Thursday, December 17, 2020

Michael & Dawn December 2020 Newsletter


I trust you’re doing well.  Dawn and I have appreciated your prayers during 2020.  God has blessed us and many of you have prayed for us and supported us during these uncertain times. Going forward into 2021 there is still uncertainty as to what the days ahead hold.  The only thing we are certain of is God’s goodness.  I plan to continue preaching wherever there is an opportunity, and trusting the Lord when there is not.  

My new book, Faithful, is available.  You can purchase it at Amazon, or order a copy through my website: New music is in the final stages of being completed.  I expect CDs and digital downloads be available in January. 

Several years ago my former pastor Steve Caudle wrote our church’s Christmas play, What Can We Learn From The Shepherds.  I thought it was also a great sermon idea….

Christmas is a time to Hear what you’ve never Heard - You may never hear a “heavenly host”… But you can hear God – His message has never changed.  Hear Him saying, “I so loved the world…”  “I’ll forgive all who call on my name.”  “I’ll save all who believe.”                                                        

Christmas is a time to See what you’ve never Seen - Most of us will never have an encounter like the shepherds.  But we are surrounded by God’s goodness, and His grace daily – and yet we never see it. May God open our eyes.                                        Christmas is a time to Go where you’ve never Gone - The shepherds went to Bethlehem.  They could have stayed where they were but they would have never seen Jesus.  Too many of us will never experience Bethlehem because we’re content to stay in the field. 

Christmas is a time to Do what you’ve never Done - I will never stand behind the Inn, in the stable, at the feeding trough – and see Jesus.  But I can come to Him in faith.  I can believe. I can know His love and forgiveness. I can come to Jesus.          

Christmas is a time to Tell what you’ve never Told - The shepherds returned praising God for all they had heard and seen.  They were telling what they had been told. May we go where we’ve been sent – and tell what we’ve been told.  

….If you’d like to have me or Dawn speak at your church…We are available for Revivals, Conferences, Retreats, and Special Events.  Thank You…     

Michael’s Preaching Schedule 2020-21

December 6 New Life Ch, Falkville, Al.

13 Pine Ridge Baptist, Union Grove, Al.

20 Gum Springs Baptist, Hartselle, Al.

January 8-10 Bovina Bap, Vicksburg, Miss.

17 Open

24 Open

31 Bellview Baptist, Decatur, Al.

Dawn’s Speaking Schedule 2021

January 8-10 Bovina Bap, Vicksburg, Miss.

March 6 Ladies Conference, New Beginning Church, Florence, Al. 

April 9-10 Women United Conference, Life Church, Hartselle, Al. 



Monday, November 16, 2020

Michael and Dawn Newsletter November 2020


I trust you’re doing well….  I appreciate your prayers during this crazy and unpredictable year.  My preaching schedule has changed often, but I am thankful for the opportunities the Lord continues to provide.  Special thanks to those who have supported my ministry financially during this time - You have blessed us and we appreciate it.  My new book, Faithful, is now available.  You can purchase it at Amazon, or order a copy through my website:, or you can email me, requesting your copy at  Also, I will have new music available by the end of the year. 

I’ve been working on a message titled, “Surprised By God.”  I often hear prayers for God to move in people, churches, and in our nation.  Well, what does that look like?  I’m convinced God seldom works according to our plans or schedule.                                                When God moves, it often is a part of a bigger picture.  Look back over your life and you will see that He blessed your life in pieces and somehow it all fits together.                                 ….He allowed them to run out of wine at the wedding party so they would trust Him to turn water into wine.  ….He allowed them to need food on the hillside so they would trust Him for the miracle of 5 loaves and two fishes to feed 5000.  ….He allowed Lazarus to die while He was out of town so they would believe Him to raise Lazarus back to life.  ….He allowed the Prodigal to leave and almost starve to death so he could come home broken yet loved, forgiven, and welcomed.                                                                              When God Moves - We have a choice to either step up or step back.  Be a part of what God is doing or not.  Agree with God or argue.  When you say no to His leading, you miss the blessing and God will use someone else.  And, if you go home upset because there’s no wine - you’ll miss the miracle!

