Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Pastors...If you are interested, I am available to come to your church and lead a "couples night" or a "marriage weekend"... I wrote "TRUE" last year to encourage married couples to be "true" to their vows...and to help guide young couples who are contemplating marriage.
I would welcome the opportunity to come lead your conference or retreat. Email me at michael-mason@charter.net. Or call me at home 256-350-0797. Thank you.
Jesus Loved the Little Children
Mark 9:42
Jesus loved the little children. All the little children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they were all precious sin His sight. And, he had a few harsh words for those who would mistreat them or cause them to sin. It would have been better if they had never been born.
Do you remember the first time you held your child? I do. She was the answer to my prayers. Blond hair and blue eyes and she was a girl. Just what I wanted. I was holding her within five minutes after she was born and I really believed she recognized me as we gazed into each other’s eyes. That moment is frozen in time in my mind. I have only a few days that stand out in my memory as extremely wonderful... Days like when my children were born and I held them for the first time...and the day I married Crystal...and, of course, the day I was saved.
Alyssa changed my life. After Alyssa, I became a fan of people like Dora the Explorer, Sponge Bob, Barney, BJ, and Baby Bop. Toys on the floor were a beautiful sight...and that cumbersome stroller/carseat wasn’t such a hassle after all. I fell in love with a little girl. So, I know what Jesus meant when He talked about tying a millstone around the neck of someone who mistreated a child. I’d be tempted to do the same if someone hurt Alyssa.
Same goes for Garrett. I don’t remember praying for brown eyes and curley hair, but I did want a boy. And, did I ever get one. Every bone in his body is 100%boy. He likes atv’s, skateboards, guitars, basketball, and anything playstation. If there's a motor on it he wants to drive it. He's the curley-haired monster and I can't imagine life without him. Neither can I imagine what I’d feel if someone were to hurt him or “make him sin.”
Jesus was the very first Children’s Minister. Listen to what He said. He said it would “be better” if a millstone were tied around the neck of someone who hurts children, and they were cast in the sea.
What? Did you hear that? He said, "It would be better...?" My question is, "What could be worse?" In other words, the best thing that could ever happen to a child abuser is to have a close encounter with a millstone. Jesus made it clear. Don’t hurt a child. Don’t do anything to cause a child to sin. Evidently, it’s a big deal.
Jesus loves the little children of the world. They are precious in His sight.
Jesus loved the little children. All the little children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they were all precious sin His sight. And, he had a few harsh words for those who would mistreat them or cause them to sin. It would have been better if they had never been born.
Do you remember the first time you held your child? I do. She was the answer to my prayers. Blond hair and blue eyes and she was a girl. Just what I wanted. I was holding her within five minutes after she was born and I really believed she recognized me as we gazed into each other’s eyes. That moment is frozen in time in my mind. I have only a few days that stand out in my memory as extremely wonderful... Days like when my children were born and I held them for the first time...and the day I married Crystal...and, of course, the day I was saved.
Alyssa changed my life. After Alyssa, I became a fan of people like Dora the Explorer, Sponge Bob, Barney, BJ, and Baby Bop. Toys on the floor were a beautiful sight...and that cumbersome stroller/carseat wasn’t such a hassle after all. I fell in love with a little girl. So, I know what Jesus meant when He talked about tying a millstone around the neck of someone who mistreated a child. I’d be tempted to do the same if someone hurt Alyssa.
Same goes for Garrett. I don’t remember praying for brown eyes and curley hair, but I did want a boy. And, did I ever get one. Every bone in his body is 100%boy. He likes atv’s, skateboards, guitars, basketball, and anything playstation. If there's a motor on it he wants to drive it. He's the curley-haired monster and I can't imagine life without him. Neither can I imagine what I’d feel if someone were to hurt him or “make him sin.”
Jesus was the very first Children’s Minister. Listen to what He said. He said it would “be better” if a millstone were tied around the neck of someone who hurts children, and they were cast in the sea.
What? Did you hear that? He said, "It would be better...?" My question is, "What could be worse?" In other words, the best thing that could ever happen to a child abuser is to have a close encounter with a millstone. Jesus made it clear. Don’t hurt a child. Don’t do anything to cause a child to sin. Evidently, it’s a big deal.
Jesus loves the little children of the world. They are precious in His sight.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas Presents
One of the best stories within the Christmas account is that of the Wise Men. In Matthew 2:7-12 they came to Jerusalem after following a great star, to see Jesus. They were met by Herod who sent them to Bethlehem to search for the child. They were to find the child and then bring word back to Herod as to his whereabouts. God spoke and redirected them away from Herod. The Wise Men brought Gold which represented His purity... Frankincense which illustrates the sweet fragrance of His life which pleased His Father...and Myrrh which was a prediction of his death (used for embalming.) All of these show that the Wise men gave their best. These are the gifts they brought to Christ...But the greatest gifts were given to us by God.
Love – John 3:16 “God so loved the world...” We were all sinners bound by pride and greed. But God sent Jesus to do for us what we could never do on our own. He sent Jesus to save us...God did that because He loved us. One of the greatest gifts God ever gave was the gift of loving those of us who are unlovable. God so loved sinners.... How many sermons have we heard and songs have we sang about the love of God? Among the hundreds and maybe even thousands, we still have trouble loving each other. God so loved us...but we’re have a hard time loving one another. Can we say we have truly been changed by His love and still harbor bitterness in our hearts?
You could give a gift this Christmas that would not cost you a dime. How’s that? Mend a quarrel with someone you’ve had a disagreement with. Stop being suspicious or jealous or critical of others. Tell someone, "I love you." Give something to someone--anonymously. Forgive someone who has treated you wrong. Turn away an angry attitude with a soft answer. Visit someone in a nursing home. Apologize if you’ve been wrong. Be especially kind to someone who may not deserve it.
Light – John 8:12 “I am the light of the world...” The wise men saw a star that lit up the sky. But God sent Jesus to light up the earth. And now whoever follows Him will not walk in darkness. When baby Jesus was lying in a trough, most could have never imagined the power over darkness, doom, dread, and deception that baby would have. Mary and Joseph could have never imagined the power and the change He would bring.
John 1:9 says He is “the true light.” Evidently there others who claimed to be the Light, the Messiah, the Savior. But the Bible is clear, there is only one Light. The darkness he speaks of is sin...evil...ignorance.
People walk in darkness because they choose sin over salvation. When Jesus sheds His light on the power sin has over you, it’s His way of loving you and opening the door that leads out of darkness into light.
People walk in darkness because they become captives rather than believing Christ. Evil is everywhere, from the streets of New Orleans to the streets of Trinity. Whether it’s a crack house in Atlanta or a Meth lab in Decatur. Whether it is a shooting in New York or abuse in the house next door. Evil knows no boundaries. Evil will attack any home, any family, any community. And when it does, people become captives. What about you? Are you bound as a captive...or are you believing Christ?
People walk in darkness because they ignore the obvious while embracing the options. Options that mock the cross and ridicule the sinless life of Christ. Jesus never said He was one of many ways. He said He was the only way. The Gnostics of His day are alive and well in our day. Their attempt to explain, comprehend, and fully describe are what many are looking for. Jesus doesn’t fit into that theology. He is unexplainable. He is incomprehendable. He is in describable.
Life – John 6:51 “...for the life of the world...” Jesus is the Bread of Life which he gives for the life of the world. In other words, He gives Himself for the salvation of the world. What a thought! What is it that feeds us? Jesus longs to feed us with Himself...The Living Bread. The Bread that gives eternal life.
When I eat this bread I am filled. The prodigal son came home empty. He had his fill of all the far country had to offer and came back to His father wanting some home-cooking. Jesus fills our life.
When I eat this bread I am freed. Jesus came to make captives free. We don’t talk about that much because none of us likes to admit we are captive to anything. But we are. And receiving Jesus makes us free.
When I eat this bread I am forgiven. Before I can be forgiven I must admit my guilt. Receiving Jesus only happens as I recognize and admit my guilt. I am a guilty sinner and I need an innocent Savior. He Forgives me.
I am thankful for the gift of love in a world filled with hate. I am thankful for light in a world so full of darkness. I am grateful for life in a world full of death. But most of all I am thankful for the greatest gift ever...the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Greatest Gift is Jesus.
Love – John 3:16 “God so loved the world...” We were all sinners bound by pride and greed. But God sent Jesus to do for us what we could never do on our own. He sent Jesus to save us...God did that because He loved us. One of the greatest gifts God ever gave was the gift of loving those of us who are unlovable. God so loved sinners.... How many sermons have we heard and songs have we sang about the love of God? Among the hundreds and maybe even thousands, we still have trouble loving each other. God so loved us...but we’re have a hard time loving one another. Can we say we have truly been changed by His love and still harbor bitterness in our hearts?
You could give a gift this Christmas that would not cost you a dime. How’s that? Mend a quarrel with someone you’ve had a disagreement with. Stop being suspicious or jealous or critical of others. Tell someone, "I love you." Give something to someone--anonymously. Forgive someone who has treated you wrong. Turn away an angry attitude with a soft answer. Visit someone in a nursing home. Apologize if you’ve been wrong. Be especially kind to someone who may not deserve it.
Light – John 8:12 “I am the light of the world...” The wise men saw a star that lit up the sky. But God sent Jesus to light up the earth. And now whoever follows Him will not walk in darkness. When baby Jesus was lying in a trough, most could have never imagined the power over darkness, doom, dread, and deception that baby would have. Mary and Joseph could have never imagined the power and the change He would bring.
John 1:9 says He is “the true light.” Evidently there others who claimed to be the Light, the Messiah, the Savior. But the Bible is clear, there is only one Light. The darkness he speaks of is sin...evil...ignorance.
People walk in darkness because they choose sin over salvation. When Jesus sheds His light on the power sin has over you, it’s His way of loving you and opening the door that leads out of darkness into light.
People walk in darkness because they become captives rather than believing Christ. Evil is everywhere, from the streets of New Orleans to the streets of Trinity. Whether it’s a crack house in Atlanta or a Meth lab in Decatur. Whether it is a shooting in New York or abuse in the house next door. Evil knows no boundaries. Evil will attack any home, any family, any community. And when it does, people become captives. What about you? Are you bound as a captive...or are you believing Christ?
People walk in darkness because they ignore the obvious while embracing the options. Options that mock the cross and ridicule the sinless life of Christ. Jesus never said He was one of many ways. He said He was the only way. The Gnostics of His day are alive and well in our day. Their attempt to explain, comprehend, and fully describe are what many are looking for. Jesus doesn’t fit into that theology. He is unexplainable. He is incomprehendable. He is in describable.
Life – John 6:51 “...for the life of the world...” Jesus is the Bread of Life which he gives for the life of the world. In other words, He gives Himself for the salvation of the world. What a thought! What is it that feeds us? Jesus longs to feed us with Himself...The Living Bread. The Bread that gives eternal life.
When I eat this bread I am filled. The prodigal son came home empty. He had his fill of all the far country had to offer and came back to His father wanting some home-cooking. Jesus fills our life.
When I eat this bread I am freed. Jesus came to make captives free. We don’t talk about that much because none of us likes to admit we are captive to anything. But we are. And receiving Jesus makes us free.
When I eat this bread I am forgiven. Before I can be forgiven I must admit my guilt. Receiving Jesus only happens as I recognize and admit my guilt. I am a guilty sinner and I need an innocent Savior. He Forgives me.
I am thankful for the gift of love in a world filled with hate. I am thankful for light in a world so full of darkness. I am grateful for life in a world full of death. But most of all I am thankful for the greatest gift ever...the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Greatest Gift is Jesus.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Crazy Christmas
Has Christmas gone Crazy or what? Yes...Everything from Alabama and Auburn Santas to TV Christmas Specials that aren’t all that special brought to by folks like Toby Keith and Mariah Carey. Everything from Maxwell House Coffee to Armor All is being sold in a Christmas package. We have Christmas everything... Christmas lights, Christmas trees, Christmas sales, Christmas vacations, Christmas parties, Christmas cookies, Christmas shoes, Christmas music, Christmas movies, Christmas recitals, Christmas hams and turkeys, Christmas hats, Christmas parades, Christmas puppies, Christmas cards, Christmas recipes, Christmas carols, Christmas plays, Christmas concerts, Christmas lights, Christmas decorations...and the list goes on and on.
