of touch by the critics. I may be considered irrelevant by the latest church growth gurus. But I think I'll preach the cross. The preaching of the cross has always seemed foolish to the world. But it's the only message that saves.
Yes, I realize the real "f" word is forgiveness. I realize what the church down the road is trying to do. I realize they are trying to reach a crowd that most traditional churches will never reach. I can appreciate their motives. I have visited their website and agree with most of the core beliefs they hold to. I could have lunch with the pastor and enjoy myself. But the billboard is too much.
I don't have all the answers...I have not arrived...But this one thing I know. The "j" word is the only word that will save a lost soul, help a troubled life, heal a broken marriage, and bring home a prodigal son. The "j" word is Jesus. He said, "If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me."
Michael Mason Ministries: Preaching Dates
March 30-April 1 New Center Baptist, Moulton, Al. 7pm each nite
March 30 Muscle Shoals Pastor's Conference, Moulton, Al., 10 am
April 3-4 First Baptist, Bay Minette, Al., Marriage Wknd.
May 3-6 First Baptist, Rogersville, Al., Revival
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Front Porches and Pulpits
Just this past Sunday, a gunman walked into an Illinois church and shot the pastor while he was preaching. The pastor was killed leaving behind a wife and family. I've had several folks ask me what I thought about that. What is there to think? We live in a messed up world. Sin is more rampant than ever before. People are more vulnerable than ever before. God is rejected more than ever before.
Yesterday, in south Alabama, a gunman went on a shooting spree killing his own family and several other innocent people. Some of those he killed were sitting on their front porch. I don't know about you, but I've never felt threatened on my own front porch. In rural Alabama, the front porch is sacred ground. But things are changing. In the future, those of us who enjoy an evening on the front porch may have to do so while wearing a bullet-proof vest.
Paul said it best when writing to Timothy. "In the last days perilous times will come." Maybe these are the last days, maybe not. But one thing is for sure, perilous times have come. Economic uncertainty, terrorist threats, excessive immorality, empty churches, and socialist philosophies are driving the America I once knew, to new extremes of ridiculous and unacceptable behavior.
I want better for my children and their children. I want our pulpits and porches to be places where our peace with God and peace of mind are not threatened. I want them to be able to enjoy a sermon from the pulpit on Sunday morning and a glass of iced tea on the front porch on Sunday afternoon. Is that asking too much?
We can't hide. We can't retreat to our living rooms...our hide behind our privacy fences...or isolate ourselves from the world. Imagine if the saints of old who died for American and Christian freedoms had bowed to the enemy. Where would we be today?
This coming Sunday I will stand in the pulpit and preach the goodness and grace of God. Sunday afternoon I think I'll sit on the porch for a while. I hope you'll join me.
Michael Mason Ministries
March 30-April 1st (Mon-Wed) New Center Baptist Revival, Moulton, Al.
April 3-4 (Fri-Sat) FBC Bay Minette Marriage Renewal Weekend, Bay Minette, Al.
May 3-6 (Sun-Wed) FBC Rogersville Revival, Rogersville, Al.
Yesterday, in south Alabama, a gunman went on a shooting spree killing his own family and several other innocent people. Some of those he killed were sitting on their front porch. I don't know about you, but I've never felt threatened on my own front porch. In rural Alabama, the front porch is sacred ground. But things are changing. In the future, those of us who enjoy an evening on the front porch may have to do so while wearing a bullet-proof vest.
Paul said it best when writing to Timothy. "In the last days perilous times will come." Maybe these are the last days, maybe not. But one thing is for sure, perilous times have come. Economic uncertainty, terrorist threats, excessive immorality, empty churches, and socialist philosophies are driving the America I once knew, to new extremes of ridiculous and unacceptable behavior.
I want better for my children and their children. I want our pulpits and porches to be places where our peace with God and peace of mind are not threatened. I want them to be able to enjoy a sermon from the pulpit on Sunday morning and a glass of iced tea on the front porch on Sunday afternoon. Is that asking too much?
We can't hide. We can't retreat to our living rooms...our hide behind our privacy fences...or isolate ourselves from the world. Imagine if the saints of old who died for American and Christian freedoms had bowed to the enemy. Where would we be today?
This coming Sunday I will stand in the pulpit and preach the goodness and grace of God. Sunday afternoon I think I'll sit on the porch for a while. I hope you'll join me.