….If you’d like to have me or Dawn speak at your church…We are available for Revivals, Conferences, Retreats, and Special Events.  Thank You…     

Michael’s Preaching Schedule 2020

November 1-4 First Bap, Jonesville, La.

6-11 19th Ave Bap, Hattiesburg, Miss.

15 Harmony Bapt, Moulton, Al. AM only

22 Circlewood Bap, Tuscaloosa, Al.

29 Trinity Baptist, Trinity, Al. AM only

29 Southern Cross Cowboy Ch, Arab, Al. PM only

December 6 New Life Ch, Falkville, Al.

13 Pine Ridge Baptist, Union Grove, Al.

20 Gum Springs Baptist, Hartselle, Al.

Dawn’s Speaking Schedule 2021

January 29-30 Women United Conf, Life Church, Hartselle, Al.

March 6 Ladies Conf, New Beginning Church, Florence, Al. 


Monday, September 21, 2020

Michael and Dawn Newsletter September 2020


I trust you’re doing well….  Our world is filled with unrest and uncertainty.  But we can find rest in Christ…and certainty that whatever comes our way God knew all about it before it ever happened and He is God enough and His grace is more than enough to see us through - and beyond.  Big News!!  My new book, Faithful, is now available.  You can purchase it at Amazon, or order a copy through my website:, you can email me at                                       …Also, some time in the next six weeks I hope to have new music recorded.  It will be available in digital format and then on CD and flash drive.  The recording will be a collection of songs that point to hope in Christ.  More about that next month…

I’ve been working on a message out of Acts 19, which is filled with surprises.  Have you ever been surprised at the way God answered a prayer or the way He worked in your life?  May God help us stay open to His surprises.  We like to keep Him neatly packaged, in a box, a bag, a building.  Good luck with that. We like a neat package - a predictable God.  We like a  comfortable, convenient source of grace and goodness.  But when God steps out of bounds and surprises us we have to spin the story to Keep God in our Box…our bag…our building.  Why don’t we let Him out of the box and let ourselves believe in a God bigger than our ideas, presumptions, and theologies?  And rest in His consistent surprises. Andy Andrews says we need to see beyond the Box…  God is Love… And extends love to anyone breathing.  His love is boundless stretching beyond skin or sin.  But don’t confuse His love with license.  He so loves us and calls us to so love Him – with all out heart, mind, soul, and strength.  God is Holy… And just and righteous and serious about sin.  He is holy and he calls us to holiness.  And Jesus is the only way. God is Faithful… And steadfast, the same yesterday and today and forever.  He is faithful but he’s not a formula.  He’ll sit on a well with a Samaritan woman who’s been married 5 times.  He’ll touch a leper.  He’ll eat with a tax collector.  #beyondthebox                                   ….If you’d like to have me or Dawn speak at your church…We are available for Revivals, Conferences, Retreats, and Special Events.  Thank You…     

Michael’s Preaching Schedule 2020


13-16 Bovina Baptist, Vicksburg, Miss

20-23 cancelled

27 Victory Baptist, Mt. Juliet, Tenn.

October 4-7 FBC Jonesville, La. 

11-14 FBC Brewton, Al.

18 Providence Bap, Hatton, Al.

25-28 Harmony Bap, Moulton, Al.

Dawn’s Speaking Schedule 2020

Sept 13 Bovina Bap, Vicksburg, Miss

Sept 20 Flint Baptist, Decatur, Al.

Nov 6-7 19th Ave Bap, Hattiesburg, Miss


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Michael and Dawn August 2020 Newsletter

Friends.....I hope you’re doing well.  I’m having a blessed and productive season of ministry.  It seems my preaching calendar keeps changing, but I am still having opportunities to preach somewhere each week.  Also, my latest book, Faithful, is at the printers and I should be receiving copies within the next few days.  Also, this week I will begin recording vocals for a new music-ministry project.  I am looking forward to this since I have not recorded new music in over ten years.  Pray for me and I’ll pray for you that we remain faithful in these uncertain times.  

