1 Timothy 1:12-16
Paul said he was the worst sinner in the history of sinning. If he had lived about 2000 years later, he might have changed his mind. He never met Hussein, BinLaden, or Hitler. But in his day, he was the worst sinner in the world who became the greatest Christian in the world. How does God save unsavable sinners like Paul? Good question. But, who are these sinners who seem so unsavable?
Five Famous Sinners...
1- The Proud Sinner. You remember this guy from high school and college...and some of you still work with him...or her. They partied all weekend and drank all night...and they want everybody to know. They’ve Facebooked and tweeted every thirty minutes for the whole weekend. They partied hard and they’ve got the tattoo to prove it.
2- The Wanna-be Sinner. This guy wants to sin. He’s looking for sin. If there’s a party, he wants to come...but no one invites him. Call him the born loser. He’s looking for love in all the wrong places but no one’s looking for him. Do you know him...do you know her?
3- The T-shirt Sinner. He doesn’t drink, party, hang with the wrong crowd or any of that...but he wants people to think he does. His t-shirt says “party animal.” But the last big party he went to was his grandmother’s birthday party and she got more rowdy than he did.
4- The Sophisticated Sinner...it’s hip to sin. You’ve seen this guy. He’s educated, well dressed, drives the sports car, works a nice job and makes big money...but he’s addicted to sins he started committing when he was in High School. He’s Bill Gates during the week, but becomes Charley Sheen on the weekend. Know him?
5- The Over-The-Hill Sinner. Papaw thinks it’s cool to smoke pot. Willie Nelson is his hero. He stopped trying to quit years ago. All his rowdy friends have settled down...but he hasn’t. His favorite way to relax is icey-hot and a cold beer. Know anybody like him?
How does God save an un-savable sinner?
How does God help the hopeless sinner?
• God gets your attention. My doctor told me several years ago that most people won’t change their indulgent lifestyle until they have some kind of an “event.” And event like a heart attack or a scare with cancer or a late night ambulance ride or a night in jail or the death of a friend or loved one.
o It’s true you know...Sometimes God speaks to us in the midst of an “event.” Suddenly we realize we’re not gonna live forever. We realize we’re getting older. We’re not as young as we used to be. We’ve got to change our way of living if we expect to be around to see our children grow up. So we sit through the funeral service...not only grieving the death of a friend...but also grieving our own personal battles and failures. Have you had an event that changed your life?
• God changes your affection. Strange how this happens. They fella who used to spend every weekend on the golf course now can’t wait to get to church. He’s still golfing on Saturday but he’s greeting on Sunday morning. ....That lady who didn’t like to read now can’t put the Bible down. She’s even teaching a Bible Study...she digging to learn more...can’t get enough. ....That high school senior used to be the life of every party, but now he’s leading a Bible study group...he’s the ring leader of “See You At The Pole”...he's hanging out at the church with the youth pastor...she feels like God is leading her to be a nurse and a missionary.
o Wow...Amazing isn’t it how God makes radical changes in us. Those things we used to love, desire, and want more than anything...now they don’t mean all that much. When God gets ready to save someone He will bring about a change in their affections. Suddenly, fitting in isn’t all that important.
• God overhauls your ambition. When Conviction meets Ambition the end result is a change of Direction. Salvation is all about a change of mind by the power of God that leads to a total transformation of life. A person becomes less ambitious about making money...and more about making memories with those he loves the most. She is less ambitious about building a beach house and more concerned about building a relationship with her children and grandchildren.
o True, is it not, when God transforms our ambitious dreams, we still pursue our goals, we just make sure God is honored in all we do and all we seek to do. This overhauling is Radical. It is Visible. It is Eternal! God wants your heart. He sent Jesus so you could be completely His. Trust Him!

Monday, March 21, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Jeremiah 32:27
Trouble...we’ve all had some. We’ve had family trouble, financial trouble, car trouble, heart trouble, trouble with the IRS, trouble with coaches, preachers, and teachers, and politicians. Trouble with children, trouble with the Law. Trouble with neighbors, trouble with neighbor’s dogs... TROUBLE. It’s an ugly word but realistic. If you’re not in the midst of some kind of trouble, like a train coming down the tracks, trouble will come your way...and you can’t stop a train. Just know it’s coming.
