Tuesday, March 24, 2015


James 4:14-15…Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. Instead, you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that."

I blinked and I missed it.  That’s how quickly it happened.  I was sitting at a busy intersection a few days ago and almost witnessed the impact of an SUV colliding with a small sports car.  I looked in the direction of the crash saw it happening, blinked, and it had happened.  I watched as the sports car slid across the highway while flipped on its side. It was slow motion as I watched…but it happened in a blink.

It only takes a split second to blink…but sometimes it seems our life is passing as quickly as a blink.  It seems like only yesterday I was at the hospital holding Alyssa just minutes after she was born…and then Garrett when he came along.  Today they’re 20 and 16.  Older friends of mine tell me it gets worse.  “Blink,” they say, “And you’ll be as old as I am.” Where did the time go?  I remember like it was yesterday sitting in the swing with my grandfather while he whittled.  Seems like yesterday I was a sixteen year old kid sitting at the supper table with Mother and Daddy.  Seems like yesterday I pulled an engagement ring out of my boot and asked Crystal if she’d marry me. 

If this thing plays out like I think it will, I am going to blink and be older than I can imagine.  I will blink and open my eyes to gray hair, grand kids and a golden anniversary.  I need to make sure I make today count because I’m not guaranteed another day.  My life is a vapor. 

I think I’ll go for a walk and enjoy the sunshine.  Think I’ll eat a few Reeses minis.  Think I’ll listen to some Allison Krauss bluegrass.  Think I’ll watch a little Andy Griffith.  Think I’ll listen to some old Jerry Clower stories.  Think I’ll call my dad…tell my family I love them…thank God for my blessings…and enjoy this day.  Lord willing, I will see another day.  But if not I’ll make the most of this one.  Because the truth is, it could all end in the blink of an eye.  M

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