Christmas has gone crazy. I thought about it the other day as I was listening to what the radio announcer described as Christmas music. It made me go back and look up the Top 5 Christmas songs of 2010:
1- Twelve Days of Christmas
2- Frosty the Snowman
3- The Christmas Song
4- White Christmas
5- I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus ...But then I thought, surely this list is wrong because they’ve left out what has become a Christmas Classic, “I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas.” Written in 1950, let me share with you some of the inspirational lyrics...“I want a hippopotamus for Christmas....Only a hippopotamus will do.... No crocodiles or rhinoceroses....I only like hippopotamuses and hippopotamuses like me too!” Wow...that's right up there with "O Come All Ye faithful" wouldn't you agree?
What can we do? Can we save Christmas from the clutches of retailers and performers and weird songs about hippopotamuses? Can we get back to a simpler time when Christmas was less commercial and more family? Get ready...cause someone will label you a grinch or a scrooge...but are you willing to take a stand?
#1 Just Say No...
“No. I am not singing that song about the hippo.” “No. I am not going to the 15th party of the month.” “No. I am not wearing that silly looking sweater.” “No. I am not going back to Wal-Mart to get dad a bag of peppermints nor am I going back to Bath and Body to get mom another quart of Sweet Pea lotion. “No. I am not getting in the car to fight this traffic at this time of the day.” No. I am not watching the Toby Keith Christmas special.” No. I am not buying our dog an Izod sweater for Christmas. Just say “No.”
#2 Bring new meaning to the word “Wii”...
As in, “Wii are staying home tonight and watching “White Christmas” with Bing Crosby.” As in, “Wii are staying at home tomorrow night and watching “It’s a Wonderful Life” with Jimmy Stewart.” As in, “Wii are going to spend less money on each other and more time with each other.” As in, “Wii are going to listen to Elvis sing Christmas songs back before he wore jumpsuits.” As in, “Wii are going to church together as a family.” As in, “Wii are going to spend Christmas Day together enjoying each other.” As in, “Wii are going to read the Christmas Story on Christmas Eve.” As in, “Wii are going to count our blessings instead of counting our gifts.”
So what will we do? Will we go crazy like Christmas? Or could we do something really crazy... Like loving each other...loving our parents and grandparents and children and grandchildren. Like giving a gift to some who doesn’t expect it or think they deserve it? Like believing God and believing He so loved the world that He sent Jesus to die for our sins. That’d be really crazy. But it’s the right thing to do.
Crazy Christmas? Yes... Be a crazy Christian loving God with a crazy love and cherishing time with family with a crazy sense of urgency. May God bless us with a really crazy Christmas. MM
Christmas has gone crazy. I thought about it the other day as I was listening to what the radio announcer described as Christmas music. It made me go back and look up the Top 5 Christmas songs of 2010:
1- Twelve Days of Christmas
2- Frosty the Snowman
3- The Christmas Song
4- White Christmas
5- I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus ...But then I thought, surely this list is wrong because they’ve left out what has become a Christmas Classic, “I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas.” Written in 1950, let me share with you some of the inspirational lyrics...“I want a hippopotamus for Christmas....Only a hippopotamus will do.... No crocodiles or rhinoceroses....I only like hippopotamuses and hippopotamuses like me too!” Wow...that's right up there with "O Come All Ye faithful" wouldn't you agree?
What can we do? Can we save Christmas from the clutches of retailers and performers and weird songs about hippopotamuses? Can we get back to a simpler time when Christmas was less commercial and more family? Get ready...cause someone will label you a grinch or a scrooge...but are you willing to take a stand?
#1 Just Say No...
“No. I am not singing that song about the hippo.” “No. I am not going to the 15th party of the month.” “No. I am not wearing that silly looking sweater.” “No. I am not going back to Wal-Mart to get dad a bag of peppermints nor am I going back to Bath and Body to get mom another quart of Sweet Pea lotion. “No. I am not getting in the car to fight this traffic at this time of the day.” No. I am not watching the Toby Keith Christmas special.” No. I am not buying our dog an Izod sweater for Christmas. Just say “No.”
#2 Bring new meaning to the word “Wii”...
As in, “Wii are staying home tonight and watching “White Christmas” with Bing Crosby.” As in, “Wii are staying at home tomorrow night and watching “It’s a Wonderful Life” with Jimmy Stewart.” As in, “Wii are going to spend less money on each other and more time with each other.” As in, “Wii are going to listen to Elvis sing Christmas songs back before he wore jumpsuits.” As in, “Wii are going to church together as a family.” As in, “Wii are going to spend Christmas Day together enjoying each other.” As in, “Wii are going to read the Christmas Story on Christmas Eve.” As in, “Wii are going to count our blessings instead of counting our gifts.”
So what will we do? Will we go crazy like Christmas? Or could we do something really crazy... Like loving each other...loving our parents and grandparents and children and grandchildren. Like giving a gift to some who doesn’t expect it or think they deserve it? Like believing God and believing He so loved the world that He sent Jesus to die for our sins. That’d be really crazy. But it’s the right thing to do.
Crazy Christmas? Yes... Be a crazy Christian loving God with a crazy love and cherishing time with family with a crazy sense of urgency. May God bless us with a really crazy Christmas. MM
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
2010 Fall Preaching Dates
Michael Mason Preaching Schedule
October 18-22 Guatemala Pastor's Conference, Chimaltanengo, Guatemala
October 26 First Baptist Addison, Al.
November 6 Fairview Church of God, Hartselle, Al. (TRUE Conf)
November 7-10 First Baptist, Winchester, Tn.
December 5-8 Friendship Baptist, Grand bay, Al. (p.m. only)
If you don't have a copy of my latest book, "TRUE" I would be happy to drop you one in the mail. The book addresses being true to God, yourself, and the person you married. Cost is $15 which includes shipping.
Michael Mason is available for revival services, harvest nights, conferences, retreats, and a limited number of revival meetings. Contact at michael-mason@charter.net. Thanks.
October 18-22 Guatemala Pastor's Conference, Chimaltanengo, Guatemala
October 26 First Baptist Addison, Al.
November 6 Fairview Church of God, Hartselle, Al. (TRUE Conf)
November 7-10 First Baptist, Winchester, Tn.
December 5-8 Friendship Baptist, Grand bay, Al. (p.m. only)
If you don't have a copy of my latest book, "TRUE" I would be happy to drop you one in the mail. The book addresses being true to God, yourself, and the person you married. Cost is $15 which includes shipping.
Michael Mason is available for revival services, harvest nights, conferences, retreats, and a limited number of revival meetings. Contact at michael-mason@charter.net. Thanks.
The Worst Thing
John 8:21-25
The Worst Thing: Salvation is a matter of life or death. People who live in their sins and reject the Savior will die in their sins. There is no alternative. We either receive salvation by grace or experience condemnation. Jesus said in John 3:18, “you are condemned already because you have not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” We either walk in the light and have eternal life, or walk in the darkness and experience eternal death.
The absolute worst thing that could ever happen to you is to die unsaved. Hell is just as real as Heaven. Maybe you were dedicated to God as a child…but that is not your salvation. Maybe you were raised in church…but that is not your salvation. Maybe you are a wonderful person…but that is not your salvation.
The worst thing is: To die in your sin…To die without a Savior.
The Greatest Tragedy: I have to believe the greatest tragedy is to live and die knowing how to be saved and why…but dieing unsaved. In Acts 26:27-29 Agrippa was, “Almost persuaded.” He heard the truth from the greatest preacher in the history of the world. He understood. He felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit. He knew the scriptures. He believed. Paul said, “I know that you believe.”
I wonder, on any given Sunday morning, just how many people are feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit. I think about how folks are hearing from God and then rejecting him. I think as I preach about boys and girls and moms and dads who hear and feel the call of God – and do nothing. And I wonder what more could I do –what more could I say.
The greatest tragedy is: To live and die…almost persuaded, almost saved.
The Most Rejected Message: John 3:12-15 Its old, according to some…outdated, antiquated, irrelevant, narrow, harsh, and even untrue. It is the most simple yet most misunderstood message in history. Jesus died on a cross to save sinners. God demanded sacrifice for sins because of Adam and Eve’s fall in Eden. Then God so loved the world he sent Jesus to put an end to sacrifice – that whosoever believes in him will never die.
It’s not Oprah-friendly. It’s not Muslim-sympathetic. It’s not sin-friendly. It’s not in the headlines or on the evening news. It’s not political although it has been used to rehab a dieing campaign. It is offensive. It is divisive. It is controversial. It is the truth.
The most rejected message is: The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
The Best Life: We hear it on TV, “You only go around once…” Some say things like, “It doesn’t get any better than this.” Some call it, “the sweet life.” Some even say they’re in “Heaven on earth.” But friend, know this... Forbidden Fruit will always leave a bad taste in your mouth. The best life isn’t found on a bar stool. You can’t find it in Tunica. You can’t find it in a secret relationship.
You won’t find it in being filthy rich. The best life is not found in divorce court. The best life isn’t found in a Muslim Mosque or in a Buddhist temple. The Best Life…can only be found in Jesus. Knowing wherever you go and whatever you do, he is your Lord and he is leading you.
The best life is: A life given to and lived for Jesus.
The worst thing a man will ever do is die in his sin.
The best thing he’ll ever do is trust Jesus to save him from his sin.
The Worst Thing: Salvation is a matter of life or death. People who live in their sins and reject the Savior will die in their sins. There is no alternative. We either receive salvation by grace or experience condemnation. Jesus said in John 3:18, “you are condemned already because you have not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” We either walk in the light and have eternal life, or walk in the darkness and experience eternal death.
The absolute worst thing that could ever happen to you is to die unsaved. Hell is just as real as Heaven. Maybe you were dedicated to God as a child…but that is not your salvation. Maybe you were raised in church…but that is not your salvation. Maybe you are a wonderful person…but that is not your salvation.
The worst thing is: To die in your sin…To die without a Savior.
The Greatest Tragedy: I have to believe the greatest tragedy is to live and die knowing how to be saved and why…but dieing unsaved. In Acts 26:27-29 Agrippa was, “Almost persuaded.” He heard the truth from the greatest preacher in the history of the world. He understood. He felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit. He knew the scriptures. He believed. Paul said, “I know that you believe.”
I wonder, on any given Sunday morning, just how many people are feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit. I think about how folks are hearing from God and then rejecting him. I think as I preach about boys and girls and moms and dads who hear and feel the call of God – and do nothing. And I wonder what more could I do –what more could I say.
The greatest tragedy is: To live and die…almost persuaded, almost saved.
The Most Rejected Message: John 3:12-15 Its old, according to some…outdated, antiquated, irrelevant, narrow, harsh, and even untrue. It is the most simple yet most misunderstood message in history. Jesus died on a cross to save sinners. God demanded sacrifice for sins because of Adam and Eve’s fall in Eden. Then God so loved the world he sent Jesus to put an end to sacrifice – that whosoever believes in him will never die.
It’s not Oprah-friendly. It’s not Muslim-sympathetic. It’s not sin-friendly. It’s not in the headlines or on the evening news. It’s not political although it has been used to rehab a dieing campaign. It is offensive. It is divisive. It is controversial. It is the truth.
The most rejected message is: The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
The Best Life: We hear it on TV, “You only go around once…” Some say things like, “It doesn’t get any better than this.” Some call it, “the sweet life.” Some even say they’re in “Heaven on earth.” But friend, know this... Forbidden Fruit will always leave a bad taste in your mouth. The best life isn’t found on a bar stool. You can’t find it in Tunica. You can’t find it in a secret relationship.
You won’t find it in being filthy rich. The best life is not found in divorce court. The best life isn’t found in a Muslim Mosque or in a Buddhist temple. The Best Life…can only be found in Jesus. Knowing wherever you go and whatever you do, he is your Lord and he is leading you.
The best life is: A life given to and lived for Jesus.
The worst thing a man will ever do is die in his sin.
The best thing he’ll ever do is trust Jesus to save him from his sin.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
That stands for Dads Against Daughters Dating. I am an official member. Even though I belong to such a group, my daughter has ignored her fathers wisdom and made the fatal decision to date anyway. Where did I go wrong? It was about three weeks ago that some good-for-nothing clean cut and well mannered excuse for a seventeen year old male showed up at my house driving some washed and polished and outdated Lexus expecting my daughter to get in with him and go putt-putting. My first question to her, "So he's a golfer?" Reminded me of some dude named Tiger. Immediately I didn't like him. Sure he's a Christian kid from a great family and he dresses nice and he don't drink, smoke, or meth around with drugs....and sure he called me sir and seemed to be kind to my daughter...but I don't want him coming back to my house to get my daughter ever again. Because, I am also a member of D.A.D.G.M. I am a Dad Against Daughters Getting Married. I know where all this putt-putting leads. Before you know it he'll have her out on the driving range and if things progress she'll be putting for par on the eighteenth green. I don't like where this dating thing is going. Putt-putting...If I had known she liked putt-putt I could have taken her.