I’ve been working on a message from Romans 7:15-20.  It’s that passage where Paul describes his struggle with doing what he hated..and not doing what he desired.  Have you ever been surprised by your own sin?  I have been.  I thought I was stronger…further along…and then all of a sudden I am blindsided by some immoral thought, judgmental attitude, greedy desire.  I think Paul was surprised by his sin…His honesty leaves little to the imagination. Sin is no respecter of person.  Doesn’t matter if you’re Apostle Paul or Judas Iscariot – If sin can have its way with you it will.  He remembers being a slave to sin.  He had been owned by sin…a servant of sin…obeying the demands and desires of sin’s appetite.  Imagine this: Your life has been bought by Jesus…but the former owner keeps coming back trying to claim what’s no longer his.  Jesus bought the house…but the Devil thinks he can rent a room. Paul knows he has been saved from sin….Saved from sin’s power but not its presence.  Jesus said we must deny ourselves daily.  Bonhoeffer said “when God calls a man He bids him to come and die.”  Paul said we were to “reckon ourselves to be dead indeed to sin.”   Saved from sin means I am no longer a slave to sin – I have a new master – and I am called to do what He says.  

If you’d like to have me or Dawn speak at your church…We are available for Revivals, Conferences, Retreats, and Special Events.  Thank You…     

Michael’s Preaching Schedule 2020


2 Central Baptist, Florence, Al.

9 Lebanon Baptist, Hartselle, Al.

16 Victory Baptist, Moulton, Al.

23-26 Serenity Baptist, Somerville, Al.

30-Sep 2 Bethel Baptist, Arley, Al.


13-16 Bovina Baptist, Vicksburg, Miss.

20-23 Topeka Baptist, Jayess, Miss.

27 Victory Baptist, Mt. Juliet, Tenn. 

Dawn’s Speaking Schedule 2020

Aug 16 Victory, Bap. Moulton, Al.

Sept 13 Bovina Bap, Vicksburg, MS

Sept 25-26 Parkview Baptist, Decatur, Al. 

October 3 Lee Heights Bap Florence, AL

October 16-18 No Limits Retreat, Shocco Springs, Talledaga, Al.

Nov 6-7 19th Ave Bap, Hattiesburg, Miss


Monday, July 13, 2020

Michael and Dawn July 2020 Newsletter

I hope you’re doing well.  I really thought when I wrote last month’s newsletter that I was back on track and I’d be busy preaching again.  I was wrong.  I had several more cancellations in June and early July.  Beginning this coming Sunday, I am busy every Sunday through mid-November unless the Covid strikes again.  And I promise I have written a new book.  I had hoped to have it in hand by now…but I am believing I will have it by this time next month.  It’s titled Faithful.  I am grateful for God’s faithfulness to me.  If I am in any way faithful to God it is because He has been faithful to me. 
Here’s a brief devotion from Psalm 37:1-9  Notice, first of all, Don’t Fret.  37:1  The idea is that of not being worried and consumed with fear. How many of us have ever changed the outcome of a situation by worrying?  We should take our concerns to the Lord.  We should lay our burdens at His feet. ….Notice also, Don’t Quit. 37:3-5 The Psalmist writes about trusting. Delighting.  Committing.  Quitting is not an option.  Do you know anyone who quit?  They walked out on their marriage or family?  They quit church?  They quit doing the right thing? Don’t quit. Trust.  Delight. Commit.  ….Notice also, Don’t Cheat. 37:8  Life is full of short-cuts. Sometimes we choose to cheat, to get by with dishonesty.  You can choose to cheat on your spouse, cheat at work, or cheat in life. Be faithful friend. And He will turn your sorrow to joy.  ….Finally, notice, Don’t Forget. 37:9 Don’t forget God.  Wait on Him to work out the details of your life.  Don’t forget what your parents taught you.  Don’t forget what your grandparents said.  Don’t forget what your teachers said.  Most of all, don’t forget what God said.  Trust Him. Be faithful and wait on Him. 
If you’d like to have me or Dawn speak at your church…We are available for Revivals, Conferences, Retreats, and Special Events.  Thank You…     

