Mark 9:42
Jesus loved the little children. All the little children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they were all precious sin His sight. And, he had a few harsh words for those who would mistreat them or cause them to sin. It would have been better if they had never been born.
Do you remember the first time you held your child? I do. She was the answer to my prayers. Blond hair and blue eyes and she was a girl. Just what I wanted. I was holding her within five minutes after she was born and I really believed she recognized me as we gazed into each other’s eyes. That moment is frozen in time in my mind. I have only a few days that stand out in my memory as extremely wonderful... Days like when my children were born and I held them for the first time...and the day I married Crystal...and, of course, the day I was saved.
Alyssa changed my life. After Alyssa, I became a fan of people like Dora the Explorer, Sponge Bob, Barney, BJ, and Baby Bop. Toys on the floor were a beautiful sight...and that cumbersome stroller/carseat wasn’t such a hassle after all. I fell in love with a little girl. So, I know what Jesus meant when He talked about tying a millstone around the neck of someone who mistreated a child. I’d be tempted to do the same if someone hurt Alyssa.
Same goes for Garrett. I don’t remember praying for brown eyes and curley hair, but I did want a boy. And, did I ever get one. Every bone in his body is 100%boy. He likes atv’s, skateboards, guitars, basketball, and anything playstation. If there's a motor on it he wants to drive it. He's the curley-haired monster and I can't imagine life without him. Neither can I imagine what I’d feel if someone were to hurt him or “make him sin.”
Jesus was the very first Children’s Minister. Listen to what He said. He said it would “be better” if a millstone were tied around the neck of someone who hurts children, and they were cast in the sea.
What? Did you hear that? He said, "It would be better...?" My question is, "What could be worse?" In other words, the best thing that could ever happen to a child abuser is to have a close encounter with a millstone. Jesus made it clear. Don’t hurt a child. Don’t do anything to cause a child to sin. Evidently, it’s a big deal.
Jesus loves the little children of the world. They are precious in His sight.
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