On the same night my daughter went out on her first date with Tiger, my dad also went out on his first date. He's almost eighty years old and vowed he would never date again. Mother passed away about four years ago. He said he never wanted to be with another woman. He said, "Once you've had the best why would you settle for less?" Good question. Well, doggone it, he's lonely. He has spent the past four years eating alone, watching TV alone, going on early morning walks alone, doing everything alone. I guess he just got tired of being alone. So he took "Mona" to eat at the colonel's best, Kentucky Fried Chicken. Where will this lead? Today it's chicken...next week it could be prime rib. Will my dad fall in love again? I doubt it. He says he'll never marry, he just wants someone to talk to every now and then. I believe him. There's not a man on earth I respect more than I do my dad. He loved my mother most all her life and if he had been given the choice, he would have died first. He misses mother. He even went back home after his recent date and talked to the picture of Mother he has sitting on a table in the den. He asked her if it was alright. Not sure what she said to hem, but evidently she said it would be ok. It's still hard to believe...my dad went out on a date.
I like "Mona" but I ain't gonna warm up to Tiger anytime soon. Two first dates in one night is almost too much for this son and father to handle. Maybe my daughter is finished with boys. Maybe she'll ask me to take her putt-putting. Maybe it'll snow in Miami and maybe the Dixie Chicks will have another #1 song and maybe gas prices will go back to a dollar a gallon and maybe Mike Tyson will come out of retirement and win the world heavyweight championship again. Probably not, but until those things happen, I will continue to be a Dad Against Daughters Dating. ...Now stand as we sing the Invitation...
On the same night my daughter went out on her first date with Tiger, my dad also went out on his first date. He's almost eighty years old and vowed he would never date again. Mother passed away about four years ago. He said he never wanted to be with another woman. He said, "Once you've had the best why would you settle for less?" Good question. Well, doggone it, he's lonely. He has spent the past four years eating alone, watching TV alone, going on early morning walks alone, doing everything alone. I guess he just got tired of being alone. So he took "Mona" to eat at the colonel's best, Kentucky Fried Chicken. Where will this lead? Today it's chicken...next week it could be prime rib. Will my dad fall in love again? I doubt it. He says he'll never marry, he just wants someone to talk to every now and then. I believe him. There's not a man on earth I respect more than I do my dad. He loved my mother most all her life and if he had been given the choice, he would have died first. He misses mother. He even went back home after his recent date and talked to the picture of Mother he has sitting on a table in the den. He asked her if it was alright. Not sure what she said to hem, but evidently she said it would be ok. It's still hard to believe...my dad went out on a date.
I like "Mona" but I ain't gonna warm up to Tiger anytime soon. Two first dates in one night is almost too much for this son and father to handle. Maybe my daughter is finished with boys. Maybe she'll ask me to take her putt-putting. Maybe it'll snow in Miami and maybe the Dixie Chicks will have another #1 song and maybe gas prices will go back to a dollar a gallon and maybe Mike Tyson will come out of retirement and win the world heavyweight championship again. Probably not, but until those things happen, I will continue to be a Dad Against Daughters Dating. ...Now stand as we sing the Invitation...
Michael Mason 2010 Preaching Schedule
Michael Mason ~ 2010 Preaching Engagements
January 25 Muscle Shoals Baptist Assoc. Pastor's Conference, Moulton, Al.
February 6 TRUE Conference, Canaan Baptist, Hoover, Al.
February 12 Bailey Smith "Real Evangelism" Conf., Wheeler Grove Bap., Corinth, Miss.
February 26-27 TRUE Couple's Wknd. First Baptist, Winchester, Tenn.
March 1 Marvelous Monday, Black Creek Baptist, Boaz, Al.
March 7-10 (pm only) Revival Lakeview Baptist, Pembroke, Ky.
April 1 East Cullman Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, FBC Hanceville, Al.
April 11-14 Pleasant Hill Baptist (M-W) Decatur, Al. p.m. services only
April 17 TRUE Couple's Night, Riverchase United Methodist, Hoover, Al.
May 12 Walker County Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, Jasper, Al.
June 11-12 Riverchase UMC, Hoover,Al. TRUE Couples Wknd, Chattanooga, Tn.
June 28 Clearwater Baptist Revival, Athens, Tn.
June 24 Quail Creek Church Retreat, Hartselle, Al.
July 25-28 (pm only)Springhill Baptist Revival, Cullman, Al.
August 4 East Gardendale Baptist, Awesome August, Gardendale, Al.
August 16 Morgan Pastor's Conference, Hartselle, Al.
September 26 pm Bethlehem Baptist, Laceys Spring, Al.
September 27-28 Highlands Baptist, Morgan City, Al.
September 30 Greenbrier Baptist, Madison, Al.
October 2 West Point FBC, Cullman, Al.
October 4 First Baptist, Austinville, Decatur, Al.
October 18-22 Guatemala Pastor's Conference, Chimaltanengo, Guatemala
October 26 First Baptist Addison, Al.
November 7-10 First Baptist Revival, Winchester, Tn.
(Michael Mason is available for conferences, retreats, and a limited number of revival meetings. Contact at michael-mason@charter.net. Thanks.)
January 25 Muscle Shoals Baptist Assoc. Pastor's Conference, Moulton, Al.
February 6 TRUE Conference, Canaan Baptist, Hoover, Al.
February 12 Bailey Smith "Real Evangelism" Conf., Wheeler Grove Bap., Corinth, Miss.
February 26-27 TRUE Couple's Wknd. First Baptist, Winchester, Tenn.
March 1 Marvelous Monday, Black Creek Baptist, Boaz, Al.
March 7-10 (pm only) Revival Lakeview Baptist, Pembroke, Ky.
April 1 East Cullman Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, FBC Hanceville, Al.
April 11-14 Pleasant Hill Baptist (M-W) Decatur, Al. p.m. services only
April 17 TRUE Couple's Night, Riverchase United Methodist, Hoover, Al.
May 12 Walker County Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, Jasper, Al.
June 11-12 Riverchase UMC, Hoover,Al. TRUE Couples Wknd, Chattanooga, Tn.
June 28 Clearwater Baptist Revival, Athens, Tn.
June 24 Quail Creek Church Retreat, Hartselle, Al.
July 25-28 (pm only)Springhill Baptist Revival, Cullman, Al.
August 4 East Gardendale Baptist, Awesome August, Gardendale, Al.
August 16 Morgan Pastor's Conference, Hartselle, Al.
September 26 pm Bethlehem Baptist, Laceys Spring, Al.
September 27-28 Highlands Baptist, Morgan City, Al.
September 30 Greenbrier Baptist, Madison, Al.
October 2 West Point FBC, Cullman, Al.
October 4 First Baptist, Austinville, Decatur, Al.
October 18-22 Guatemala Pastor's Conference, Chimaltanengo, Guatemala
October 26 First Baptist Addison, Al.
November 7-10 First Baptist Revival, Winchester, Tn.
(Michael Mason is available for conferences, retreats, and a limited number of revival meetings. Contact at michael-mason@charter.net. Thanks.)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Michael Mason ~ 2010 Preaching Engagements
January 25 Muscle Shoals Baptist Assoc. Pastor's Conference, Moulton, Al.
February 6 TRUE Conference, Canaan Baptist, Hoover, Al.
February 12 Bailey Smith "Real Evangelism" Conf., Wheeler Grove Bap., Corinth, Miss.
February 26-27 TRUE Couple's Wknd. First Baptist, Winchester, Tenn.
March 1 Marvelous Monday, Black Creek Baptist, Boaz, Al.
March 7-10 (pm only) Revival Lakeview Baptist, Pembroke, Ky.
April 1 East Cullman Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, FBC Hanceville, Al.
April 11-14 Pleasant Hill Baptist (M-W) Decatur, Al. p.m. services only
April 17 TRUE Couple's Night, Riverchase United Methodist, Hoover, Al.
May 12 Walker County Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, Jasper, Al.
June 11-12 Riverchase UMC, Hoover,Al. TRUE Couples Wknd, Chattanooga, Tn.
June 28 Clearwater Baptist Revival, Athens, Tn.
June 24 Quail Creek Church Retreat, Hartselle, Al.
July 25-28 (pm only)Springhill Baptist Revival, Cullman, Al.
August 4 East Gardendale Baptist, Awesome August, Gardendale, Al.
August 16 Morgan Pastor's Conference, Hartselle, Al.
September 27-28 Highlands Baptist, Morgan City, Al.
October 4 First Baptist, Austinville, Decatur, Al.
October 18-22 Guatemala Pastor's Conference, Chimaltanengo, Guatemala
October 26 First Baptist Addison, Al.
November 7-10 First Baptist Revival, Winchester, Tn.
(Michael Mason is available for conferences, retreats, and a limited number of revival meetings. Contact at michael-mason@charter.net. Thanks.)
February 6 TRUE Conference, Canaan Baptist, Hoover, Al.
February 12 Bailey Smith "Real Evangelism" Conf., Wheeler Grove Bap., Corinth, Miss.
February 26-27 TRUE Couple's Wknd. First Baptist, Winchester, Tenn.
March 1 Marvelous Monday, Black Creek Baptist, Boaz, Al.
March 7-10 (pm only) Revival Lakeview Baptist, Pembroke, Ky.
April 1 East Cullman Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, FBC Hanceville, Al.
April 11-14 Pleasant Hill Baptist (M-W) Decatur, Al. p.m. services only
April 17 TRUE Couple's Night, Riverchase United Methodist, Hoover, Al.
May 12 Walker County Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, Jasper, Al.
June 11-12 Riverchase UMC, Hoover,Al. TRUE Couples Wknd, Chattanooga, Tn.
June 28 Clearwater Baptist Revival, Athens, Tn.
June 24 Quail Creek Church Retreat, Hartselle, Al.
July 25-28 (pm only)Springhill Baptist Revival, Cullman, Al.
August 4 East Gardendale Baptist, Awesome August, Gardendale, Al.
August 16 Morgan Pastor's Conference, Hartselle, Al.
September 27-28 Highlands Baptist, Morgan City, Al.
October 4 First Baptist, Austinville, Decatur, Al.
October 18-22 Guatemala Pastor's Conference, Chimaltanengo, Guatemala
October 26 First Baptist Addison, Al.
November 7-10 First Baptist Revival, Winchester, Tn.
(Michael Mason is available for conferences, retreats, and a limited number of revival meetings. Contact at michael-mason@charter.net. Thanks.)
Friday, June 18, 2010
Dudes, Duds, and Dads
A Dude, A Dud Or A Dad...Men, It’s Up To You
Proverbs 3:12
The mixed-up world we live seems to encourage men to be dudes and duds...while being a dad is often mocked. I have three high callings in my life. If you’re a believer, you may agree with me. Men, we are first called to be faithful to God. Second, we are called to be faithful to our wife. Third, we are called to be faithful to our children.
I don’t completely have my act together...my dad didn’t either, but he tried really hard and I’m trying too. The dad I knew at home was a happy man. He loved my mother, worked hard, went to church every week, and enjoyed a front porch swing and a glass of iced tea. He was never a dud...and never tried to be a dude. He was a dad. Guys like him never get any recognition. But guys like him don’t want any.
I heard a country song that says, “If I could write a letter to me and send it back in time to myself when I was seventeen...” What an idea...what would I say to myself about my dad if I could write a letter to me when I was seventeen? I might say something like this.... Michael, Thirty years from now you’re gonna remember your dad sitting in the bleachers in the rain watching you play football even though he knew nothing about the game. ...Thirty years from now you’re gonna remember watching your dad kiss your mother goodbye every morning before he left for work. ....Hey, Michael, pay attention to how your dad treats your mother on special days like her birthday, and Mother’s Day, and Valentine’s Day. ...Thirty years from now you’re gonna remember when your dad cried at his dad’s funeral. ...Thirty years from now your dad won’t seem like he’s from another planet. As you get older, he'll get wiser. ...Thirty years from now you’ll wish you had spent more time with him doing whatever he wanted to do. ...Thirty years from now you’ll understand the callouses on his hands, the wrinkles on his face, and the gray in his hair. – If I could write a letter to me back when I was seventeen...I’d tell myself to go and simply say, “Thanks dad.” Thanks for being a good man....and for loving my mother...and for believing in God...and for believing in me. What would you say?