Michael’s Preaching Schedule 2020
19-22 New Life Church, Falkville, Al.
25 Revival Night, Falkville, Al. HS Auditorium
26 Old Brashiers Chapel, Arab, Al.
29 St Joseph Baptist, Mobile, Al. (zoom)
2-5 Liberty Baptist, Crossville, Al.
9-12 Lebanon Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
16 Victory Baptist, Moulton, Al.
23-26 Serenity Baptist, Somerville, Al.
30-Sep 2 Bethel Baptist, Arley, Al.

Dawn’s Speaking Schedule 2020
Aug 16 Victory, Bap. Moulton, Al.
Sept 13 Bovina Bap, Vicksburg, MS
Sept 25-26 Parkview Baptist, Decatur, Al. 
October 3 Lee Heights Bap Florence, AL
October 16-18 No Limits Retreat, Shocco Springs, Talledaga, Al.
Nov 6-7 19th Ave Bap, Hattiesburg, Miss

For more info…

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Michael & Dawn Newsletter June 2020

My friend and mentor Junior Hill has nicknamed me “Cancellation-Mike.”  Ha!  I have had a number of cancellations on my preaching schedule due to the Covid19.  While it is true I have not been busy preaching, I have been busy with other ministry projects and opportunities.  Such as, completing my latest book, starting the process of recording a few songs, mentoring ten men, Iron Sharpening Iron, and preparing new messages.  I hope to have my new book in hand by the time I write next month’s newsletter. 
I’ve been working on a message about Jacob titled, Wrestling With God.  I’d like to share with you a few of my thoughts… Catherine Booth said, “If we are to better the future we must disturb the present.”  And thankfully it is often God who disturbs us.  Thank God for His disturbing, His intervening…His wrestling with our hearts and minds.  Sometimes faith comes in the fighting. Jacob’s battle wasn’t with Esau. It was with God.  Sometimes believing comes in the battle. Jacob’s battle wasn’t marked by a dislocated hip but a changed heart. Sometimes courage comes in the conflict. Jacob wrestled all night, and still had the courage to cling…  Sometimes reviving comes in the wrestling. Jacob was prepared for what lay ahead…revived and relieved. Sometimes strength comes in the struggle. Jacob’s struggle would strengthen him for a lifetime.  He would become a tool in God’s hand.  If God is wrestling with you - do like Jacob.  Grab hold of Him.
If you’d like to have me or Dawn speak at your church…We are available for Revivals, Conferences, Retreats, and Special Events.  Thank You…     

Michael’s Preaching Schedule 2020
21 Friendship Baptist, Grand Bay, Al.
12-15 Pine Ridge Bap, Union Grove, Al.
18 St. Joseph Baptist, Mobile, Al.
19-22 New Life Church, Falkville, Al.
25 Revival Night, Falkville, Al. HS Auditorium
26 Old Brashiers Chapel, Arab, Al.
2-5 Liberty Baptist, Crossville, Al.
9-12 Lebanon Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
16-19 Union Baptist, Raleigh, Miss.
23-26 Serenity Baptist, Somerville, Al.
30-Sep 2 Bethel Baptist, Arley, Al.
Dawn’s Speaking Schedule 2020
Aug 22 New Life Church, Falkville, Al.
Sept 13-16 Bovina Bap, Vicksburg, MS
Sept 18-19 Pineview Baptist. Harvest AL
Sept 25-26 Parkview Baptist, Decatur, Al. 
Oct 3 Lee Heights Bap Florence, AL
Oct 16-18 No Limits Retreat, Shocco Springs, Talledaga, Al.
Nov 2-6 El Salvador Pastors Conference
Nov 6-7 19th Ave Bap, Hattiesburg, Miss

For more info…

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Michael & Dawn Newsletter May 2020

