Monday, July 13, 2015

He Sees Each Sparrow

Matthew 10:29 "Aren't two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father's consent." (HCSB)  

God sees each sparrow when it falls.  I’ve read that verse my whole life but just recently I’ve seen something in it I’d never thought about.  God sees each sparrow when it falls… He doesn’t stop the sparrows from falling nor does He save them from falling.  He allows the sparrow to fall and He sees it all.  It falls with His permission, with His consent. 

The obvious question is “Why?”  Why doesn’t He stop the sparrow from falling?  Why doesn’t He save the sparrow from its fall?  He could stop it from falling if He chose to.  But sometimes He lets the sparrow fall.  Because, there are times, when falling is the only thing that will cause a sparrow to appreciate flying. 

A fallen sparrow wants to fly.  He was born to fly.  While he is on the mend from his fall he remembers the joy of flying, of feeling the wind beneath his wings, of knowing what its like to rise above it all. 

Maybe you feel like a fallen sparrow.  The good news is God saw when you fell and He sees you now.  And the better news is, by His grace, you can fly again.  There are better days ahead. M

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