Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Michael and Dawn July 2021 Newsletter


July and August are unusually busy and blessed months.  When I think back to a year ago and the anxiety of an empty preaching calendar…I am indeed grateful to be preaching each week.  Thank you for your support through prayer, finances, and encouragement. 

My newest book, Faithful, is available for purchase on my website as well as Amazon.  Also, I have music available on Pandora, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and most other music outlets.  Search for Michael Mason: Dawned On Me.  A hard copy CD can be purchased through my website also.  I have submitted, to my publisher, a re-write of a book I wrote several years ago, One Hope.  I am expecting it to be printed this month.  

This month I’m including an excerpt from my message, A Convenient Season - Acts 24:24-25.  Charles Templeton was once a great preacher.  He was known far and wide for his ability to communicate the Gospel.  He was also friends with Billy Graham before Graham was a household name.  But Templeton began to struggle with unbelief.  He eventually turned away from Christ claiming agnosticism.  Agnostics are not atheists believing there is no God. They simply believe one cannot know if there is a God.  When interviewed by Lee Strobel for A Case For Christ, Templeton was asked how he felt about Jesus.  At the time of the interview Templeton was already in his 80s.  He wept as he talked of how he admired Christ.  He then abruptly ended the interview by holding up his hand and saying, “enough of that.” In Acts 24, Felix, like Charles Templeton, said “enough of this.“  Felix wanted Convenience.  What he got was Conviction.  He turned down the offer good for eternity and chose instead to live for the moment.  Felix ended the sermon, not with an Amen but with a Not Now. What a sad story with a sad ending.  But the good news is clear, God has made a way for those who are looking for a way. He has given the opportunity to anyone will call on His name.  -Romans 10:13

….If you’d like to have me or Dawn speak at your church… We’re available for Revivals, Conferences, Retreats, and Special Events. 

Michael’s Preaching Schedule

July 7 Florence 1st Assembly, Florence, Al. 

11-14 Pine Ridge Bap, Union Grove, Al.

18-21 New Life Church, Falkville, Al.

25-28 Family Baptist, Trinity, Al.

31 Revival Night, HS Auditorium, Falkville, Al. 

August 1-4 Liberty Baptist, Crossville, Al.

8-11 Lebanon Baptist, Hartselle, Al.

15-18 Oak Bowery Baptist, Ohatchee, Al.

22-25 Serenity Baptist, Somerville, Al.

27-29 Taylorville Baptist, Tuscaloosa, Al.

30 ALSBOM Evangelism/Encouragement night, Carrollton Baptist, Carrollton, Al. 

Dawn's Speaking Schedule

August 27-28 Taylorville Baptist, Tuscaloosa, Al.

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