A Dude: King David 2 Samuel 18:33 “And the king was much moved, and went up to the chamber over the gate, and wept: and as he went, thus he said, O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! Would to God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son!”
These words sound remorseful....but actually they are words of regret. Amnon and now Absalom had both died ugly deaths because of their dad’s sin. This is what God said to David through Nathan the prophet...2 Samuel 12:10-11, “...The sword will never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own.' "This is what the Lord says: 'Out of your own household I am going to bring calamity upon you..”
So, what’s the problem here? Is it possible David was so busy building his empire that he neglected to build his family? Was he more concerned with his reputation as a king that he neglected his relationship with his children?
The scriptures tell us of how Amnon had taken advantage of Tamar...his half sister and Absalom’s sister. We then read how Absalom killed Amnon because of his sin with Tamar. Then we read how Absalom tried to become King in David’s place even while David was still living. Yet we see very little if any response from David about any of these acts. Absalom was even allowed to come back home after the murder of Amnon.
Compromise is a killer... David was known as a man after God’s own heart, but something happened and at some point he became a man after the hearts of men....seeking to please men rather than God....seeking to please himself rather than please God.
A Dud: Lot Genesis 19:14 “So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who had married his daughters, and said,"Get up, get out of this place; for the Lord will destroy this city!" But to his sons-in-law he seemed to be joking.”
What a sad story. You remember Lot. He was the nephew of Abraham. He and Abraham’s herdsmen worked together till one day their men couldn’t get along so Abraham suggested they part ways. Whichever direction Lot went, Abraham would go the other...and Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom. He would never recover.
A person can live too close to Sodom. Lot did and before long he was a changed man. This disciple of Abraham became a dud of a father. He easily blended into the lifestyle of Sodom. Lot had no credibility even in his own family...they laughed at his sudden outcry against Sodom. Lot’s life in Sodom was a shame. When he walked away from Abraham years before, little did he know he would lose his wife, the respect of his children, and his testimony.
Choices matter... We see the choice he made...to go to the land of Sodom. He saw that it was well watered, in other words it was a beautiful place. But little did he know it was greatly wicked. – Don’t just go on a whim...In ALL your ways acknowledge Him...!
A Dad: Noah Hebrews 11:7 “By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.”
There’s dudes and duds...and then there are dads. Men who do more than simply father children...but feel compelled to be a dad. These are men who do the right thing even when it means sacrificing their time and money and personal dreams. How many men have put their dreams on hold so their children can have their’s come true?
My dad was the son of share-croppers who never owned a home....but made sure that we always had a place we could call our own. My dad quit school in the 8th grade...but made sure I was in school, well dressed and well fed...and he encouraged me in college and seminary. My dad was never wealthy...but taught me the value of a dollar and the value of hard work and that a person didn’t have to be rich to be valuable. My dad knew how to laugh in the midst of tough situations. Times were hard, bills were high, and life was unpredictable, but God was good.
What you believe defines you... Noah believed God and it was accounted him as righteousness (Gen 15:6). Noah’s life counted for God. He did the ridiculous and his children believed.
Noah built an ark: He did it to obey God and to save his family. It was radical...It was ridiculed...and it was risky. But Noah knew God had told him to build it. Men if you lead your family to God, it is radical and risky...and you will be ridiculed.
Noah built an altar: He did it to worship God and witness to his family. The message of the Ark is not complete without the Altar. There is no Salvation without Sacrifice. The Bible says God was pleased...Genesis 8:21... God received the sacrifice of Noah and it pleased him. What was it that pleased God?
The building of the ark pleased God and the burning of the sacrifice pleased God...but rest assured, Noah pleased God. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord (Gen 6:8). Noah “built an ark to save his family...”
....Men, what are you doing to save your family? What are you doing to lead your family to God? Are you more of a dude, a dud, or a dad? Think about it....
Proverbs 3:12
The mixed-up world we live seems to encourage men to be dudes and duds...while being a dad is often mocked. I have three high callings in my life. If you’re a believer, you may agree with me. Men, we are first called to be faithful to God. Second, we are called to be faithful to our wife. Third, we are called to be faithful to our children.
I don’t completely have my act together...my dad didn’t either, but he tried really hard and I’m trying too. The dad I knew at home was a happy man. He loved my mother, worked hard, went to church every week, and enjoyed a front porch swing and a glass of iced tea. He was never a dud...and never tried to be a dude. He was a dad. Guys like him never get any recognition. But guys like him don’t want any.
I heard a country song that says, “If I could write a letter to me and send it back in time to myself when I was seventeen...” What an idea...what would I say to myself about my dad if I could write a letter to me when I was seventeen? I might say something like this.... Michael, Thirty years from now you’re gonna remember your dad sitting in the bleachers in the rain watching you play football even though he knew nothing about the game. ...Thirty years from now you’re gonna remember watching your dad kiss your mother goodbye every morning before he left for work. ....Hey, Michael, pay attention to how your dad treats your mother on special days like her birthday, and Mother’s Day, and Valentine’s Day. ...Thirty years from now you’re gonna remember when your dad cried at his dad’s funeral. ...Thirty years from now your dad won’t seem like he’s from another planet. As you get older, he'll get wiser. ...Thirty years from now you’ll wish you had spent more time with him doing whatever he wanted to do. ...Thirty years from now you’ll understand the callouses on his hands, the wrinkles on his face, and the gray in his hair. – If I could write a letter to me back when I was seventeen...I’d tell myself to go and simply say, “Thanks dad.” Thanks for being a good man....and for loving my mother...and for believing in God...and for believing in me. What would you say?
A Dude: King David 2 Samuel 18:33 “And the king was much moved, and went up to the chamber over the gate, and wept: and as he went, thus he said, O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! Would to God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son!”
These words sound remorseful....but actually they are words of regret. Amnon and now Absalom had both died ugly deaths because of their dad’s sin. This is what God said to David through Nathan the prophet...2 Samuel 12:10-11, “...The sword will never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own.' "This is what the Lord says: 'Out of your own household I am going to bring calamity upon you..”
So, what’s the problem here? Is it possible David was so busy building his empire that he neglected to build his family? Was he more concerned with his reputation as a king that he neglected his relationship with his children?
The scriptures tell us of how Amnon had taken advantage of Tamar...his half sister and Absalom’s sister. We then read how Absalom killed Amnon because of his sin with Tamar. Then we read how Absalom tried to become King in David’s place even while David was still living. Yet we see very little if any response from David about any of these acts. Absalom was even allowed to come back home after the murder of Amnon.
Compromise is a killer... David was known as a man after God’s own heart, but something happened and at some point he became a man after the hearts of men....seeking to please men rather than God....seeking to please himself rather than please God.
A Dud: Lot Genesis 19:14 “So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who had married his daughters, and said,"Get up, get out of this place; for the Lord will destroy this city!" But to his sons-in-law he seemed to be joking.”
What a sad story. You remember Lot. He was the nephew of Abraham. He and Abraham’s herdsmen worked together till one day their men couldn’t get along so Abraham suggested they part ways. Whichever direction Lot went, Abraham would go the other...and Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom. He would never recover.
A person can live too close to Sodom. Lot did and before long he was a changed man. This disciple of Abraham became a dud of a father. He easily blended into the lifestyle of Sodom. Lot had no credibility even in his own family...they laughed at his sudden outcry against Sodom. Lot’s life in Sodom was a shame. When he walked away from Abraham years before, little did he know he would lose his wife, the respect of his children, and his testimony.
Choices matter... We see the choice he made...to go to the land of Sodom. He saw that it was well watered, in other words it was a beautiful place. But little did he know it was greatly wicked. – Don’t just go on a whim...In ALL your ways acknowledge Him...!
A Dad: Noah Hebrews 11:7 “By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.”
There’s dudes and duds...and then there are dads. Men who do more than simply father children...but feel compelled to be a dad. These are men who do the right thing even when it means sacrificing their time and money and personal dreams. How many men have put their dreams on hold so their children can have their’s come true?
My dad was the son of share-croppers who never owned a home....but made sure that we always had a place we could call our own. My dad quit school in the 8th grade...but made sure I was in school, well dressed and well fed...and he encouraged me in college and seminary. My dad was never wealthy...but taught me the value of a dollar and the value of hard work and that a person didn’t have to be rich to be valuable. My dad knew how to laugh in the midst of tough situations. Times were hard, bills were high, and life was unpredictable, but God was good.
What you believe defines you... Noah believed God and it was accounted him as righteousness (Gen 15:6). Noah’s life counted for God. He did the ridiculous and his children believed.
Noah built an ark: He did it to obey God and to save his family. It was radical...It was ridiculed...and it was risky. But Noah knew God had told him to build it. Men if you lead your family to God, it is radical and risky...and you will be ridiculed.
Noah built an altar: He did it to worship God and witness to his family. The message of the Ark is not complete without the Altar. There is no Salvation without Sacrifice. The Bible says God was pleased...Genesis 8:21... God received the sacrifice of Noah and it pleased him. What was it that pleased God?
The building of the ark pleased God and the burning of the sacrifice pleased God...but rest assured, Noah pleased God. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord (Gen 6:8). Noah “built an ark to save his family...”
....Men, what are you doing to save your family? What are you doing to lead your family to God? Are you more of a dude, a dud, or a dad? Think about it....
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Cowboy Boots and a Bible
Cowboy Boots and a Bible
Zechariah 13:1-7
Beware of false prophets pretending to be cowboys. Judgment had come and the false prophets lied about their lifestyle and hid behind a pair of cowboy boots. They said, “We’re not prophets, we’re cattle farmers.” They did it to save their neck.
Beware of false prophets who parade as movie stars...recording artists…and politicians. Just because he wears a pair of boots doesn’t mean he’s a cowboy....and just because he carries a Bible doesn’t mean he’s a believer.
I would never make it as a cowboy. First of all I don’t wear hats. When I put on a hat I look like a cross between Hoss Cartwright and The Urban Cowboy. Second, I don’t wear boots. I have two pair, but when I wear them I may look kinda like John Wayne but I walk kinda like Fred Sanford. Third, me and horses have never really gotten along. The first horse I ever rode took off running and didn’t stop for 30 minutes. I hung on for dear life. I’ve been bit and bucked...so I just keep my distance. ...However, I did ride a cow one time. Me and my friend Marty Turney decided one day to ride some of his dad’s cows. Needless to say it was a mooooving experience.
The old story in Zechariah is one of wolves among sheep and of tares among the wheat. Too often, believers blend in with the world, but in this passage we see the world blending in with the church. Liars were blending in with lovers of God. Deceivers were blending in with believers. False prophets were blending in with the Prophets of God.
....Matthew 7:15-16 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”
Cattle farmers might be marked by a herd, and horse, and a hat...but false teachers will always be marked by the Devil, dishonesty, and deception.....
Jesus’ message is very clear.....
~The truth sets men free. False teaching takes men captive.
~The truth brings peace. False teaching creates confusion.
~The truth saves your soul. False teaching will cause you to lose your soul.
Jesus was not a cowboy.
He was a shepherd.
He gave His life for the sheep.
Zechariah 13:1-7
Beware of false prophets pretending to be cowboys. Judgment had come and the false prophets lied about their lifestyle and hid behind a pair of cowboy boots. They said, “We’re not prophets, we’re cattle farmers.” They did it to save their neck.
Beware of false prophets who parade as movie stars...recording artists…and politicians. Just because he wears a pair of boots doesn’t mean he’s a cowboy....and just because he carries a Bible doesn’t mean he’s a believer.
I would never make it as a cowboy. First of all I don’t wear hats. When I put on a hat I look like a cross between Hoss Cartwright and The Urban Cowboy. Second, I don’t wear boots. I have two pair, but when I wear them I may look kinda like John Wayne but I walk kinda like Fred Sanford. Third, me and horses have never really gotten along. The first horse I ever rode took off running and didn’t stop for 30 minutes. I hung on for dear life. I’ve been bit and bucked...so I just keep my distance. ...However, I did ride a cow one time. Me and my friend Marty Turney decided one day to ride some of his dad’s cows. Needless to say it was a mooooving experience.
