Disney and the Duncan family have opened the door on their sitcom, Good Luck Charlie, welcoming controversy to their popular TV series which is already scheduled to end its run later this year. Controversial…because of what appears to be their overwhelming approval of same-sex marriage. The two moms who recently appeared on the show are most likely characters playing a part. But the subject matter is real life.
How are those of us who lead churches and preach the Bible supposed to respond to this subject? Disney approves…the Grammys approve…even the President approves. What am I supposed to do with obvious scripture passages that not only disapprove but condemn these relationships?
Recently, at a Wednesday night Bible study I taught a lesson based on what the Bible says about same sex marriage. Because, I am convinced most of us, in most churches, don’t know what the Bible says about the subject. As I researched I didn’t find any verses supporting these relationships. What I found was God’s blessing only on relationships between one man and one woman. God’s word is equally hard on the adulterer. But as far as marriage goes, it appears God’s blessing is only on “a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife…”
At that Bible study I suggested there were several ways we could respond to those who disagree with a traditional view of marriage. #1 We could disagree personally…but in the end, if we simply disagree based on our personal opinion, then our opinion is no more valuable than someone else’s. It’s just an opinion. #2 We could disagree naturally…because it appears that nature would agree with the Bible. In terms of reproduction or as the Bible would say, “be fruitful and multiply” - that can only happen naturally with a male and a female. But with some folks this argument doesn’t hold water because love and matrimony crosses all barriers, even gender. #3 We could disagree scripturally…and we must. Because in the end, it really doesn’t matter what I think the Bible says…or what someone else says the Bible says…it only matters what the Bible says. And this is not an argument to be settled by reading the book of Leviticus or some obscure passages from the Old Testament. When the dust settles, all that matters is what God says about same-sex marriage. #4 And finally, I suggested we disagree prayerfully…because we have no right to have an arrogant or condescending attitude toward anyone regarding anything. We are all sinners who need a Savior. Even when it appears one of the more obvious sins mentioned in the Bible is being forced on Americans as acceptable, moral, and legal…as Christians we must be careful to respond with love and prayer. We will never lead people to the love of God if we have a heart stained with pride.
TD Jakes was asked by Oprah Winfrey recently, to give his opinion on same sex marriage. He said, "I'm not called to give my opinion. I'm called as a pastor to give the scriptural position on it.” The pastor added, "Doesn't mean that I have to agree with you to love you. I don't dislike anybody. I love everybody." Winfrey went on to ask if Jakes thinks being gay is a sin. "I think that sex between two people of the same sex is condemned in the Scriptures, and as long as it is condemned in the Scriptures, I don't get to say what I think. I get to say what the Bible says.” Jakes added. "I'm not anti-gay, I'm not anti-anything. I don't want to even be known by what I'm against.”
Franklin Graham, the son of world renowned Rev. Billy Graham, said that to change his view that homosexual behavior is sinful would require God to change His word on the topic and “God doesn’t change”… His word is “the same yesterday and today, and a million years from now. …God would have to shift, and God doesn’t.
In closing let me say, I still believe the Bible. I still believe it is absolute truth. It has out-lived its critics and survived being burned, banned, and …blamed for much of the world’s problems. It is not a book about religion. It is a book about redemption - How sinful, prideful, hateful people can find peace, hope, love, and salvation through Jesus God’s only begotten Son.
Good luck Charlie… Because, in the last days “perilous times will come…men will be lovers of themselves.” Good luck Charlie, because the belief in God that once made America strong is now being mocked more than ever. Good luck Charlie, growing up in a nation that appears to be turning her back on the faith of our fathers.
Charlie…I wish you more than good luck. I wish you God’s grace. MM
Well said, Dr. Mason. God will eventually give them over to a depraved mind.