Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Called To Preach

1 Cor. 9:16

I first felt a desire to preach when I was just a boy.  I remember a teacher asking the class what we were going to be when we grew up and I said, “A preacher.”  I thought about it off and on throughout junior high and high school even though I had never publicly committed my life to Christ.  And even though I didn’t fully understand it, I knew if I ever became a Christian I was also going to become a preacher.

I made that commitment at age nineteen.  I was saved in May of 1982 and began preaching in September of that same year.  I remember the absolute joy that preaching brought me.  I enjoyed studying and putting together sermons and I still do.  Preaching still thrills my soul.  It’s almost indescribable.  To stand and preach a message that can change someone’s life, change their circumstances, change the world…is more than wonderful...it's powerful.  

I say with Paul, “Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel…”  I feel today, more than ever, compelled…driven…called to preach this life changing message of Christ.  I am thankful for the opportunity.  I have been proclaiming this message for thirty-three years…and because I realize I may not have thirty-three more years ahead of me to preach I want to make every sermon count. I want to preach every sermon as if it is the last one I get to preach and the last one you get to hear. 

Thank you God for the call to preach.  Thank you Lord for the privilege and the pure joy that comes from preaching the Gospel of Jesus.  amen

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you! God's Word burns in my bones and His call on my life burns in my heart! I'm not giving up! I'm not turning back!