The old story in Zechariah is one of wolves among sheep and of tares among the wheat. Too often, believers blend in with the world, but in this passage we see the world blending in with the church. Liars were blending in with lovers of God. Deceivers were blending in with believers. False prophets were blending in with the Prophets of God.
....Matthew 7:15-16 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”
Cattle farmers might be marked by a herd, and horse, and a hat...but false teachers will always be marked by the Devil, dishonesty, and deception.....
Jesus’ message is very clear.....
~The truth sets men free. False teaching takes men captive.
~The truth brings peace. False teaching creates confusion.
~The truth saves your soul. False teaching will cause you to lose your soul.
Jesus was not a cowboy.
He was a shepherd.
He gave His life for the sheep.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
2010 Michael Mason Preaching Engagements
Michael Mason - 2010 Preaching Engagements:
January 25 Muscle Shoals Baptist Assoc. Pastor's Conference, Moulton, Al.
February 6 TRUE Conference, Canaan Baptist, Hoover, Al.
February 12 Bailey Smith "Real Evangelism" Conf., Wheeler Grove Bap., Corinth, Miss.
February 26-27 TRUE Couple's Wknd. First Baptist, Winchester, Tenn.
March 1 Marvelous Monday, Black Creek Baptist, Boaz, Al.
March 7-10 (pm only) Revival Lakeview Baptist, Pembroke, Ky.
April 1 East Cullman Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, FBC Hanceville, Al.
April 11-14 Pleasant Hill Baptist (M-W) Decatur, Al. p.m. services only
April 17 TRUE Couple's Night, Riverchase United Methodist, Hoover, Al.
May 12 Walker County Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, Jasper, Al.
June 11-12 Riverchase UMC, Hoover,Al. TRUE Couples Wknd, Chattanooga, Tn.
June 28 Clearwater Baptist Revival, Athens, Tn.
July 25-28 (pm only)Springhill Baptist Revival, Cullman, Al.
August 4 East Gardendale Baptist, Awesome August, Gardendale, Al.
October 18-22 Guatemala Pastor's Conference, Chimaltanengo, Guatemala
October 26 First Baptist Addison, Al.
November 7-10 First Baptist Revival, Winchester, Tn.
January 25 Muscle Shoals Baptist Assoc. Pastor's Conference, Moulton, Al.
February 6 TRUE Conference, Canaan Baptist, Hoover, Al.
February 12 Bailey Smith "Real Evangelism" Conf., Wheeler Grove Bap., Corinth, Miss.
February 26-27 TRUE Couple's Wknd. First Baptist, Winchester, Tenn.
March 1 Marvelous Monday, Black Creek Baptist, Boaz, Al.
March 7-10 (pm only) Revival Lakeview Baptist, Pembroke, Ky.
April 1 East Cullman Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, FBC Hanceville, Al.
April 11-14 Pleasant Hill Baptist (M-W) Decatur, Al. p.m. services only
April 17 TRUE Couple's Night, Riverchase United Methodist, Hoover, Al.
May 12 Walker County Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, Jasper, Al.
June 11-12 Riverchase UMC, Hoover,Al. TRUE Couples Wknd, Chattanooga, Tn.
June 28 Clearwater Baptist Revival, Athens, Tn.
July 25-28 (pm only)Springhill Baptist Revival, Cullman, Al.
August 4 East Gardendale Baptist, Awesome August, Gardendale, Al.
October 18-22 Guatemala Pastor's Conference, Chimaltanengo, Guatemala
October 26 First Baptist Addison, Al.
November 7-10 First Baptist Revival, Winchester, Tn.
Last Words of the Holy Spirit
In 1 Tim 4:1-2 God gives us a glimpse of what these last days would look like... “Now the Spirit expressly says that in last days some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons...” We are in those last days. We are bombarded with religious options and opinions – such that those who are not grounded in God’s Word don’t know what to believe.
Matthew 24:24 speaks of the Great Tribulation in which Satan will deceive so many ...and if possible, even the elect. Which is impossible...but it shows the power of the enemy and the power of deception.....So, what is the Holy Spirit saying to us today? If these are the last days...what are His last words?
In Genesis 6:3 we find a very familiar and oft quoted verse in which God says, “My spirit will not always strive with man...” What does that mean for us? Nothing really. It was most likely a reference to the coming flood, Noah and the Ark. In that same verse God says that the days of man will be a 120 years. Again, most likely a reference to the time until the flood. Even though this passage has no direct meaning for us today, we do see something of God that we need to understand. He is patient, but there was a point when He withdrew His Spirit and he no longer spoke to men.
We've sung the old hymn, "send the old time power, the Pentecostal power; thy flood-gates of blessing on us throw open wide...send the old time power that sinners be converted and thy name glorified." ...I’m pretty sure we really don’t want that... In most churches, including ours, we’ve quenched and grieved the Holy Spirit to the point that if the Holy Spirit moved, it would be more like a resurrection from the dead than a revival. We may want to see sinners converted and His name glorified...but if He is poured out we will also see the saved broken over sin and the church confessing our compromise.
Vance Havner said, "Like Samson, we know not that He has departed"...yet we go on preaching and singing and acting like nothing is wrong. I wonder if God’s patience with us is wearing thin like in the days of Noah?
We need the Holy Spirit to speak to us! We can sing hymns, choruses, and anthems...but without the Holy Spirit, they’re all meaningless. We can preach great sermons...but without the Holy Spirit they are powerless. We can have revival meetings...but without the Holy Spirit...it’s just a lot of racket. We can teach the Bible...but without the Holy Spirit we’ll never believe it. ...In these days of big churches, big choirs, big screens, big budgets, and big egos...The Holy Spirit is saying very little. What a shame that we do what we do week in and week out and never hear from the Holy Spirit. We’ve become insensitive and unanointed.... Let’s pray that God would send His Holy Spirit and that we would hear Him loud and clear.
Sometime back, in Glasgow, Kentucky the Associated Press printed a story about Leslie Puckett. After struggling to start his car early one morning, Puckett lifted the hood and discovered that someone had stolen the motor." ...That car may have had all the bells and whistles...may have been shiny and fast...but its power supply was taken away.
That’s like too many believers – saved and knowledgeable and proud to be Baptist...but they have no power. They’ve become independent...they don’t need God. They’ve become indifferent...they no longer care about the things of God. They’re bound by their own iniquity. Sin has taken away their joy.
They’ve lost their power.
They’ve quenched the Holy Spirit and may never hear from Him again.
Matthew 24:24 speaks of the Great Tribulation in which Satan will deceive so many ...and if possible, even the elect. Which is impossible...but it shows the power of the enemy and the power of deception.....So, what is the Holy Spirit saying to us today? If these are the last days...what are His last words?
In Genesis 6:3 we find a very familiar and oft quoted verse in which God says, “My spirit will not always strive with man...” What does that mean for us? Nothing really. It was most likely a reference to the coming flood, Noah and the Ark. In that same verse God says that the days of man will be a 120 years. Again, most likely a reference to the time until the flood. Even though this passage has no direct meaning for us today, we do see something of God that we need to understand. He is patient, but there was a point when He withdrew His Spirit and he no longer spoke to men.
We've sung the old hymn, "send the old time power, the Pentecostal power; thy flood-gates of blessing on us throw open wide...send the old time power that sinners be converted and thy name glorified." ...I’m pretty sure we really don’t want that... In most churches, including ours, we’ve quenched and grieved the Holy Spirit to the point that if the Holy Spirit moved, it would be more like a resurrection from the dead than a revival. We may want to see sinners converted and His name glorified...but if He is poured out we will also see the saved broken over sin and the church confessing our compromise.
Vance Havner said, "Like Samson, we know not that He has departed"...yet we go on preaching and singing and acting like nothing is wrong. I wonder if God’s patience with us is wearing thin like in the days of Noah?
We need the Holy Spirit to speak to us! We can sing hymns, choruses, and anthems...but without the Holy Spirit, they’re all meaningless. We can preach great sermons...but without the Holy Spirit they are powerless. We can have revival meetings...but without the Holy Spirit...it’s just a lot of racket. We can teach the Bible...but without the Holy Spirit we’ll never believe it. ...In these days of big churches, big choirs, big screens, big budgets, and big egos...The Holy Spirit is saying very little. What a shame that we do what we do week in and week out and never hear from the Holy Spirit. We’ve become insensitive and unanointed.... Let’s pray that God would send His Holy Spirit and that we would hear Him loud and clear.
Sometime back, in Glasgow, Kentucky the Associated Press printed a story about Leslie Puckett. After struggling to start his car early one morning, Puckett lifted the hood and discovered that someone had stolen the motor." ...That car may have had all the bells and whistles...may have been shiny and fast...but its power supply was taken away.
That’s like too many believers – saved and knowledgeable and proud to be Baptist...but they have no power. They’ve become independent...they don’t need God. They’ve become indifferent...they no longer care about the things of God. They’re bound by their own iniquity. Sin has taken away their joy.
They’ve lost their power.
They’ve quenched the Holy Spirit and may never hear from Him again.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
A Good Soldier
2 Timothy 4:9-21
Paul’s last words inspire me. He’s got one foot in the grave...he’s dying, yet he knows the work is not finished. It’s only begun. He tells Timothy, “Come quick!” He's in no mood to coast even though his ministry is now confined to a prison cell. Even in prison he was still reading and writing...he wasn’t fighting with swords and knives...but with paper and pen. When most men would have been fighting for their life, he was fighting for the souls of men. His departure was at hand...and he was ready. He was eager.
Paul is amazing in these last hours of his life. He’s like Babe Ruth swinging for the fence. He’s Michael Jordan dunking on and waving his finger in the face of Dikembe Mutambo. He’s like Mother Theresa choosing to be faithful rather than successful. He’s Ronald Reagan writing notes to his family before Alzhiemer’s took away his mind. He’s Cy Young...nicknamed “Cyclone”... pitching like there’ll never be another game. He’s Walter Cronkite telling Americans one more time the way it is. He’s like Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat. He’s Jim Elliot willing to give his life for what he believes in. He’s Larry Bird, leaving it all on the court, scoring 60 points against Atlanta in 1985. He’s George Beverly Shea still singing “I’d Rather Have Jesus” at 101 years old. He’s Billy Graham still preaching, “The Bible says...” at 91 years old. He’s Dale Earnheardt on his last lap...in his last race at the Daytona 500. He’s George Foreman...too old to be in the ring, but still swinging for all he’s worth. Wow.
In 2 Timothy 4 Paul is a dying man, sure of what was ahead...and still preaching in prison. He was...True to Christ...True to the cross...True to the end!
He said, "Don't Waiver!" 4:1-5 Preach the Gospel...don't listen to the crowd...stay true to what matters most! Love God and listen to Him!
He said, "Don't Worry!" 4:6-8 "I'll be alright, see you in heaven" Paul didn't worry about dying...he had lived well. He was going to be with Jesus!
He said, "Don't Wait!" 4:9,13,21 Get here Quick! His message to Timothy...to believers and a message to all the lost..."don't wait!" Do what you need to do while you can. Come quickly.
Most everyone has read or heard about the midnight ride of Paul Revere in 1775 when he rode through the streets crying “The British are coming..”. But few have heard of Israel Bissel. After the Battle of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, Bissel was ordered to raise the alarm in New Haven, Connecticut. He reached Worchester, Massachesetts, normally a day's ride, in two hours. There, according to tradition, his horse immediately dropped dead. Pausing only to find another horse, Bissel pressed on and by April 22 was in New Haven--but he didn't stop there! He rode on to New York, arriving April 24, and then stayed in the saddle until he reached Philadelphia the next day. Bissel rode for 126 hours almost nonstop....that’s 345 miles getting word to American military units to prepare for war. Pretty amazing ride for a man named Israel.
Paul’s ride was even more amazing. And now on his death-bed, he is concerned about one thing only. “Timothy, come quick...and don’t quit!” Don’t stop telling people about Jesus. Those are the famous last words of a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
Paul’s last words inspire me. He’s got one foot in the grave...he’s dying, yet he knows the work is not finished. It’s only begun. He tells Timothy, “Come quick!” He's in no mood to coast even though his ministry is now confined to a prison cell. Even in prison he was still reading and writing...he wasn’t fighting with swords and knives...but with paper and pen. When most men would have been fighting for their life, he was fighting for the souls of men. His departure was at hand...and he was ready. He was eager.