What can trouble do to us? Can it help us? Here’s three ideas...•
Trouble can be a Tipping Point: Malcolm Gladwell, who wrote a book by that title, describes the tipping point as “the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point." In other words, it is the point at which I “tip” one way or another because of people, circumstances, or situations. My tipping point may make me bitter or better.
o Genesis 4 - Cain killed Abel at the tipping point. Needless to say, he tipped over in wrong direction. He spent the rest of his life a marked man because of his anger, jealousy, and resentment.
• Trouble can be a Tripping Point: David Byrd says the tripping point is that moment when we become apathetic about life. Some of those characteristics are: burnout, stagnation, and indecision. It is that moment in time when I resign from ambition, expectation, and conviction. Trouble can drive me to the quitting point.
o 2 Samuel 11 – David removed his armor. While other kings went forth to battle, David stayed behind. He was most vulnerable at this point. He may have been tired or troubled...but in his relaxed state, he became tempted. When I become complacent about conviction and comfortable with compromise I am at the tripping point.
• Trouble can be a Turning Point: It is that point when I turn around...turn back...or turn it over to God. The truth about trouble is it can cause me to become the best I can be or the worst I can be. Trouble can turn a person to God or away from God. Truth is, if it don’t kill you it will make you stronger.
o Luke 15 – The Prodigal son left the pig pen. The Bible simply says “He came to himself.” ...Then he arose and went to his father. He was hungry for the hog's food then he became hungry for home. He had been fascinated with the forbidden then fooled by the far country....then forgiven by his father.
There is no Trouble too big for God. If you're tipping or tripping...try turning to God. Trust Him with your trouble.
Trouble...we’ve all had some. We’ve had family trouble, financial trouble, car trouble, heart trouble, trouble with the IRS, trouble with coaches, preachers, and teachers, and politicians. Trouble with children, trouble with the Law. Trouble with neighbors, trouble with neighbor’s dogs... TROUBLE. It’s an ugly word but realistic. If you’re not in the midst of some kind of trouble, like a train coming down the tracks, trouble will come your way...and you can’t stop a train. Just know it’s coming.
What can trouble do to us? Can it help us? Here’s three ideas...•
Trouble can be a Tipping Point: Malcolm Gladwell, who wrote a book by that title, describes the tipping point as “the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point." In other words, it is the point at which I “tip” one way or another because of people, circumstances, or situations. My tipping point may make me bitter or better.
o Genesis 4 - Cain killed Abel at the tipping point. Needless to say, he tipped over in wrong direction. He spent the rest of his life a marked man because of his anger, jealousy, and resentment.
• Trouble can be a Tripping Point: David Byrd says the tripping point is that moment when we become apathetic about life. Some of those characteristics are: burnout, stagnation, and indecision. It is that moment in time when I resign from ambition, expectation, and conviction. Trouble can drive me to the quitting point.
o 2 Samuel 11 – David removed his armor. While other kings went forth to battle, David stayed behind. He was most vulnerable at this point. He may have been tired or troubled...but in his relaxed state, he became tempted. When I become complacent about conviction and comfortable with compromise I am at the tripping point.
• Trouble can be a Turning Point: It is that point when I turn around...turn back...or turn it over to God. The truth about trouble is it can cause me to become the best I can be or the worst I can be. Trouble can turn a person to God or away from God. Truth is, if it don’t kill you it will make you stronger.
o Luke 15 – The Prodigal son left the pig pen. The Bible simply says “He came to himself.” ...Then he arose and went to his father. He was hungry for the hog's food then he became hungry for home. He had been fascinated with the forbidden then fooled by the far country....then forgiven by his father.
There is no Trouble too big for God. If you're tipping or tripping...try turning to God. Trust Him with your trouble.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The Promise Keeper
Psalm 77:1-9
We’ve all known a Promise-Maker. It’s been said, “A man apt to promise is apt to forget.” We’ve all known a promise maker...some who kept their promise and some we remember because they didn’t. “We learn to be skeptical about promises made by folks who are either in love, drunk, or running for office.” (Shirley McClain) Those folks will promise you anything under the sun...to get your love or your vote, and some won’t remember it the next day.