I hope you’re doing well.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I have four preaching opportunities in June and a full schedule July thru October.  While the Covid19 quarantine and church shutdown allowed me to complete a few ministry projects, I am eager and looking forward to getting back in the pulpit.   
As I mentioned last month I have submitted my latest book for printing.  I am hoping that will be completed by early summer.  Also, I have written 10 new songs that are in the process of being recorded.  More about that in the months to come as I see the project being completed.  And I am still coaching/mentoring several guys who are interested in growing into the men God intended them to be.  Also, we will start back this month with our men’s ministry “Iron Sharpening Iron.”  I appreciate your prayers.  I have used this sabbatical to refocus on my calling and renew my commitment to the One who called me.   
If you’d like to have me or Dawn speak at your church…We are available for Revivals, Conferences, retreats, and Special Events.  Thank You…     

Michael’s Preaching Schedule 2020
17 Southern Cross Cowboy Ch, Arab, Al.
31 Bethlehem West Baptist, Cullman, Al
4-7 Rock Springs Baptist, Stilwell, Ok.
7-10 Bidding Creek Baptist, Stilwell, Ok.
14-17 Macedonia Baptist, Cullman, Al.
19-20 Mt Hebron Men's Conf, Mobile, Al.
12-15 Pine Ridge Bap, Union Grove, Al.
18 St. Joseph Baptist, Mobile, Al.
19-22 New Life Church, Falkville, Al.
26 Old Brashiers Chapel, Arab, Al.
2-5 Liberty Baptist, Crossville, Al.
9-12 Lebanon Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
16-19 Union Baptist, Raleigh, Miss.
23-26 Serenity Baptist, Somerville, Al.
30-Sep 2 Bethel Baptist, Arley, Al.

Dawn’s Speaking Schedule 2020
June 19 Mt Hebron, Mobile, Al. Couples Conference with Michael
Sept 5-6 Tabernacle Bapt, Vidalia, Ga.
Sept 13-16 Bovina Bap, Vicksburg, MS
Sept 18-19 Pineview Baptist. Harvest AL
Sept 25-26 Parkview Baptist, Decatur, Al. 
October 3 Lee Heights Bap Florence, AL
October 16-18 No Limits Retreat, Shocco Springs, Talledaga, AL


For more info…


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Michael and Dawn Newsletter April 2020

Dawn and I trust you are blessed and doing well during these days of quarantine and social distancing.  My prayer is that, even though we are keeping our distance from others, we will draw closer to God.  
I find it interesting, that in my March newsletter, I wrote about knowing God. ...Knowing God is better than knowing who, how, what, when, or why.  Little did I know, over a month ago, where we’d be today and all that we would face in the past few weeks.  Neither do I know even now what’s coming.  But what I said was true, and will be true whatever we face.  Knowing God is the foundation we can build on when we’re tempted to lose hope.  These are different days for us.  Never, in all my years of ministry, have I felt so uncertain about what the future holds.  It’s not that I am uncertain about God, His work, His word, or His church.  But I am uncertain about how all the changes will affect ministry, specifically me.  But I do believe, and I trust the One who knew and knows all about it.  He always brings good out of bad.  
In this newsletter, I am not including a preaching calendar for the coming weeks.  My calendar has been cleared through cancellations, and reservations.  I have an unusually busy schedule July through November…but for now I am doing ministry from home.  What am I doing?  1. Dawn and I have been busy each week preparing and presenting video series on various subjects.  We have posted these to social media.  2. I have completed my latest book and have submitted it for publishing.  It should be ready by mid-June.  3. I have written several songs over the past few years.  I have met with a producer and gave him ten songs that I plan to record by late spring.  4. I am doing some one-on-one mentoring for a few men who have asked for help and direction in their life.  It’s new ground for me but I am enjoying it.  5. I am using the sabbatical to refocus on my calling and renew my commitment to be faithful to the One who called me.   
One of Dawn’s favorite sayings is, “Even If…”  Even if things don’t go the way I planned, God knows all about it.  And today I say, even if I have no where to preach for the next few weeks I know God is faithful.  I am trusting Him.  If the past is any predictor of the future, I am in good hands.  He has opened doors for me, provided for me, blessed me, and watched over me in times of uncertainty and unanswered questions.  I am believing He will do it again.    
If you’d like to have me or Dawn speak at your church… Now or in the future…in your church or through any digital format available…We are available.  
Thank You…                