Michael Mason Ministries
March 30-April 1st (Mon-Wed) New Center Baptist Revival, Moulton, Al.
April 3-4 (Fri-Sat) FBC Bay Minette Marriage Renewal Weekend, Bay Minette, Al.
May 3-6 (Sun-Wed) FBC Rogersville Revival, Rogersville, Al.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Paul Harvey Has Died
Paul Harvey has died, and so has much of what he believed in and stood for. He was a lone voice in recent years speaking on behalf of morality, values, and faith in God. He could get away with talk about God because he had proven himself to be trustworthy. Unlike the popular radio gurus of our day, I could listen to Paul Harvey with my 10 year old son and not have to worry about hearing some surprise four-letter-word. He loved America. He loved all that was right and decent. He evidently loved to work. He died at age 90 and was still actively involved in the daily broadcast.
There's a story within this story that grabs my attention. Harvey often told us the "rest of the story." They were the captivating stories behind the headlines that often told of heroism, honesty, and humility. Harvey's wife, whom he affectionately referred to as "Angel" passed away just last May and age 92. He made it ten months without her. I have heard this same story time and time again of a couple who spends their life together. One of them dies and then not long after the other passes as well. Why is that? I can't say for sure. But I imagine it has something to do with what God called "becoming one flesh." After God had made both Adam and Eve, he said that man was to cleave to his wife and becoming one flesh. Folks like Paul Harvey and his Angel, got a taste of that. We live in a day of disposable marriages, some of which last only hours. Personally, I thank the Lord for men like Paul Harvey who did their part to preserve all that is good. Men like him really are the "salt of the earth."
I have often wondered what would happen to America when we lost men like Paul Harvey and Billy Graham. Paul is gone and Billy is not healthy. We'll never fill their shoes, but some of us must rise up to the challenge. May the Lord enable and inspire us to live our lives for God, to serve our fellow man, and to give our best for the sake of future generations. If we don't, I'm afraid "the rest of the story" will have a sad ending.
Michael Mason Ministries, Inc.
March 6-8 Adult Retreat, Trinity Baptist Church
March 8 p.m. Walker Associational Evangelism Conf., Jasper, Al.
March 30-Apr 1st (Mon-Wed) New Center Baptist Revival, Moulton, Al.
April 3-4 (Fri-Sat) FBC Bay Minette, Al., Marriage Wknd.
May 3-6 FBC Rogersville, Al. Revival
Paul Harvey has died, and so has much of what he believed in and stood for. He was a lone voice in recent years speaking on behalf of morality, values, and faith in God. He could get away with talk about God because he had proven himself to be trustworthy. Unlike the popular radio gurus of our day, I could listen to Paul Harvey with my 10 year old son and not have to worry about hearing some surprise four-letter-word. He loved America. He loved all that was right and decent. He evidently loved to work. He died at age 90 and was still actively involved in the daily broadcast.
There's a story within this story that grabs my attention. Harvey often told us the "rest of the story." They were the captivating stories behind the headlines that often told of heroism, honesty, and humility. Harvey's wife, whom he affectionately referred to as "Angel" passed away just last May and age 92. He made it ten months without her. I have heard this same story time and time again of a couple who spends their life together. One of them dies and then not long after the other passes as well. Why is that? I can't say for sure. But I imagine it has something to do with what God called "becoming one flesh." After God had made both Adam and Eve, he said that man was to cleave to his wife and becoming one flesh. Folks like Paul Harvey and his Angel, got a taste of that. We live in a day of disposable marriages, some of which last only hours. Personally, I thank the Lord for men like Paul Harvey who did their part to preserve all that is good. Men like him really are the "salt of the earth."
I have often wondered what would happen to America when we lost men like Paul Harvey and Billy Graham. Paul is gone and Billy is not healthy. We'll never fill their shoes, but some of us must rise up to the challenge. May the Lord enable and inspire us to live our lives for God, to serve our fellow man, and to give our best for the sake of future generations. If we don't, I'm afraid "the rest of the story" will have a sad ending.
Michael Mason Ministries, Inc.
March 6-8 Adult Retreat, Trinity Baptist Church
March 8 p.m. Walker Associational Evangelism Conf., Jasper, Al.
