Monday, March 30, 2015

When Your It Takes A Hit

Luke 22:31-32 

Ever met anyone who had “It?”  They had it together.  They had it going on.  They had it all it seems.  …Those people who have “It” sometimes intimidate those who don’t.

I’m not suggesting it’s a sin to have “It.”  Some of the best people I’ve known have had “It.”  They were blessed with a great family, the ability to make good business decisions, talent, charisma, skills, …etc.  They were blessed and gave God the glory for all of “It.” 

Peter was such a man.  He had “It.” He was a disciple of Jesus.  He was an eyewitness to the miracles of raising the dead, healing the lepers, restoring sight, casting out demons, and all that Jesus did.  He was even on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus.  Wow.  No doubt, he had “It.”  For a guy that was once a common fisherman, to become a follower of Jesus and be a witness to all He did, Peter was certainly blessed. 

Jesus told Peter he would be sifted like wheat.  And, for a number of reasons that most of us won’t ever understand, God allowed it.  God didn’t prevent the sifting.  Evidently, sifting is necessary if you’re going to be used by God such as Peter was.  Think about that the next time you’re praying for God’s favor and blessing.  To know God’s favor may mean He will allow you to be sifted.
Jesus predicted the sifting.
He permitted the sifting.
He prayed for Peter during the sifting.

If you’re like Peter and you have “it”…here are some sobering reminders…
  1. Your “It” can take a Hit.
  2. Satan will take a Shot at what you’ve Got.
  3. Satan desires to Destroy the things you Enjoy.

Peter preached on the Day of Pentecost…wrote two books of the Bible…and was a faithful witness for Christ till death.  I doubt God could have used him for such great things without the sifting.

But there is good news if you’re in the sifter.  As an old preacher once said, “The devil may turn up the heat but God controls the thermostat.”  Amen.  That’s good to know when your “It” is taking a Hit.  M

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


James 4:14-15…Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. Instead, you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that."

I blinked and I missed it.  That’s how quickly it happened.  I was sitting at a busy intersection a few days ago and almost witnessed the impact of an SUV colliding with a small sports car.  I looked in the direction of the crash saw it happening, blinked, and it had happened.  I watched as the sports car slid across the highway while flipped on its side. It was slow motion as I watched…but it happened in a blink.

It only takes a split second to blink…but sometimes it seems our life is passing as quickly as a blink.  It seems like only yesterday I was at the hospital holding Alyssa just minutes after she was born…and then Garrett when he came along.  Today they’re 20 and 16.  Older friends of mine tell me it gets worse.  “Blink,” they say, “And you’ll be as old as I am.” Where did the time go?  I remember like it was yesterday sitting in the swing with my grandfather while he whittled.  Seems like yesterday I was a sixteen year old kid sitting at the supper table with Mother and Daddy.  Seems like yesterday I pulled an engagement ring out of my boot and asked Crystal if she’d marry me. 

If this thing plays out like I think it will, I am going to blink and be older than I can imagine.  I will blink and open my eyes to gray hair, grand kids and a golden anniversary.  I need to make sure I make today count because I’m not guaranteed another day.  My life is a vapor. 

I think I’ll go for a walk and enjoy the sunshine.  Think I’ll eat a few Reeses minis.  Think I’ll listen to some Allison Krauss bluegrass.  Think I’ll watch a little Andy Griffith.  Think I’ll listen to some old Jerry Clower stories.  Think I’ll call my dad…tell my family I love them…thank God for my blessings…and enjoy this day.  Lord willing, I will see another day.  But if not I’ll make the most of this one.  Because the truth is, it could all end in the blink of an eye.  M

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Murky Waters

Proverbs 25:26 
A righteous man who falters before the wicked Is like a murky spring and a polluted well.

Can you imagine drinking from a murky spring or a polluted well?  No, most of us can’t.  But too many of us are drinking from the well of the wicked.  And, over time we’ve gotten used to the taste.  