Thankfully my life has been impacted by promise-makers. My parents promised to stay married till death. They promised to love each other in sickness and health and riches and poverty and in good and bad. They did just that for 51 years.
I was raised in a community where a promise and a handshake meant something. We never locked our doors...we never locked our cars and we even left the keys in the ignition. No one ever stole our cars – broke into our home – or took anything that didn’t belong to them. Why is that? Not too long ago people actually respected other people and believed God...and were marked as being “as good as their word.” Those were good days.
We’ve all known a Promise-Breaker. What is it that makes a promise-maker a promise-breaker? Maybe they’ve been the recipient of a broken promise. Maybe their dad was a promise-breaker. Maybe their boss is a promise-breaker. Or, maybe they just don’t mean what they say. Bill Cosbe said, “The very first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete promise and cultivate the delightfully vague.” And maybe one of the defining characteristics of people today is that we are vague...we won’t commit to much...won’t promise to do much...and won’t decide one way or another for sure. We are vaguely uncommitted and undecided.
Has your boss promised you a promotion but it never happened? Has your husband or wife made promises they’ve never kept? Have you been influenced by an environment of un-kept promises? - We’re all prone to be a promise-breaker. It goes all the way back to 3rd grade when we asked our neighbor if we could borrow a pencil...as in, “I will give it back” ...and as we got older we asked if we could borrow $5 and promised to pay it back.
....Here’s the one thing you can do – Break the habit of being a promise-breaker.
We can all know the Promise-Keeper. That’s the Lord. He is the original promise-maker and promise-keeper. ....Think about that. God has never made a promise that He cannot keep. God keeps His promises as He chooses, as He pleases, in His own time. And, He’s never late.
Think about these promises...
The promise of God's protection - "I am your shield" (Gen. 15:1)
The promise of God's power - "I will strengthen you" (Isa. 41:10)
The promise of God's provision - "I will help you" (Isa. 41:10)
The promise of rest - "Come unto Me....and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28)
The promise of forgiveness - "He is faithful and just to forgive our sins...” (1 John 1:9)
Remember these words from the great old hymn Standing On the Promises?.....
“Standing on the promises of Christ my King. Through eternal ages let his praises ring. Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing.
Standing on the promises of God.
...Standing, standing, standing on the promises of Christ my Savior;
Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God.
....Standing on the promises that cannot fail.
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail.
By the living Word of God I shall prevail.
Standing on the promises of God.
Psalm 77:1-9....
1- The Psalmist Cried out and Complained. v1-6 The Psalmist cried all night for God to hear him. It’s as if God didn’t hear his prayer. Seems like when victory is closest, the Devil works his hardest. Like the darkest hour is just before dawn...the darkest day in your life may be the last day you’ll be in the dark. It is not a sin to cry out and to make your complaints known to God. It is a sin to stop trusting Him.
2- The Psalmist was Troubled and Tempted. v7-9 The Psalmist felt like he had been abandoned by the LORD. He wondered if God had cast off His people. God had not answered their prayers, which greatly troubled his heart. The Devil knows when to pour salt into an open wound. At just the point we get a glimmer of hope he comes in with temptations to doubt the promises of the Lord.
3- The Psalmist Remembered and Rejoiced. v10-15 He remembered God's miracles. When he did he was filled with praise. He is the God who does wonders. He is the God who redeems. The God who saves. In the midst of fears and doubts and heartache...it’s not always easy to remember God. The pain drowns out the voice of God. But if you can be still and know He is God...you will remember His goodness. He has done and will do...Wonders.
We’ve all known a Promise-Maker. It’s been said, “A man apt to promise is apt to forget.” We’ve all known a promise maker...some who kept their promise and some we remember because they didn’t. “We learn to be skeptical about promises made by folks who are either in love, drunk, or running for office.” (Shirley McClain) Those folks will promise you anything under the sun...to get your love or your vote, and some won’t remember it the next day.
Thankfully my life has been impacted by promise-makers. My parents promised to stay married till death. They promised to love each other in sickness and health and riches and poverty and in good and bad. They did just that for 51 years.