March 30-Apr 1st (Mon-Wed) New Center Baptist Revival, Moulton, Al.
April 3-4 (Fri-Sat) FBC Bay Minette, Al., Marriage Wknd.
May 3-6 FBC Rogersville, Al. Revival
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Monkey Business
Hey Folks,
My mother had so many sayings, I can't remember them all. But every now and then something will happen that will bring to mind one of her unusual sayings. Like just this week with the shooting of a chimpanzee gone wild I remembered something mother said. For instance, if she hit her thumb or stumbled or burnt her finger on the iron, instead of using some by-word, she'd say, "shoot a monkey." I don't know why.
Well, this week someone shot a monkey. Not only did someone shoot a monkey, the New York Post printed a cartoon depicting the shot monkey. Referencing Obama's stimulus package which was passed this week, the caption beneath the shot monkey cartoon read something like, "We'll have to get someone else to write the next stimulus bill." Now everybody's mad in Washington. Al Sharpton even came out of retirement to protest the cartoon. "Someone's got some explaining to do," he said. Someone shot a monkey and now the offended parties want to shoot the New York Post.
I'm not all that offended with the cartoon. First of all I don't own a monkey. Second of all, I have been offended before, and I've learned to deal with it. As a Christian, everything I hold dear has been not only questioned but also ridiculed. The Bible I believe has been referred to as fallacy. Jesus, the say, was simply an ordinary man. His sinless life was a dreamed up after-thought. His second coming is nothing more than a good ending to a made up story. I am offended every Christmas when nativities are made illegal. I'm offended when the cross is called divisive and hateful. I'm offended when God-fearing people are reduced by comedians and politicians as being mindless and indoctrinated.
So, a cartoon about a shot monkey and it's connection to Obama are the least of my concerns. Jesus was cruicified and buried 2000 years ago. People still mock his death. People still reject his message. They still attempt to ignore his impact. However, even though I know not everyone will appreciate it, I will still preach and cling to the message of the old rugged Cross. Jesus, who died there, is the only hope for all the world. I wonder if that offends anyone?
If mother were still with us today, she'd say, "shoot a monkey." MM
My mother had so many sayings, I can't remember them all. But every now and then something will happen that will bring to mind one of her unusual sayings. Like just this week with the shooting of a chimpanzee gone wild I remembered something mother said. For instance, if she hit her thumb or stumbled or burnt her finger on the iron, instead of using some by-word, she'd say, "shoot a monkey." I don't know why.
Well, this week someone shot a monkey. Not only did someone shoot a monkey, the New York Post printed a cartoon depicting the shot monkey. Referencing Obama's stimulus package which was passed this week, the caption beneath the shot monkey cartoon read something like, "We'll have to get someone else to write the next stimulus bill." Now everybody's mad in Washington. Al Sharpton even came out of retirement to protest the cartoon. "Someone's got some explaining to do," he said. Someone shot a monkey and now the offended parties want to shoot the New York Post.
I'm not all that offended with the cartoon. First of all I don't own a monkey. Second of all, I have been offended before, and I've learned to deal with it. As a Christian, everything I hold dear has been not only questioned but also ridiculed. The Bible I believe has been referred to as fallacy. Jesus, the say, was simply an ordinary man. His sinless life was a dreamed up after-thought. His second coming is nothing more than a good ending to a made up story. I am offended every Christmas when nativities are made illegal. I'm offended when the cross is called divisive and hateful. I'm offended when God-fearing people are reduced by comedians and politicians as being mindless and indoctrinated.
So, a cartoon about a shot monkey and it's connection to Obama are the least of my concerns. Jesus was cruicified and buried 2000 years ago. People still mock his death. People still reject his message. They still attempt to ignore his impact. However, even though I know not everyone will appreciate it, I will still preach and cling to the message of the old rugged Cross. Jesus, who died there, is the only hope for all the world. I wonder if that offends anyone?
If mother were still with us today, she'd say, "shoot a monkey." MM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Friends and Church Family -
In case any of you are interested, we have our podcast working again at the Trinity Baptist website, tbctrinity.org. I had a great idea for the name of our podcast but it was voted down by the rest of the staff. Here's my suggestion: TriPod...Tri for Trinity and Pod for Podcast. Tripod. They laughed at me.