It happens subtly.  It begins with a weakness…we become spiritually weak.  We casually neglect the Bible, prayer, church, advice of Christian friends, etc.  But the weakness becomes worldliness…we stop believing the Bible, stop praying, quit church, and make new friends who couldn’t care less about Christ.  Worldliness means what it says, we become worldly – thinking and acting like those who don’t know Jesus.  Finally, worldliness becomes wickedness…wicked thoughts and words and lifestyle.  At this point we become stagnant and murky. At this point all that matters is what “I want” and what “I need.”  Family and friends for years past are put on the shelf – Convictions and beliefs from days gone by are nothing but a memory – the future is bright, or so it seems.

When we become a murky springs or polluted wells – we can’t see clearly.  Our vision is blurred.  Our heart is hardened.  Our feelings are numbed.
Only God can clean the well. Only God can make pure the spring. 

Friend, I beg you today, if you’ve become a murky spring or a polluted well, turn back to God. 

Believe God.  Cry out to God.  His grace is sufficient.   M

Monday, March 16, 2015


Ephesians 3:19 “…to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”

That’s what I need.  It’s what I desire even though I’m not completely sure all that it means.  I want to be filled with all the fullness of God.  I want to know Him, walk with Him, talk with Him, fellowship with Him, experience Him in all aspects of my life.  That may a dangerous prayer.  Job was filled with all the fullness of God it seems…but only after he was emptied, depleted, and left with almost nothing. 

Several years ago while coming home from a revival meeting, on a dark highway, in the middle of nowhere…we ran out of gas.  Yep…dummy me forgot to fill up before we left the great state of Mississippi, and now we were about five miles outside of Double Springs, Alabama running on empty.  I said to Crystal, “We’re going to run out of gas…”  She said, “You’ve got to be kidding…”  I wasn’t.  We were able to pull into a church parking lot as we sputtered to a stop.  We called 911 and told them our predicament.  Within a few minutes a Double Springs policeman and a local farmer pulled up with a five-gallon can of gas.  We were told we didn’t owe them anything… “just drive into town pay for the gas when you fill up.”  That’s what we did. 

In a matter of minutes the fuel tank on our Dodge Grand Caravan was filled to fullness.  Me, Crystal, Alyssa, and Garrett were safely on our way home with a full tank of gas and bag of chicken fingers from the BP.  And three jalapeno shrimp that wish I could forget. 

Empty….Filled.  Filled to fullness.  What does that mean for believers?  I’m not sure. But it certainly has something to do with experiencing His grace, walking in His Spirit, and trusting in His provision.  If you’re empty or running a little low, why not pray this prayer with me…  “Dear God, I’m struggling today.  I need your touch.  I need your grace.  Lord, fill my mind with your thoughts.  Fill my mouth with your words.  Fill my heart with your love.  Fill my eyes with your beauty.  Fill my ears with your truth.  Fill me with your Spirit.  May I be filled with all the fullness of God.  In Jesus name, Amen.”  M

Monday, March 9, 2015

Enoch Walked With God

Genesis 5:24

What a simple verse.  A simple thought.  No fireworks.  No anthems played.  No fanfare.  Enoch walked with God.  Verse 23 says he walked with God three hundred years.  It’s easy to read those verses in a hurry and miss something huge.  

God didn’t walk with Enoch… Enoch walked with God.

There is a difference.  If I want to be right with God I must get in step with Him.  As we learned years ago through the study Experiencing God, we must find out what God is doing and be a part of it.  In the case of Enoch, find out where God is walking and walk with Him. 

The problem today is we want God to walk with us.  We want Him to agree with us.  We want Him to bless us.  We want God to walk with us even if it means He must change directions.  Even if it goes against His will.  Even if it violates His word. 

Don’t try to get God to walk with you.  Walk with Him.  Do whatever it takes to walk with Him.  Make whatever changes are necessary for you to walk with Him. You may have to stop and turn around.  It may mean a change of pace.  Don’t try to walk ahead of Him – Walk with Him.  Today.

Enoch walked with God.

“Dear Lord, I don’t know what all this means, but I know I want to walk with you.  Show me.  Teach me.  Guide me.  Lead me.  Help me….that I may walk with you today.”