Jeremiah 32:27
Trouble...we’ve all had some. We’ve had family trouble, financial trouble, car trouble, heart trouble, trouble with the IRS, trouble with coaches, preachers, and teachers, and politicians. Trouble with children, trouble with the Law. Trouble with neighbors, trouble with neighbor’s dogs... TROUBLE. It’s an ugly word but realistic. If you’re not in the midst of some kind of trouble, like a train coming down the tracks, trouble will come your way...and you can’t stop a train. Just know it’s coming.
What can trouble do to us? Can it help us? Here’s three ideas...•
Trouble can be a Tipping Point: Malcolm Gladwell, who wrote a book by that title, describes the tipping point as “the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point." In other words, it is the point at which I “tip” one way or another because of people, circumstances, or situations. My tipping point may make me bitter or better.
o Genesis 4 - Cain killed Abel at the tipping point. Needless to say, he tipped over in wrong direction. He spent the rest of his life a marked man because of his anger, jealousy, and resentment.
• Trouble can be a Tripping Point: David Byrd says the tripping point is that moment when we become apathetic about life. Some of those characteristics are: burnout, stagnation, and indecision. It is that moment in time when I resign from ambition, expectation, and conviction. Trouble can drive me to the quitting point.
o 2 Samuel 11 – David removed his armor. While other kings went forth to battle, David stayed behind. He was most vulnerable at this point. He may have been tired or troubled...but in his relaxed state, he became tempted. When I become complacent about conviction and comfortable with compromise I am at the tripping point.
• Trouble can be a Turning Point: It is that point when I turn around...turn back...or turn it over to God. The truth about trouble is it can cause me to become the best I can be or the worst I can be. Trouble can turn a person to God or away from God. Truth is, if it don’t kill you it will make you stronger.
o Luke 15 – The Prodigal son left the pig pen. The Bible simply says “He came to himself.” ...Then he arose and went to his father. He was hungry for the hog's food then he became hungry for home. He had been fascinated with the forbidden then fooled by the far country....then forgiven by his father.
There is no Trouble too big for God. If you're tipping or tripping...try turning to God. Trust Him with your trouble.
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