Monday, March 21, 2011

Saving the Unsavable

1 Timothy 1:12-16

Paul said he was the worst sinner in the history of sinning. If he had lived about 2000 years later, he might have changed his mind. He never met Hussein, BinLaden, or Hitler. But in his day, he was the worst sinner in the world who became the greatest Christian in the world. How does God save unsavable sinners like Paul? Good question. But, who are these sinners who seem so unsavable?

Five Famous Sinners...

1- The Proud Sinner. You remember this guy from high school and college...and some of you still work with him...or her. They partied all weekend and drank all night...and they want everybody to know. They’ve Facebooked and tweeted every thirty minutes for the whole weekend. They partied hard and they’ve got the tattoo to prove it.

2- The Wanna-be Sinner. This guy wants to sin. He’s looking for sin. If there’s a party, he wants to come...but no one invites him. Call him the born loser. He’s looking for love in all the wrong places but no one’s looking for him. Do you know you know her?

3- The T-shirt Sinner. He doesn’t drink, party, hang with the wrong crowd or any of that...but he wants people to think he does. His t-shirt says “party animal.” But the last big party he went to was his grandmother’s birthday party and she got more rowdy than he did.

4- The Sophisticated’s hip to sin. You’ve seen this guy. He’s educated, well dressed, drives the sports car, works a nice job and makes big money...but he’s addicted to sins he started committing when he was in High School. He’s Bill Gates during the week, but becomes Charley Sheen on the weekend. Know him?

5- The Over-The-Hill Sinner. Papaw thinks it’s cool to smoke pot. Willie Nelson is his hero. He stopped trying to quit years ago. All his rowdy friends have settled down...but he hasn’t. His favorite way to relax is icey-hot and a cold beer. Know anybody like him?

How does God save an un-savable sinner?
How does God help the hopeless sinner?

• God gets your attention. My doctor told me several years ago that most people won’t change their indulgent lifestyle until they have some kind of an “event.” And event like a heart attack or a scare with cancer or a late night ambulance ride or a night in jail or the death of a friend or loved one.
o It’s true you know...Sometimes God speaks to us in the midst of an “event.” Suddenly we realize we’re not gonna live forever. We realize we’re getting older. We’re not as young as we used to be. We’ve got to change our way of living if we expect to be around to see our children grow up. So we sit through the funeral service...not only grieving the death of a friend...but also grieving our own personal battles and failures. Have you had an event that changed your life?

• God changes your affection. Strange how this happens. They fella who used to spend every weekend on the golf course now can’t wait to get to church. He’s still golfing on Saturday but he’s greeting on Sunday morning. ....That lady who didn’t like to read now can’t put the Bible down. She’s even teaching a Bible Study...she digging to learn more...can’t get enough. ....That high school senior used to be the life of every party, but now he’s leading a Bible study group...he’s the ring leader of “See You At The Pole”...he's hanging out at the church with the youth pastor...she feels like God is leading her to be a nurse and a missionary.
o Wow...Amazing isn’t it how God makes radical changes in us. Those things we used to love, desire, and want more than they don’t mean all that much. When God gets ready to save someone He will bring about a change in their affections. Suddenly, fitting in isn’t all that important.

• God overhauls your ambition. When Conviction meets Ambition the end result is a change of Direction. Salvation is all about a change of mind by the power of God that leads to a total transformation of life. A person becomes less ambitious about making money...and more about making memories with those he loves the most. She is less ambitious about building a beach house and more concerned about building a relationship with her children and grandchildren.
o True, is it not, when God transforms our ambitious dreams, we still pursue our goals, we just make sure God is honored in all we do and all we seek to do. This overhauling is Radical. It is Visible. It is Eternal! God wants your heart. He sent Jesus so you could be completely His. Trust Him!

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