I'm a blogger. I feel kind of funny even saying that. I've heard of pastors who've been fired from their churchs for doing things that didn't sound near as bad as "blogging." It's kind of like the first time I heard a friend say he had "googled" someone. I wasn't sure what that meant at the time....All I knew was that it sounded wrong. But since then, I must admit, I have googled more people than I can count. So, I am a blogger and a googler. What's this world coming to?
Life as a pastor is new every day. New challenges, new opportunities. Honestly, I am glad to be right in the middle of it all. I have been the pastor of Trinity Baptist in Trinity, Alabama for a whole 13 months. To tell you the truth, the past few months have been a blur. But life is good and all is well.
We are in the midst of a wonderful month at Trinity Baptist. On February 1st, we had my hero in the ministry, Junior Hill, to preach for us. What a great day we had. There were four people saved, three rededications, and ten came for baptism. On Sunday the 8th I baptized many of those who responded to God's word. On that Sunday we had 698 in worship. That's a crowd for us. God is doing great and mighty works in our church.
In my personal life, my daughter and son keep us all busy. Alyssa is a 14 year old with more energy than any one person ought to have. Garrett is 10 and is a Guitar Hero professional. They make life worth living. Crystal is a busy lady as well. This year we will celebrate 20 years of marriage. She teaches computer at Danville Neel Elementary, plays keyboard and helps direct the Children's Choir at church.
Thanks for dropping in. I'll update next week. Michael
This blog is a space for me to post news and information...a place where I can advertise other preaching engagements which God brings my way. Below are opportunities I have coming up in the next few weeks:
Michael Mason Ministries, Inc.
February 11 - FCA at West Morgan High School in Trinity, Al.
February 22-25(pm) Fairview Church of God in Hartselle, Al.
March 8 (pm) Walker Associational Evangelism Conference, Jasper, Al.
March 30-Apr 1st New Center Baptist, Trinity, Al.
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