For more info…visit

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Peace Like A River

Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you are called in one body; and be thankful.
There are many things to worry about today.  At the top of the list currently is the crisis of the Covid19.  How long will it last?  What about my health, and my job, and my future?  What about my family, friends, and loved ones?  For Paul to suggest that we let the peace of God rule seems a little extreme…or maybe it’s not.  Maybe it is the right thing to do. Maybe it is absolutely necessary.  Maybe it is our only hope.  But what does that look like if I let the peace of God rule in my heart? For me personally, it means practicing what I preach.  For all of us who are believers it means living out what we believe. 
We need to retreat….not to a beach or to the mountains or to a condo…but to our prayer closet.  We need to run and retreat to a place where we can fall on our knees, and perhaps our faces, and cry out to God.  We need a retreat where we hide out from the world for a couple of hours…..Where we can come into His presence and allow everything else to fade away.  We need peace.  We need the Lord.  
We need peace like a river.  Remember that song?  Peace like a river makes me have thoughts that are soothing and serene.  Like drifting lazily down a slow-moving river on your pontoon or favorite fishing boat.  Soaking up the sun, wind in your face, cool drinks, into the evening hours watching the moon and stars light up the sky.  The picture is calm away from the chaos.  …Birds are chirping, the skies are blue, all is well, and you want to say things like, “It doesn’t get any better than this.”  
I want to change your imagery a little.  Not just peace like a river…but peace like the Mississippi River.  The Mississippi is no ordinary river. Like many of you, I have witnessed the power of the Mississippi River.  I have seen what happens when it chooses to flood everything in its path.  In that regard, think with me about a Peace that rules…as the verse says.  Peace that has its way regardless.  Peace that lets nothing stand in its way.  Peace that can flood our lives if allowed.  A Peace that is overwhelming.  A Peace that’s bigger and stronger than anything we face.
...This peace that rules, is the Peace of God which surpasses all our understanding.  When we see the Mississippi River overflowing its banks and consuming everything in sight.....That is a glimpse of what the Peace of God can do with all the heartache, trouble, worry and anxiety that attempts to stand in its way.   
Paul said, “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” The word “rule” in this verse is from the Greek word brabeuo, which in ancient times was used to describe the umpire or referee.  Paul uses this word to explain that the peace of God can work like an umpire or referee in our hearts, minds, and emotions. When emotions attempt to throw us into a frenzy, we can stop it by making the choice to let God's peace rule.  When we do, we are allowing God's peace, like an umpire or referee, to call “Time Out.” 
Col 3:15 could be translated:
Let the peace of God call the shots in your life....

Let the peace of God be the umpire in your life and actions....
Let the peace of God act as referee in your emotions and your decisions....
Imagine a referee standing in the middle of the field.  He has made the call even though most of the crowd disagrees with him.  Some are throwing cups and bottles onto the field.  Some are shouting obscenities.  Some are gathering their things and leaving in a rush.  But the referee’s word stands.  He won’t reverse his decision.  It’s done.  PEACE blows the whistle on chaos.  The peace of God that rules in our hearts has the final say.  
Friends, during this season of uncertainty you can be certain God is awake, alert, alive and well.  He is a good God in bad times.  The God on the mountain is still God in the valley.  We must practice what we have preached and live what we have believed.  Our hope is not in political parties. financial prosperity, or in influential people... Our hope is in the Lord.  May the peace of God rule in our hearts.  

Monday, March 23, 2020


Hebrews 4:9-11

Maybe we need to take a deep breath.  Maybe now is a good time.  Maybe we need to limit how much we're listening to news updates.  Maybe we need to find a quiet spot and listen to God.  Maybe we need to open the scriptures, and rest in His promises.  