Paul is amazing in these last hours of his life. He’s like Babe Ruth swinging for the fence. He’s Michael Jordan dunking on and waving his finger in the face of Dikembe Mutambo. He’s like Mother Theresa choosing to be faithful rather than successful. He’s Ronald Reagan writing notes to his family before Alzhiemer’s took away his mind. He’s Cy Young...nicknamed “Cyclone”... pitching like there’ll never be another game. He’s Walter Cronkite telling Americans one more time the way it is. He’s like Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat. He’s Jim Elliot willing to give his life for what he believes in. He’s Larry Bird, leaving it all on the court, scoring 60 points against Atlanta in 1985. He’s George Beverly Shea still singing “I’d Rather Have Jesus” at 101 years old. He’s Billy Graham still preaching, “The Bible says...” at 91 years old. He’s Dale Earnheardt on his last lap...in his last race at the Daytona 500. He’s George Foreman...too old to be in the ring, but still swinging for all he’s worth. Wow.
In 2 Timothy 4 Paul is a dying man, sure of what was ahead...and still preaching in prison. He was...True to Christ...True to the cross...True to the end!
He said, "Don't Waiver!" 4:1-5 Preach the Gospel...don't listen to the crowd...stay true to what matters most! Love God and listen to Him!
He said, "Don't Worry!" 4:6-8 "I'll be alright, see you in heaven" Paul didn't worry about dying...he had lived well. He was going to be with Jesus!
He said, "Don't Wait!" 4:9,13,21 Get here Quick! His message to Timothy...to believers and a message to all the lost..."don't wait!" Do what you need to do while you can. Come quickly.
Most everyone has read or heard about the midnight ride of Paul Revere in 1775 when he rode through the streets crying “The British are coming..”. But few have heard of Israel Bissel. After the Battle of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, Bissel was ordered to raise the alarm in New Haven, Connecticut. He reached Worchester, Massachesetts, normally a day's ride, in two hours. There, according to tradition, his horse immediately dropped dead. Pausing only to find another horse, Bissel pressed on and by April 22 was in New Haven--but he didn't stop there! He rode on to New York, arriving April 24, and then stayed in the saddle until he reached Philadelphia the next day. Bissel rode for 126 hours almost nonstop....that’s 345 miles getting word to American military units to prepare for war. Pretty amazing ride for a man named Israel.
Paul’s ride was even more amazing. And now on his death-bed, he is concerned about one thing only. “Timothy, come quick...and don’t quit!” Don’t stop telling people about Jesus. Those are the famous last words of a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
2010 Preaching Engagements
Michael Mason - 2010 Preaching Engagements:
January 25 Muscle Shoals Baptist Assoc. Pastor's Conference, Moulton, Al.
February 6 TRUE Conference, Canaan Baptist, Hoover, Al.
February 12 Bailey Smith "Real Evangelism" Conf., Wheeler Grove Bap., Corinth, Miss.
February 26-27 TRUE Couple's Wknd. First Baptist, Winchester, Tenn.
March 1 Marvelous Monday, Black Creek Baptist, Boaz, Al.
March 7-10 (pm only) Revival Lakeview Baptist, Pembroke, Ky.
April 1 East Cullman Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, FBC Hanceville, Al.
April 11-14 Pleasant Hill Baptist (M-W) Decatur, Al. p.m. services only
April 17 TRUE Couple's Night, Riverchase United Methodist, Hoover, Al.
May 12 Walker County Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, Jasper, Al.
June 11-12 Riverchase UMC, Hoover,Al. TRUE Couples Wknd, Chattanooga, Tn.
June 28 Clearwater Baptist Revival, Athens, Tn.
July 25-28 (pm only)Springhill Baptist Revival, Cullman, Al.
August 4 East Gardendale Baptist, Awesome August, Gardendale, Al.
October 18-22 Guatemala Pastor's Conference, Chimaltanengo, Guatemala
November 7-10 First Baptist Revival, Winchester, Tn.
January 25 Muscle Shoals Baptist Assoc. Pastor's Conference, Moulton, Al.
February 6 TRUE Conference, Canaan Baptist, Hoover, Al.
February 12 Bailey Smith "Real Evangelism" Conf., Wheeler Grove Bap., Corinth, Miss.
February 26-27 TRUE Couple's Wknd. First Baptist, Winchester, Tenn.
March 1 Marvelous Monday, Black Creek Baptist, Boaz, Al.
March 7-10 (pm only) Revival Lakeview Baptist, Pembroke, Ky.
April 1 East Cullman Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, FBC Hanceville, Al.
April 11-14 Pleasant Hill Baptist (M-W) Decatur, Al. p.m. services only
April 17 TRUE Couple's Night, Riverchase United Methodist, Hoover, Al.
May 12 Walker County Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, Jasper, Al.
June 11-12 Riverchase UMC, Hoover,Al. TRUE Couples Wknd, Chattanooga, Tn.
June 28 Clearwater Baptist Revival, Athens, Tn.
July 25-28 (pm only)Springhill Baptist Revival, Cullman, Al.
August 4 East Gardendale Baptist, Awesome August, Gardendale, Al.
October 18-22 Guatemala Pastor's Conference, Chimaltanengo, Guatemala
November 7-10 First Baptist Revival, Winchester, Tn.
Rich People Problems
Luke 12:16-21
God called the man in Luke 12 a Fool. What would God say about you? Would he say you are a fool? Fools never change... so what was true about the fool in Luke 12 is still true today. Like ...A Fool is always seeking pleasure yet he never finds happiness...A Fool is always seeking satisfaction, yet he never finds peace...A Fool loves to lie in the lap of luxury yet he never finds true riches...A Fool can build a Million dollar house yet never have a home.
The Fool we find in Luke 12 is an old story about modern man:
....Fools believe Possessions are more important than people. This man might have said, “I’d give anything to have a bigger barn. He gave his life to having more, and in the end died with nothing that really mattered.
....Fools are marked by greed more than generosity. “I will store my crops and my goods.” He was simply stingy. My dad would say, "He was tighter than the bark on a tree."
....Fools think being ready to live is more important than being prepared to die. He never lived like he was dieing and in the end he died like he had been living. He died a lonely man.
The rich man in Luke 12 is remembered as a man who never had enough. He planned for time and not eternity. He thought his earthly goods were his own. He died unprepared to meet God.
When we read passages about “rich” people we automatically assume we are not one of them. After all most of us are broke or so in debt we’ll never get out. But we are rich. According to Shawn Wood in the Wasabi Gospel, “If your income is more than $35,000 per year, you are richer than 95% of the people on the planet.” ...We don’t feel rich because we are so in debt...and because we think rich people are those who are arrogant, stingy, wasteful and extravagant. Well, we are those people – and we are rich.
We have, what Andy Stanley calls, “rich people problems.” Problems like a broken dishwasher...when most of the world doesn’t have a dish. Problems like needing a new liner for the pool...when most of the world doesn’t have a pool. Problems like a central unit that needs repaired...when much of the world doesn’t even know what a central unit is. Problems like running out of bread and milk...when much of the world has never had the privilege of running out of bread and milk. Problems like needing a new pair of shoes... when much of the world has never had a pair of shoes. Problems like a broken remote for the TV...or needing new tires for the car...or having to wait too long at the drive-thru to get your not-so-happy-meal. Problems like deciding if you’re going to give a dime of every dollar you make to the church...when much of the world doesn’t have a dollar. ......We’re rich. Get used to the idea. And the problems we have are rich people problems. MM
God called the man in Luke 12 a Fool. What would God say about you? Would he say you are a fool? Fools never change... so what was true about the fool in Luke 12 is still true today. Like ...A Fool is always seeking pleasure yet he never finds happiness...A Fool is always seeking satisfaction, yet he never finds peace...A Fool loves to lie in the lap of luxury yet he never finds true riches...A Fool can build a Million dollar house yet never have a home.
The Fool we find in Luke 12 is an old story about modern man:
....Fools believe Possessions are more important than people. This man might have said, “I’d give anything to have a bigger barn. He gave his life to having more, and in the end died with nothing that really mattered.
....Fools are marked by greed more than generosity. “I will store my crops and my goods.” He was simply stingy. My dad would say, "He was tighter than the bark on a tree."
....Fools think being ready to live is more important than being prepared to die. He never lived like he was dieing and in the end he died like he had been living. He died a lonely man.
The rich man in Luke 12 is remembered as a man who never had enough. He planned for time and not eternity. He thought his earthly goods were his own. He died unprepared to meet God.
When we read passages about “rich” people we automatically assume we are not one of them. After all most of us are broke or so in debt we’ll never get out. But we are rich. According to Shawn Wood in the Wasabi Gospel, “If your income is more than $35,000 per year, you are richer than 95% of the people on the planet.” ...We don’t feel rich because we are so in debt...and because we think rich people are those who are arrogant, stingy, wasteful and extravagant. Well, we are those people – and we are rich.
We have, what Andy Stanley calls, “rich people problems.” Problems like a broken dishwasher...when most of the world doesn’t have a dish. Problems like needing a new liner for the pool...when most of the world doesn’t have a pool. Problems like a central unit that needs repaired...when much of the world doesn’t even know what a central unit is. Problems like running out of bread and milk...when much of the world has never had the privilege of running out of bread and milk. Problems like needing a new pair of shoes... when much of the world has never had a pair of shoes. Problems like a broken remote for the TV...or needing new tires for the car...or having to wait too long at the drive-thru to get your not-so-happy-meal. Problems like deciding if you’re going to give a dime of every dollar you make to the church...when much of the world doesn’t have a dollar. ......We’re rich. Get used to the idea. And the problems we have are rich people problems. MM
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Doing Something Great
President Abraham Lincoln was known during the Civil War to attend a church not far from the White House on Wednesday nights. The preacher, Dr. Gurley, allowed the president to sit in the pastor’s study with the door open to the sanctuary so he could listen to the sermon without having to interact with the crowd.
One Wednesday evening as Lincoln and a friend walked back to the White House after the sermon, the president’s friend asked, “What did you think of tonight’s sermon?” “Well,” Lincoln responded, “it was brilliantly conceived, biblical, relevant, and well presented.” “So, it was a great sermon?” “No,” Lincoln replied. “It failed. It failed because Dr. Gurley did not ask us to do something great.”
What is "something great" we can do for Christ? Good question. I was talking with someone just the other day about the "evidence" of salvation. Different denominations and faiths have their own idea about what the evidence of salvation is. This is my belief....The greatest evidence of salvation is a consistent lifestyle - one that reveals a real and lasting change by the grace of God.
So, if we want to do "something great" for Christ...we should live a life that consistently honors Him. I don't know what Lincoln would say about that challenge. But I have a feeling the Heavenly Father would approve. Do something great today! Live your life for Jesus.
One Wednesday evening as Lincoln and a friend walked back to the White House after the sermon, the president’s friend asked, “What did you think of tonight’s sermon?” “Well,” Lincoln responded, “it was brilliantly conceived, biblical, relevant, and well presented.” “So, it was a great sermon?” “No,” Lincoln replied. “It failed. It failed because Dr. Gurley did not ask us to do something great.”
What is "something great" we can do for Christ? Good question. I was talking with someone just the other day about the "evidence" of salvation. Different denominations and faiths have their own idea about what the evidence of salvation is. This is my belief....The greatest evidence of salvation is a consistent lifestyle - one that reveals a real and lasting change by the grace of God.
So, if we want to do "something great" for Christ...we should live a life that consistently honors Him. I don't know what Lincoln would say about that challenge. But I have a feeling the Heavenly Father would approve. Do something great today! Live your life for Jesus.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
My latest book is "TRUE"...regarding faithfulness in marriage. It's about being true to God, true to yourself, and true to the one you married. If you're interested in obtaining a copy, they're $15...you can email me at michael-mason@charter.net.
I'm interested in teaching the message of the book to couples or singles groups at church. If you'd like to know more, let me know. Michael
2010 Preaching Engagements:
2010 Preaching Engagements:
January 25 Muscle Shoals Baptist Assoc. Pastor's Conference, Moulton, Al.
February 6 TRUE Conference, Canaan Baptist, Hoover, Al.
February 12 Bailey Smith "Real Evangelism" Conf., Wheeler Grove Bap., Corinth, Miss.
February 26-27 TRUE Couple's Wknd. First Baptist, Winchester, Tenn.
March 1 Marvelous Monday, Black Creek Baptist, Boaz, Al.
March 7-10 (pm only) Revival Lakeview Baptist, Pembroke, Ky.
April 1 East Cullman Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, FBC Hanceville, Al.
April 11-14 Pleasant Hill Baptist (M-W) Decatur, Al. p.m. services only
April 25-28 Revival FBC Union City, Tenn.
