Monday, October 17, 2016

Retraining Your Mules

It was October of 1904.  Evan Roberts had delivered a message God had placed on his heart and an awakening was in progress.  He had asked to speak to the entire congregation but was allowed to speak only to those who would stay after services to hear him.  Seventeen people stayed.  God moved.  The great Welsh revival was happening.

Roberts preached four simple points:  Put away unconfessed sin.  Put away doubtful habits.  Obey the Spirit immediately.  Confess Christ publicly.  History tells us that within two months 70,000 people came to Christ.  Within six months, over 100,000 were saved as a result of that simple message preached to a small crowd who stayed after to hear young Evan Roberts.  Wow.

God began to do amazing things.  Anthony Jordan described it like this:  “Bustling taverns were closed for lack of business.  Policemen were idle for lack of criminal activity.  People made restitution with others.  Perhaps the most dramatic change came in the mines.  Miners had trained their mules to respond to their commands laced with vile language.  After the miners were converted, their language changed so the mules had to be retrained to respond to non-cursing commands.” 

I pray each week for God to move in the churches where I preach…and I pray for the people to respond.  O that God would speak and we would hear and respond in such a way that no one could deny the presence and power of God at work in us.  ...That bars would be empty and churches filled.  That hatefulness would be replaced with kindness.  That our churches be revived, our faith restored, and our mules retrained. 

Lord, send a revival…

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