R: Redeem the Days...  Eph. 5:15-18 “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”  One way to rest in the Lord is to know His will – and make the most of our time here on earth.  May God help us not waste our days...but enjoy our days even in the midst of a crisis.  Redeem your time - Rest in Him.
E:  Endure Hardships...  2 Tim. 2:3-5 “You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.” We can’t rest in the Lord if we’re entangled in the affairs of this world.  Enduring hardships is a daily concentration on staying untangled with the affairs of this world.  Be a good soldier...resting in Jesus who has already won the battle for you.
S:  Sing a New Song...  Ps. 149:1-6 “Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, And His praise in the assembly of saints. 2 Let Israel rejoice in their Maker; Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. 3 Let them praise His name with the dance; Let them sing praises to Him with the timbrel and harp. 4 For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation. 5 Let the saints be joyful in glory; Let them sing aloud on their beds. 6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth...”  You can’t be anxious and praise the Lord at the same time.  Rest in the Lord!  Sing – be joyful!  Let the praise of God be in your mouth!  What can you praise Him for today?  What good thing has the Lord done for you?  Sing a new song!  Rest in Him!
T: Trust God in All Things... Ps. 20:7 “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;  But we will remember the name of the Lord our God.”  Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word...  Trust the Lord in these times of uncertainty.  Trust Him in a bad economy.  Trust Him in sickness.  Trust Him in disappointments.  Trust Him.  Rest in the Lord.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Michael & Dawn March 2020 Newsletter

There are days when simply knowing God is the only thing that helps. Knowing God is better than knowing anything else when you lose your best friend. After forty, fifty, or sixty years of marriage there’s not much anyone can say that will fill the hole in your heart.  Only God can do that.  Knowing God is all that will help when you’ve lost a child.  Whether that child is four or forty-four, there’s nothing that hurts like that.  Only God can help.  Knowing God is all that matters when the doctor’s office calls you or someone you love with the dreaded diagnosis.  Suddenly everything changes.  Only God can give you peace. Knowing God is your only help when your husband or wife walks away from your marriage and suddenly you feel alone and unnecessary.  Only God can fill that void. Knowing God is your only hope when your prodigal child won’t come home.  When she won’t answer the phone.  When he turns away from everything that matters.  Only God keeps you from giving up. Knowing God is your only strength when you suffer silently with depression. When you’re abused verbally and physically.  God is your only refuge. Knowing God is your only hope when you lose your job and you’re faced with the reality of no income to feed your family and pay your bills.  Only God can meet your needs.  I hope you know Him……
If you’d like to have me or Dawn speak at your church… I’m available for revival meetings, revival days, retreats, conferences, etc. Dawn is interested in speaking at any women’s events you may be planning.  And we are also available for couples events.                   
~ Michael’s Spring 2020 Preaching Schedule ~
March 8-11 Fairview Grace Place, Hartselle, Al.
March 15 Southside Baptist, Albertville, Al.
March 16-18 Milldale Baptist, Zachary, La.
March 22 First Baptist, Foley, Al.
April 5-8 Buhl Baptist, Buhl, Al.
12 Open
April 19-22 Macedonia Baptist, Cullman, Al.
26 Open
April 29 Bethel Baptist, Dora, Al.

~ Dawn’s Speaking Dates Spring 2020 ~
March 13-14 Ladies Retreat Southside Baptist @ Guntersville Lake 
March 22 First Baptist Foley, AL (Ladies  Breakout session @ 4:00 pm) 
April 16 P.W.O.C Redstone Arsenal Ladies Conference
April 23-26 Ladies Retreat Wilsonville Baptist Church

May 16 Belmore Baptist Ladies Luncheon

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Inside Out

Living Life Inside Out
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

The trouble with living from the Inside Out with the evidences of character, integrity, and honesty… is that much of the world lives from the Outside In.  Image seems to matter more than being genuine.  Prestige, performance, and popularity, seem take precedence.  If a man appears humble, loving, and kind – He is often assumed to be weak.  

Would it bother you if the Apostle Paul was bent over, bow legged, balding, and half blind?  I read that possible description of him somewhere.  He sounds 6’8” and grizzley.  But what if he was a small man, scarred, and meek?  In his day and in ours, Paul would lose the popularity contest…He was perishing on the outside but alive on the inside.  