January 25 Muscle Shoals Baptist Assoc. Pastor's Conference, Moulton, Al.
February 6 TRUE Conference, Canaan Baptist, Hoover, Al.
February 12 Bailey Smith "Real Evangelism" Conf., Wheeler Grove Bap., Corinth, Miss.
February 26-27 TRUE Couple's Wknd. First Baptist, Winchester, Tenn.
March 1 Marvelous Monday, Black Creek Baptist, Boaz, Al.
March 7-10 (pm only) Revival Lakeview Baptist, Pembroke, Ky.
April 1 East Cullman Assoc. Senior Adult Revival, FBC Hanceville, Al.
April 11-14 Pleasant Hill Baptist (M-W) Decatur, Al. p.m. services only
April 25-28 Revival FBC Union City, Tenn.
No Regrets
No Regrets for the Believer
Luke 16:25-26
Regrets...we’ve all got ‘em. Regrets about jobs we should have taken and school we should have finished and homes we shouldn’t have sold and cars we wish we’d kept and people we wish we’d been nicer to and trips we wish we’d taken and things we wish we shouldn’t have said and things we wish we had said and time we wish we hadn’t wasted and money we wish we hadn’t spent and visits we should have made and phone calls we shouldn’t have made and apologies we should have made and... and if we had it all to do over again we do things differently, or so we say.
Regrets....I wish I had studied harder in high school. ....I wish I had spent more time sitting in the swing with my papaw Mason watching him whittle and talking about nothing. ...I wish I hadn’t quit high school basketball. ....I wish I had taken guitar lessons when I was a kid. .... I wish I hadn’t sold my first car a 1973 Mustang. ....I wish I had never bought that Volkswagen Rabbit. ....I wish Crystal had been older than 15 when I first met her. ....I wish I had gotten to know my dad better when I was young. ....I wish I hadn’t been in such a rush that night in the hospital before Mother died.
Regrets....My greatest regret has to do with my salvation. I first felt God speaking to my heart when I was just a small boy maybe 8 years old. I didn’t get saved until I was 19. I think about all the growing I missed out on. I think about the call I felt at 19 and wonder if I would have felt it earlier if I had gotten saved. I wish I had been a Christian in high school. I wish I had been the president of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I wish I had been the guy the coach called on to ask the blessing.
Regrets....The Bible is full of men and women who lived to regret their foolish decisions. People who bet the farm and lost believing they could sow to the wind and not reap the whirlwind. You will reap what you sow whether you believe it or not. May God help us live a life we will not regret...and stand before God unashamed of our faithfulness to Him.
So....What happens? What makes us do what we know we will one day regret?
1- We get Trapped.....Luke 16:25-26 But Abraham said, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented. 26 And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.' NKJV
Woody Allen said, “My only regret in life is that I am not someone else.” (What They Said) I wonder if Tiger Woods has wished that lately? I don’t want to beat up Tiger but suggest that he is a modern day “rich man” we read about in Luke 16. ....I think Tiger got trapped in a lifestyle he never intended. I can’t imagine him choosing the life he has lived. Trapped? I think so.
Let’s ask John Edwards. He and his wife are now legally separated. Could he have gotten caught in a trap carefully laid by Satan? His political life and family life are over. Some would say he is ruined. We can trace his steps and read his story but we cannot really understand his actions. .....A politician and a professional athlete, but we’d better remember...We’re all vulnerable. Don’t get in the position to be trapped.
In Luke 16, the “rich man” is told to “remember in your life...” I hate to think that he spent eternity with an instant replay continually running in his head reminding him of all the times he turned God away....and laid up more treasures on earth and mocked the cripple at his gate. *Are you caught in a trap...wanting to be free? Believe God!
2- We get Tired......Matt 21:28-32 "But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first and said, 'Son, go, work today in my vineyard.' 29 He answered and said, 'I will not,' but afterward he regretted it and went. 30 Then he came to the second and said likewise. And he answered and said, 'I go, sir,' but he did not go. 31 Which of the two did the will of his father?"They said to Him, "The first." Jesus said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you that tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before you.” NKJV
Do you ever get so tired of the daily routine that you just want to say, “No, I’m not going.”? In the Matthew passage one son said he would go and didn’t and the other said he wouldn’t go but did. How many times have you made commitments to God with no intention of ever keeping them? *This son who said he’d go but didn’t never intended to go...but it sure sounded good. .....It was not his first time to say he was going and not go. Sometimes fatigue is the offspring of laziness. Sometimes we reward laziness – hard workers are few.
The son who said he’d go but didn’t is a picture of the Pharisees. Everything they said or did was done to be seen of men. ....The son who said he wouldn’t go but did is a picture of the outcasts, harlots, and publicans. Because of Jesus, salvation was no longer limited to a nation, but whosoever...people like the woman caught in adultery.
But the reason behind this man’s fatigue was his feelings of superiority.
3- We get Tangled......Mark 10:21-22 Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, "One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me." 22 But he was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. NKJV “He went away sorrowful”... Imagine that. In 2 Peter 2:20 we read about false teachers who become entangled in the world and are overcome... In Galatians 5:1 we read Paul’s words to new believers not to “become entangled in a yoke of bondage”...but to stand fast in their liberty in Christ.
We weave tangled webs when we allow the world to have too much influence on us. Families become tangled where Christ is not the center...Churches become tangled through rumoring, lack of vision, and false teaching. Individuals become tangled when our lives are consumed with possessions, power and prestige...and we ignore God’s call to be Holy.
Sad ending to this story. Jesus did look at him, love him and level with him...but in the end, when the man turned his back, Jesus let him go.
4- We Get Tricked...... Matt 27:3-4 “Then Judas, His betrayer, seeing that He had been condemned, was remorseful and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, 4 saying, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood."NKJV In the KJV, Judas “repented himself.”...which has nothing to do with repentance. His actions had more to do with getting caught than being committed. Francis Chan said, we don’t necessarily want to be forgiven of our sins...we just want to be forgiven of the penalty of our sins.
Judas was suckered in. Did God know about this in advance? Of course...He’s God. Call it a plan, call it the natural course of action...God allowed Judas to put himself in a position to be tricked and to trade in the potential for eternal life for the guarantee of eternal damnation.
You think Judas regretted his actions? You bet...and in Acts 1 when he hanged himself it was his way of escaping the wrath of his own regret. ... “The serpent was more subtle...”
Paul was a believer who lived with no regrets...
True......Phil 3:10-14 “...that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, 11 if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. 12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” NKJV
We have two choices... We can live our life trapped, tired, tangled and tricked...or we can be true to what we know, living the abundant life looking forward to the eternal life.
Luke 16:25-26
Regrets...we’ve all got ‘em. Regrets about jobs we should have taken and school we should have finished and homes we shouldn’t have sold and cars we wish we’d kept and people we wish we’d been nicer to and trips we wish we’d taken and things we wish we shouldn’t have said and things we wish we had said and time we wish we hadn’t wasted and money we wish we hadn’t spent and visits we should have made and phone calls we shouldn’t have made and apologies we should have made and... and if we had it all to do over again we do things differently, or so we say.
Regrets....I wish I had studied harder in high school. ....I wish I had spent more time sitting in the swing with my papaw Mason watching him whittle and talking about nothing. ...I wish I hadn’t quit high school basketball. ....I wish I had taken guitar lessons when I was a kid. .... I wish I hadn’t sold my first car a 1973 Mustang. ....I wish I had never bought that Volkswagen Rabbit. ....I wish Crystal had been older than 15 when I first met her. ....I wish I had gotten to know my dad better when I was young. ....I wish I hadn’t been in such a rush that night in the hospital before Mother died.
Regrets....My greatest regret has to do with my salvation. I first felt God speaking to my heart when I was just a small boy maybe 8 years old. I didn’t get saved until I was 19. I think about all the growing I missed out on. I think about the call I felt at 19 and wonder if I would have felt it earlier if I had gotten saved. I wish I had been a Christian in high school. I wish I had been the president of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I wish I had been the guy the coach called on to ask the blessing.
Regrets....The Bible is full of men and women who lived to regret their foolish decisions. People who bet the farm and lost believing they could sow to the wind and not reap the whirlwind. You will reap what you sow whether you believe it or not. May God help us live a life we will not regret...and stand before God unashamed of our faithfulness to Him.
So....What happens? What makes us do what we know we will one day regret?
1- We get Trapped.....Luke 16:25-26 But Abraham said, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented. 26 And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.' NKJV
Woody Allen said, “My only regret in life is that I am not someone else.” (What They Said) I wonder if Tiger Woods has wished that lately? I don’t want to beat up Tiger but suggest that he is a modern day “rich man” we read about in Luke 16. ....I think Tiger got trapped in a lifestyle he never intended. I can’t imagine him choosing the life he has lived. Trapped? I think so.
Let’s ask John Edwards. He and his wife are now legally separated. Could he have gotten caught in a trap carefully laid by Satan? His political life and family life are over. Some would say he is ruined. We can trace his steps and read his story but we cannot really understand his actions. .....A politician and a professional athlete, but we’d better remember...We’re all vulnerable. Don’t get in the position to be trapped.
In Luke 16, the “rich man” is told to “remember in your life...” I hate to think that he spent eternity with an instant replay continually running in his head reminding him of all the times he turned God away....and laid up more treasures on earth and mocked the cripple at his gate. *Are you caught in a trap...wanting to be free? Believe God!
2- We get Tired......Matt 21:28-32 "But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first and said, 'Son, go, work today in my vineyard.' 29 He answered and said, 'I will not,' but afterward he regretted it and went. 30 Then he came to the second and said likewise. And he answered and said, 'I go, sir,' but he did not go. 31 Which of the two did the will of his father?"They said to Him, "The first." Jesus said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you that tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before you.” NKJV
Do you ever get so tired of the daily routine that you just want to say, “No, I’m not going.”? In the Matthew passage one son said he would go and didn’t and the other said he wouldn’t go but did. How many times have you made commitments to God with no intention of ever keeping them? *This son who said he’d go but didn’t never intended to go...but it sure sounded good. .....It was not his first time to say he was going and not go. Sometimes fatigue is the offspring of laziness. Sometimes we reward laziness – hard workers are few.
The son who said he’d go but didn’t is a picture of the Pharisees. Everything they said or did was done to be seen of men. ....The son who said he wouldn’t go but did is a picture of the outcasts, harlots, and publicans. Because of Jesus, salvation was no longer limited to a nation, but whosoever...people like the woman caught in adultery.
But the reason behind this man’s fatigue was his feelings of superiority.
3- We get Tangled......Mark 10:21-22 Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, "One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me." 22 But he was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. NKJV “He went away sorrowful”... Imagine that. In 2 Peter 2:20 we read about false teachers who become entangled in the world and are overcome... In Galatians 5:1 we read Paul’s words to new believers not to “become entangled in a yoke of bondage”...but to stand fast in their liberty in Christ.
We weave tangled webs when we allow the world to have too much influence on us. Families become tangled where Christ is not the center...Churches become tangled through rumoring, lack of vision, and false teaching. Individuals become tangled when our lives are consumed with possessions, power and prestige...and we ignore God’s call to be Holy.
Sad ending to this story. Jesus did look at him, love him and level with him...but in the end, when the man turned his back, Jesus let him go.
4- We Get Tricked...... Matt 27:3-4 “Then Judas, His betrayer, seeing that He had been condemned, was remorseful and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, 4 saying, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood."NKJV In the KJV, Judas “repented himself.”...which has nothing to do with repentance. His actions had more to do with getting caught than being committed. Francis Chan said, we don’t necessarily want to be forgiven of our sins...we just want to be forgiven of the penalty of our sins.
Judas was suckered in. Did God know about this in advance? Of course...He’s God. Call it a plan, call it the natural course of action...God allowed Judas to put himself in a position to be tricked and to trade in the potential for eternal life for the guarantee of eternal damnation.
You think Judas regretted his actions? You bet...and in Acts 1 when he hanged himself it was his way of escaping the wrath of his own regret. ... “The serpent was more subtle...”
Paul was a believer who lived with no regrets...
True......Phil 3:10-14 “...that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, 11 if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. 12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” NKJV
We have two choices... We can live our life trapped, tired, tangled and tricked...or we can be true to what we know, living the abundant life looking forward to the eternal life.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
For Better For Worse
For Better – For Worse
Gen 2:24 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be
joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Does “true love” exist anymore? Is there a husband and wife out there anywhere who actually love each other more than anything or anyone else in the world? Anyone who’s committed to being “true” for a lifetime? Anyone who’s actually committed to being and having all God intended for them? Being “true” to your marriage may be a little old fashioned, but it is what God intended.
