Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I guess I rode a thousand miles on my bike every summer when I was a boy. I had no motorcycle...four-wheelers were yet to be I rode my bike. Everywhere.

I lived just off Antioch Road in Somerville, Alabama. About a mile south of Center Springs Methodist Church was Route 1 Box 177. That was my address. Just a quarter of a mile from my house was an amazing hill. With enough speed at the top of the hill, on my bike, I could coast what seemed to be forever. Coasting...what a wonderful feeling. Pedal hard for a while, then top the hill and enjoy the ride. Wind in my face, blue skies, sunshine. I was brave enough back then to stand up on the way down with my hands in the air.

Coasting in the Christian life is much the same. How many folks do you know who are coasting? They're saved, going to Heaven, but they've stopped peddling? They're still on the bike...still making a little progress...but they're coasting. The sad thing about coasting is at some point...if you don't start peddling'll simply stop. I know some Christians like that. They've stopped. Stopped reading their Bible...stopped praying...stopped going to church. They must have been coasting.

Most days, at some point, I am tempted to coast. I think I deserve a break. I think about how hard I've worked. I think I deserve some kind of recognition for all the hills I've climbed already. Sometimes I just want to throw my hands in the air and coast.

But I can't. I've got to keep peddling as a believer for the same reason I had to keep peddling as a boy on my bike. There's always another hill to climb.

At the end of Antioch Road, you could take a left and be at Lester Whitten's store in just a minute. That's where I wanted to be. He had everything a boy could want. Ice cream, cokes, candy...the good stuff. But before I could get to the end of Antioch Road, there was another hill to climb. If you want to get where you hope to be, you'll have to climb a few hills.

As a believer, I can't coast. I know where I want to be. I want to finish well. I want to be pleasing to the Heavenly Father. If I want to end well...I simply cannot coast. There's always another valley to cross and another hill to climb.

Don't coast. Keep peddling. Enjoy the ride. MM

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