I was raised in a community where a promise and a handshake meant something. We never locked our doors...we never locked our cars and we even left the keys in the ignition. No one ever stole our cars – broke into our home – or took anything that didn’t belong to them. Why is that? Not too long ago people actually respected other people and believed God...and were marked as being “as good as their word.” Those were good days.
We’ve all known a Promise-Breaker. What is it that makes a promise-maker a promise-breaker? Maybe they’ve been the recipient of a broken promise. Maybe their dad was a promise-breaker. Maybe their boss is a promise-breaker. Or, maybe they just don’t mean what they say. Bill Cosbe said, “The very first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete promise and cultivate the delightfully vague.” And maybe one of the defining characteristics of people today is that we are vague...we won’t commit to much...won’t promise to do much...and won’t decide one way or another for sure. We are vaguely uncommitted and undecided.
Has your boss promised you a promotion but it never happened? Has your husband or wife made promises they’ve never kept? Have you been influenced by an environment of un-kept promises? - We’re all prone to be a promise-breaker. It goes all the way back to 3rd grade when we asked our neighbor if we could borrow a pencil...as in, “I will give it back” ...and as we got older we asked if we could borrow $5 and promised to pay it back.
....Here’s the one thing you can do – Break the habit of being a promise-breaker.
We can all know the Promise-Keeper. That’s the Lord. He is the original promise-maker and promise-keeper. ....Think about that. God has never made a promise that He cannot keep. God keeps His promises as He chooses, as He pleases, in His own time. And, He’s never late.
Think about these promises...
The promise of God's protection - "I am your shield" (Gen. 15:1)
The promise of God's power - "I will strengthen you" (Isa. 41:10)
The promise of God's provision - "I will help you" (Isa. 41:10)
The promise of rest - "Come unto Me....and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28)
The promise of forgiveness - "He is faithful and just to forgive our sins...” (1 John 1:9)
Remember these words from the great old hymn Standing On the Promises?.....
“Standing on the promises of Christ my King. Through eternal ages let his praises ring. Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing.
Standing on the promises of God.
...Standing, standing, standing on the promises of Christ my Savior;
Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God.
....Standing on the promises that cannot fail.
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail.
By the living Word of God I shall prevail.
Standing on the promises of God.
Psalm 77:1-9....
1- The Psalmist Cried out and Complained. v1-6 The Psalmist cried all night for God to hear him. It’s as if God didn’t hear his prayer. Seems like when victory is closest, the Devil works his hardest. Like the darkest hour is just before dawn...the darkest day in your life may be the last day you’ll be in the dark. It is not a sin to cry out and to make your complaints known to God. It is a sin to stop trusting Him.
2- The Psalmist was Troubled and Tempted. v7-9 The Psalmist felt like he had been abandoned by the LORD. He wondered if God had cast off His people. God had not answered their prayers, which greatly troubled his heart. The Devil knows when to pour salt into an open wound. At just the point we get a glimmer of hope he comes in with temptations to doubt the promises of the Lord.
3- The Psalmist Remembered and Rejoiced. v10-15 He remembered God's miracles. When he did he was filled with praise. He is the God who does wonders. He is the God who redeems. The God who saves. In the midst of fears and doubts and heartache...it’s not always easy to remember God. The pain drowns out the voice of God. But if you can be still and know He is God...you will remember His goodness. He has done and will do...Wonders.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Billy Graham has said, “Heaven is full of answers to prayers for which no one ever bothered to ask.” So why is it we wait till the last minute to pray? Why put off the one thing that could change everything? Why ignore the obvious? Why wait till all hope is gone? Why do we try everything imaginable and when all is lost...we decide to pray?
It has been said, “There is power in prayer.” But the truth is, “There is power in God.” And I have heard, “Prayer changes things.” But the truth is, “Prayer changes people and in many situations people change things.” Needless to say, nothing is too hard for God and there is no prayer God can’t answer.
The Prayer-Point: Psalm 6:2-10 The point at which you can go no further without praying. Have you been there? The point at which you call out to God in desperation? Maybe your child is sick... Maybe your mom or dad is critical... Maybe you’ve lost your job... Maybe you’ve sinned and been found out... Maybe you’ve been running from God... Maybe you’re like Paul on the Damascus Road and all you can do is cry out for help.