In two weeks we will be voting at Trinity Baptist to bring on staff Richie and Holly Thompson. If approved, they will serve as our Student and Children's Ministers. I believe some great days are ahead for our church. Pray that all goes well in the coming days.
By the way, these are great days as well. I talk alot about great days ahead, but these days are not so bad. Think about how blessed we are. In spite of the economy and a stimulus package that's not very stimulating, these are good days.
I begin revival this coming Sunday night-Wednesday night at the Fairview Church Of God. For all my Baptist brethren....I'm not jumping ship. You should visit this church sometime. No denominational label really fits. It is simply a good church with a real passion for making a difference in people's lives. Located just outside Harstelle.
Wow. God is good. I'll talk to you again next week. Michael
Michael Mason Ministries:
February 22-25 PM only - Fairview Church of God, Hartselle. Al.
March 8 PM - Walker Associational Evangelism Conference, Jasper, Al.
March 30-Apr. 1st - New Center Baptist, Moulton, Al.
April 3-4 - First Baptist Bay Miniette, Al. Weekend Marriage Retreat
In case any of you are interested, we have our podcast working again at the Trinity Baptist website, tbctrinity.org. I had a great idea for the name of our podcast but it was voted down by the rest of the staff. Here's my suggestion: TriPod...Tri for Trinity and Pod for Podcast. Tripod. They laughed at me.
In two weeks we will be voting at Trinity Baptist to bring on staff Richie and Holly Thompson. If approved, they will serve as our Student and Children's Ministers. I believe some great days are ahead for our church. Pray that all goes well in the coming days.
By the way, these are great days as well. I talk alot about great days ahead, but these days are not so bad. Think about how blessed we are. In spite of the economy and a stimulus package that's not very stimulating, these are good days.
I begin revival this coming Sunday night-Wednesday night at the Fairview Church Of God. For all my Baptist brethren....I'm not jumping ship. You should visit this church sometime. No denominational label really fits. It is simply a good church with a real passion for making a difference in people's lives. Located just outside Harstelle.
Wow. God is good. I'll talk to you again next week. Michael
Michael Mason Ministries:
February 22-25 PM only - Fairview Church of God, Hartselle. Al.
March 8 PM - Walker Associational Evangelism Conference, Jasper, Al.
March 30-Apr. 1st - New Center Baptist, Moulton, Al.
April 3-4 - First Baptist Bay Miniette, Al. Weekend Marriage Retreat
Monday, February 9, 2009
I'm a Blogger

I'm a blogger. I feel kind of funny even saying that. I've heard of pastors who've been fired from their churchs for doing things that didn't sound near as bad as "blogging." It's kind of like the first time I heard a friend say he had "googled" someone. I wasn't sure what that meant at the time....All I knew was that it sounded wrong. But since then, I must admit, I have googled more people than I can count. So, I am a blogger and a googler. What's this world coming to?
Life as a pastor is new every day. New challenges, new opportunities. Honestly, I am glad to be right in the middle of it all. I have been the pastor of Trinity Baptist in Trinity, Alabama for a whole 13 months. To tell you the truth, the past few months have been a blur. But life is good and all is well.
We are in the midst of a wonderful month at Trinity Baptist. On February 1st, we had my hero in the ministry, Junior Hill, to preach for us. What a great day we had. There were four people saved, three rededications, and ten came for baptism. On Sunday the 8th I baptized many of those who responded to God's word. On that Sunday we had 698 in worship. That's a crowd for us. God is doing great and mighty works in our church.
In my personal life, my daughter and son keep us all busy. Alyssa is a 14 year old with more energy than any one person ought to have. Garrett is 10 and is a Guitar Hero professional. They make life worth living. Crystal is a busy lady as well. This year we will celebrate 20 years of marriage. She teaches computer at Danville Neel Elementary, plays keyboard and helps direct the Children's Choir at church.
Thanks for dropping in. I'll update next week. Michael
This blog is a space for me to post news and information...a place where I can advertise other preaching engagements which God brings my way. Below are opportunities I have coming up in the next few weeks:
Michael Mason Ministries, Inc.
February 11 - FCA at West Morgan High School in Trinity, Al.
February 22-25(pm) Fairview Church of God in Hartselle, Al.
March 8 (pm) Walker Associational Evangelism Conference, Jasper, Al.
March 30-Apr 1st New Center Baptist, Trinity, Al.
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