In a recent article in the local newspaper, The Decatur Daily, I read an interesting piece by Lisa Heyamoto regarding the brevity of marriage today. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the average length of a marriage in the United States is about seven and a half years. It seems, however, in Hollywood the length is more like seven hours.
For example, the great Rudolph Valentino was married to Jean Acker for just six hours in 1919. Their marriage hit a wall after she locked him out of their honeymoon suite. There are others who evidently were not in it for the long haul as well. Zsa Zsa Gabor and Felipe de Alba were married for a single day in 1982. Britney Spears and Jason Alexander were married for two days in 2004. Dennis Hopper married Michelle Phillips for eight days in 1970. Drew Barrymore was married Tom Green for five months in 2001. Lisa Marie Presley was married to Michael Jackson for twenty months in 1994 and then to Nicolas Cage for four months in 2002. Jim Carrey and Lauren Holley were married for just ten months in 1996.
Isn’t the Bible a little outdated in establishing marriage as one man and one woman for life? Are we ridiculous to support, and even teach, the idea of two people becoming “one flesh” as we read in Genesis 2:24?
What does it mean, in our everyday lives, to become one flesh? I don’t believe the evidence is earth shattering. I think you can see this idea of two becoming one all around us. Look at the couple in their late seventies, still married, still in love. They have endured storms together. They have shared joys together. They need each other. Each one makes the other complete. There it is...right before our eyes…two becoming one. She finishes his sentences. He knows what she’s thinking. They read each other’s mind. What a wonderful thing to see…Two people who have grown together as one over fifty or sixty years.
Now look at the couple in their early twenties. They have been married almost three years. Do they have anything in common with the couple in their seventies? Absolutely. In Christ, they are one. And, over the next forty years or so their oneness will become more and more evident. Storms will make them stronger. They’ll have more struggles than they can imagine to help them grow together as one. Some would have them believe there is a marriage out there somewhere free from heartache. Somewhere, somehow there is a life where the weather is never too cold or too hot. The sun is always shining and a cool breeze is always blowing.
While doing an internet search I discovered and interesting thought about submission. Ponder these words from Russell Moore: “Perhaps in all our talk of romance and candlelight, we should re-emphasize that sometimes the romance is deferred, sometimes the fireworks are postponed. Perhaps rather than always pointing to the example of a sexy young married couple, we should point our older teenagers and young married couples to the eighty-seven year old man who has been wheeling his wife into the congregation every Sunday for thirty years, since she lost the use of her arms and legs in a stroke, or to the sixty year old woman who faithfully shaves the face of her Alzheimer's-riddled husband, even as he curses and swats at a woman he doesn't remember.”
I can learn a lesson from a gentleman who did more than repeat his vows. He lived them. While surfing the internet I ran across the story of Robertson McQuilkin and his wife Muriel. Robertson McQuilkin was the President of Columbia Bible College until 1990 when he retired to take care of his wife, Muriel, who was crippled with Alzheimer's disease.
He first noticed changes in her while vacationing in Florida. She repeated a story she had told just five minutes earlier to a couple they were visiting. Three years later after having tests ran on her heart the doctor suggested to Mr. McQuilkin that he should consider the possibility of Alzheimer’s. Even though he dismissed the possibility, he couldn’t ignore the changes taking place in his wife.
Muriel McQuilkin had been as involved in the ministry as her husband. She had a morning radio program called “Look Up” especially designed to encourage women. She traveled extensively to various speaking engagements. She counseled with those who sought her advice. She would read and record textbooks for blind students. Needless to say, her life was busy with the things that make life worth living.
At that time Robertson McQuilkin was just 57 years old and wondered if he could take care of Muriel as well as hold on to his job as president of the college until he was 65. What would happen in the next eight years of Muriel’s life? As her abilities declined, Robertson began to ponder his future. Would he sacrifice his job to care for his wife? Or would he sacrifice his commitment to his wife to fulfill his duties at work?
Even though several colleagues and friends recommended that he put her in an institution of some kind, he just couldn’t do it. He said: "The decision was made, in a way, 42 years ago when I promised to care for Muriel, ‘in sickness and in health…till death do us part.’ She has cared for me fully and sacrificially all these years; if I cared for her for the next 40 years I would not be out of her debt."
I do not understand why Muriel McQuilkin and others like her must suffer with a disease such as Alzheimer’s. Neither do I understand completely why Jesus waited while Lazarus died and was buried. What I do understand is this - Life is hard but God is good.
In my life and in my marriage I will face hardships that will either make me or break me. In those circumstances I will find out if I really do trust the Lord. And, in those situations I will discover afresh the faithfulness of God. Robertson McQuilkin did. And with faith in Christ, you will too.
Gen 2:24 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be
joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Does “true love” exist anymore? Is there a husband and wife out there anywhere who actually love each other more than anything or anyone else in the world? Anyone who’s committed to being “true” for a lifetime? Anyone who’s actually committed to being and having all God intended for them? Being “true” to your marriage may be a little old fashioned, but it is what God intended.
In a recent article in the local newspaper, The Decatur Daily, I read an interesting piece by Lisa Heyamoto regarding the brevity of marriage today. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the average length of a marriage in the United States is about seven and a half years. It seems, however, in Hollywood the length is more like seven hours.
For example, the great Rudolph Valentino was married to Jean Acker for just six hours in 1919. Their marriage hit a wall after she locked him out of their honeymoon suite. There are others who evidently were not in it for the long haul as well. Zsa Zsa Gabor and Felipe de Alba were married for a single day in 1982. Britney Spears and Jason Alexander were married for two days in 2004. Dennis Hopper married Michelle Phillips for eight days in 1970. Drew Barrymore was married Tom Green for five months in 2001. Lisa Marie Presley was married to Michael Jackson for twenty months in 1994 and then to Nicolas Cage for four months in 2002. Jim Carrey and Lauren Holley were married for just ten months in 1996.
Isn’t the Bible a little outdated in establishing marriage as one man and one woman for life? Are we ridiculous to support, and even teach, the idea of two people becoming “one flesh” as we read in Genesis 2:24?
What does it mean, in our everyday lives, to become one flesh? I don’t believe the evidence is earth shattering. I think you can see this idea of two becoming one all around us. Look at the couple in their late seventies, still married, still in love. They have endured storms together. They have shared joys together. They need each other. Each one makes the other complete. There it is...right before our eyes…two becoming one. She finishes his sentences. He knows what she’s thinking. They read each other’s mind. What a wonderful thing to see…Two people who have grown together as one over fifty or sixty years.
Now look at the couple in their early twenties. They have been married almost three years. Do they have anything in common with the couple in their seventies? Absolutely. In Christ, they are one. And, over the next forty years or so their oneness will become more and more evident. Storms will make them stronger. They’ll have more struggles than they can imagine to help them grow together as one. Some would have them believe there is a marriage out there somewhere free from heartache. Somewhere, somehow there is a life where the weather is never too cold or too hot. The sun is always shining and a cool breeze is always blowing.
While doing an internet search I discovered and interesting thought about submission. Ponder these words from Russell Moore: “Perhaps in all our talk of romance and candlelight, we should re-emphasize that sometimes the romance is deferred, sometimes the fireworks are postponed. Perhaps rather than always pointing to the example of a sexy young married couple, we should point our older teenagers and young married couples to the eighty-seven year old man who has been wheeling his wife into the congregation every Sunday for thirty years, since she lost the use of her arms and legs in a stroke, or to the sixty year old woman who faithfully shaves the face of her Alzheimer's-riddled husband, even as he curses and swats at a woman he doesn't remember.”
I can learn a lesson from a gentleman who did more than repeat his vows. He lived them. While surfing the internet I ran across the story of Robertson McQuilkin and his wife Muriel. Robertson McQuilkin was the President of Columbia Bible College until 1990 when he retired to take care of his wife, Muriel, who was crippled with Alzheimer's disease.
He first noticed changes in her while vacationing in Florida. She repeated a story she had told just five minutes earlier to a couple they were visiting. Three years later after having tests ran on her heart the doctor suggested to Mr. McQuilkin that he should consider the possibility of Alzheimer’s. Even though he dismissed the possibility, he couldn’t ignore the changes taking place in his wife.
Muriel McQuilkin had been as involved in the ministry as her husband. She had a morning radio program called “Look Up” especially designed to encourage women. She traveled extensively to various speaking engagements. She counseled with those who sought her advice. She would read and record textbooks for blind students. Needless to say, her life was busy with the things that make life worth living.
At that time Robertson McQuilkin was just 57 years old and wondered if he could take care of Muriel as well as hold on to his job as president of the college until he was 65. What would happen in the next eight years of Muriel’s life? As her abilities declined, Robertson began to ponder his future. Would he sacrifice his job to care for his wife? Or would he sacrifice his commitment to his wife to fulfill his duties at work?
Even though several colleagues and friends recommended that he put her in an institution of some kind, he just couldn’t do it. He said: "The decision was made, in a way, 42 years ago when I promised to care for Muriel, ‘in sickness and in health…till death do us part.’ She has cared for me fully and sacrificially all these years; if I cared for her for the next 40 years I would not be out of her debt."
I do not understand why Muriel McQuilkin and others like her must suffer with a disease such as Alzheimer’s. Neither do I understand completely why Jesus waited while Lazarus died and was buried. What I do understand is this - Life is hard but God is good.
In my life and in my marriage I will face hardships that will either make me or break me. In those circumstances I will find out if I really do trust the Lord. And, in those situations I will discover afresh the faithfulness of God. Robertson McQuilkin did. And with faith in Christ, you will too.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Cries of the Coyotes
I was raised up in the country. When I was a boy I could stand out in my back yard and not see a single light. It was pitch black. If I stood in our front yard I could barely see the lights of three homes. No one had "security lights" back then. It was just plain 'ol dark outside. I remember walking out at night in the middle of the hay field behind our house and staring up at the stars. The darkness seemed to go on forever. On a clear night the stars were so clear you'd think you could reach out and touch them.
Out in the middle of that field on a starry night it was peace and quiet. You wouldn't hear a sound except for an occasional dog barking and....sometimes late at night, the crying of coyotes. I was talking to a friend of mine this week. He and his wife were camping recently down in south Alabama in a very remote wooded area. It was like they were in the middle of nowhere. They got the camper set up and were settling in for the night when they began to hear the coyotes. He said it sounded as if there were at least a hundred. My friend said he told his wife he'd be back in a minute, "I've got to see how many coyotes there are out there." He said he grabbed his pistol and headed out in the direction of the sound of the coyotes. He walked a few hundred yards from the camper and the sound was almost deafening. He said he felt like he was surrounded by coyotes. He said, "I felt like they were on top of me." As he walked carefully toward the sound he topped a small rise and there they were. Not a hundred. Not fifty or sixty. There were two. Imagine that.
Sometimes we feel may feel like we are surrounded by the enemy. Like the devil is roaming about seeking to devour "us"... Just remember when you feel like the world is against you, like you're surrounded by a hundred coyotes, chances are there are only two. Keep your eyes on Jesus....don't focus on the two who are against you...focus on the ONE who is for you.
Out in the middle of that field on a starry night it was peace and quiet. You wouldn't hear a sound except for an occasional dog barking and....sometimes late at night, the crying of coyotes. I was talking to a friend of mine this week. He and his wife were camping recently down in south Alabama in a very remote wooded area. It was like they were in the middle of nowhere. They got the camper set up and were settling in for the night when they began to hear the coyotes. He said it sounded as if there were at least a hundred. My friend said he told his wife he'd be back in a minute, "I've got to see how many coyotes there are out there." He said he grabbed his pistol and headed out in the direction of the sound of the coyotes. He walked a few hundred yards from the camper and the sound was almost deafening. He said he felt like he was surrounded by coyotes. He said, "I felt like they were on top of me." As he walked carefully toward the sound he topped a small rise and there they were. Not a hundred. Not fifty or sixty. There were two. Imagine that.
Sometimes we feel may feel like we are surrounded by the enemy. Like the devil is roaming about seeking to devour "us"... Just remember when you feel like the world is against you, like you're surrounded by a hundred coyotes, chances are there are only two. Keep your eyes on Jesus....don't focus on the two who are against you...focus on the ONE who is for you.
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