King David was there. Listen and you will hear his anguish...his heartache...his desperation. No bitterness here. No pride. No self confidence. At this point it is all God or nothing. Although we can’t pinpoint a time in David’s life when he cried out to God like this, we can sense his pain...and some of us can relate.
Abraham Lincoln said, “I have been driven many times to my knees by the over-whelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go.” Like the old song, “Where could I go but to the Lord...” We had no where else to turn...and we ran to God and cried out to Him.
The Pour-Point: Psalm 51:1-4 The point at which you pour your heart out to God. This is no “end of the service benediction.” This is no “ask the Lord to bless the food" kind of prayer. This is no “I’m in a hurry so bless me quick” kind of prayer. Picture David on the floor. He is broken, un-done, finished, and utterly dependent on the Lord to forgive him. He is pouring his heart out to God.
This repentance reflects his sin with Bathsheba. In modern language he might have cried out, “What a fool I’ve been!” Eugene Peterson puts it like this... “I know how bad I've been; my sins are staring me down.” Ever been there? You’ve had enough! God...please forgive me! Please help me! Please heal my son! Please heal my mother! Lord...help!
If you’ve never been to the “pour-point” of praying, you will get there one day. You’ll be blindsided by sickness, the loss of a job, divorce, and death. You won’t see it coming. And the only hope you’ll have is to pour your heart out to God. “Tell it to Jesus, Tell it to Jesus!
The Pure-Point: Psalm 51:10-12 The point at which God makes your heart pure through prayer. Wow. David has nothing to lose. He so badly wants to get back what he has lost. He is confessing, repenting, almost begging God for the joy of his salvation to be restored. No pretense here. He won’t even look at God. He’s hiding his face. Make me pure! Make me whole! Clean my heart! Change me! Help me! O God make me new!
David was Confronted by Nathan – Convicted by the Spirit – Cleansed by the Lord. Amazing how God uses people to help us see the truth.
Ever been there? Maybe it had nothing to do with a sin like David’s – but you doubted God – You rejected God – You ignored God – You walked away from God – You told God you didn’t need Him... You’re heart had become impure and unbelieving. Your mind had become polluted and unrepentant. It was a long winding road. But like the prodigal you made it home.
The Power-Point: Psalm 66:16-20 The point at which you are empowered through prayer. R. A. Torrey said, “We are too busy to pray, and so we are too busy to have power.” ...The same king who was on his face is now on his feet. He was down – now he’s up. He was broken – now he’s better. He was at the end of the road – now he has a new beginning. He had felt like giving up – now he feels like going on. He was defeated – now he’s delivered!
This was a testimony. David had been through the fire. He had been burnt by the power of sin and would forever bear the scars...but this one thing he knew – God brought him out.
There’s a spring in his step. There’s reassurance in his heart. There’s a renewed passion for God. ...When a person prays like they should – God will renew their spirit – they will mount up with wings as eagles – they will run and not be weary – they will walk and not faint.
There is power in prayer – and that power is in us, when we pray.
It has been said, “There is power in prayer.” But the truth is, “There is power in God.” And I have heard, “Prayer changes things.” But the truth is, “Prayer changes people and in many situations people change things.” Needless to say, nothing is too hard for God and there is no prayer God can’t answer.
The Prayer-Point: Psalm 6:2-10 The point at which you can go no further without praying. Have you been there? The point at which you call out to God in desperation? Maybe your child is sick... Maybe your mom or dad is critical... Maybe you’ve lost your job... Maybe you’ve sinned and been found out... Maybe you’ve been running from God... Maybe you’re like Paul on the Damascus Road and all you can do is cry out for help.
King David was there. Listen and you will hear his anguish...his heartache...his desperation. No bitterness here. No pride. No self confidence. At this point it is all God or nothing. Although we can’t pinpoint a time in David’s life when he cried out to God like this, we can sense his pain...and some of us can relate.
Abraham Lincoln said, “I have been driven many times to my knees by the over-whelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go.” Like the old song, “Where could I go but to the Lord...” We had no where else to turn...and we ran to God and cried out to Him.
The Pour-Point: Psalm 51:1-4 The point at which you pour your heart out to God. This is no “end of the service benediction.” This is no “ask the Lord to bless the food" kind of prayer. This is no “I’m in a hurry so bless me quick” kind of prayer. Picture David on the floor. He is broken, un-done, finished, and utterly dependent on the Lord to forgive him. He is pouring his heart out to God.
This repentance reflects his sin with Bathsheba. In modern language he might have cried out, “What a fool I’ve been!” Eugene Peterson puts it like this... “I know how bad I've been; my sins are staring me down.” Ever been there? You’ve had enough! God...please forgive me! Please help me! Please heal my son! Please heal my mother! Lord...help!
If you’ve never been to the “pour-point” of praying, you will get there one day. You’ll be blindsided by sickness, the loss of a job, divorce, and death. You won’t see it coming. And the only hope you’ll have is to pour your heart out to God. “Tell it to Jesus, Tell it to Jesus!
The Pure-Point: Psalm 51:10-12 The point at which God makes your heart pure through prayer. Wow. David has nothing to lose. He so badly wants to get back what he has lost. He is confessing, repenting, almost begging God for the joy of his salvation to be restored. No pretense here. He won’t even look at God. He’s hiding his face. Make me pure! Make me whole! Clean my heart! Change me! Help me! O God make me new!
David was Confronted by Nathan – Convicted by the Spirit – Cleansed by the Lord. Amazing how God uses people to help us see the truth.
Ever been there? Maybe it had nothing to do with a sin like David’s – but you doubted God – You rejected God – You ignored God – You walked away from God – You told God you didn’t need Him... You’re heart had become impure and unbelieving. Your mind had become polluted and unrepentant. It was a long winding road. But like the prodigal you made it home.
The Power-Point: Psalm 66:16-20 The point at which you are empowered through prayer. R. A. Torrey said, “We are too busy to pray, and so we are too busy to have power.” ...The same king who was on his face is now on his feet. He was down – now he’s up. He was broken – now he’s better. He was at the end of the road – now he has a new beginning. He had felt like giving up – now he feels like going on. He was defeated – now he’s delivered!
This was a testimony. David had been through the fire. He had been burnt by the power of sin and would forever bear the scars...but this one thing he knew – God brought him out.
There’s a spring in his step. There’s reassurance in his heart. There’s a renewed passion for God. ...When a person prays like they should – God will renew their spirit – they will mount up with wings as eagles – they will run and not be weary – they will walk and not faint.
There is power in prayer – and that power is in us, when we pray.
2011 Preaching Schedule
January 30-February 2
Russell Baptist, Meridian Mississippi
February 8
Florence First Assembly, Florence, Al., TRUE Conference
March 4-6
Trinity Baptist Adult Retreat, Pigeon Forge, Tenn.
April 1-2
Summit Presbyterian, Arab, Al.
April 3-6
Fairview Church of God, Hartselle, Al.
April 4
Limestone Baptist Pastor's Conference, Athens, Al.
June 6-9
Greenwell Springs Baptist Youth Week in Mountain City, Ga.
July 26
New Prospect Baptist Church, Haleyville, Al.
August 21
Indian Springs Baptist, Kingsport, Tenn.
October 2-5
First Baptist Austinville, Decatur, Al.
October 17-21
Guatemala Pastor's Conference
Russell Baptist, Meridian Mississippi
February 8
Florence First Assembly, Florence, Al., TRUE Conference
March 4-6
Trinity Baptist Adult Retreat, Pigeon Forge, Tenn.
April 1-2
Summit Presbyterian, Arab, Al.
April 3-6
Fairview Church of God, Hartselle, Al.
April 4
Limestone Baptist Pastor's Conference, Athens, Al.
June 6-9
Greenwell Springs Baptist Youth Week in Mountain City, Ga.
July 26
New Prospect Baptist Church, Haleyville, Al.
August 21
Indian Springs Baptist, Kingsport, Tenn.
October 2-5
First Baptist Austinville, Decatur, Al.
October 17-21
Guatemala Pastor's Conference
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