If we live from the outside in, we live, believe, think, and respond backward to Jesus.  We would, however, make a good Pharisee.  … For instance:
Appearance is more important than Actions.  Doesn’t matter what we actually do as long as we appear that we are doing good things.  In Matthew 23 the Pharisees were busy but blind.  They were blind leading the blind.…  All they did was to be seen by others.
Impressions are more important than Intentions.  Doesn’t matter what your actual intentions are as long as you make a good impression – even if it’s a false impression.  In Matthew 15:11 Jesus said it’s not what goes into your mouth that defiles or corrupts you, but what comes out of your mouth.  Because what comes out of your mouth was birthed in your heart.
Reputation is far greater than Relationships…  Relationships with others and with God aren’t the priority.  Instead of loving people and using things, the folks I’m describing use people and love things.  In the process they think too highly of themselves.  And the sad end result is found in Matthew 7 where Jesus said, “I never knew you.”

Paul lived from the inside out.  He lived with an eternal perspective…He writes, “We do not lose heart…”  “the power is of God and not us…” “we’re hard pressed but not crushed…”  “perplexed but not in despair…”  “persecuted but not forsaken…”  “struck down but not destroyed…”  It’d be easy to have wrongfully judged him.  It would appear God was rejecting him…even crushing him.  Some might even judge him as being weak.  Don’t ever confuse humility with weakness.  Paul had a humble spirit but a backbone like a crowbar.  He bowed humbly before God but had the tenacity of a bulldog.  He obeyed God rather than men.

Sometimes we judge others by what we see on the outside… We give up on people. We make assumptions… Not based on anything to do with God and grace… but solely on what we see and assume. We give up on others and ourselves because we fail to see the unseen… what God is doing on the inside.

If I want to live from the inside out, I have to be careful about letting what’s on the outside get in.  Be patient with yourself and with others.  You/they may appear to be perishing on the outside, but they’re actually being renewed and refreshed on the inside.  Trust the Lord when it’d be easier to quit.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Michael and Dawn February 2020 News

Friends,    I hope you’re doing well.  I often pray with people who say to me, “I don’t know what to do…I don’t know what to believe…I don’t know what to pray…”  If you’re struggling in those areas maybe this will help:  What do you do when you don’t know what to do?  You do the next right thing. Prov. 21:3 “To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.”  The right thing may not be the easy thing.  It may be the most difficult.   What do you believe when you don’t know what to believe?  God and His word.  Read. Seek. Listen.  Rom 4:20 Abraham, “Did not waver at God’s promises through unbelief but was strengthened…” Stand on truth and trust His promises.   What do you pray when you don’t know what to pray?  Pray for God’s will… because that’s what you want.  And pray for wisdom to discern. Psalm 139:23-24 "Search me O God and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."  
If you’d like to have me or Dawn speak at your church… I’m available for revival meetings, revival days, retreats, conferences, etc. Dawn is interested in speaking at any women’s events you may be planning.  And we are also available for couples events.                   
~ Michael’s Spring 2020 Preaching Schedule ~
16-19 Oak Ridge Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
21-22 Couples Retreat, Journey Ch, Eva, Al.
23-25 Taylorville Baptist, Tuscaloosa, Al.  
29-Mar1 Pineview Bapt., Thomasville, Al.
8-11 Fairview Grace Place, Hartselle, Al.
15 Southside Baptist, Albertville, Al.
16-18 Milldale Baptist, Zachary, La.
22 First Baptist, Foley, Al.
5-8 Buhl Baptist, Buhl, Al.
12 Open
19-22 Macedonia Baptist, Cullman, Al.
26 Open
29 Bethel Baptist, Dora, Al.
3- Open
10- Open
14-17 Rock Springs Baptist, Stilwell, Ok.
17-20 Bidding Creek Baptist, Stilwell, Ok.

31- Open

Dawn’s Speaking Dates Spring 2020

Feb 21-22 Journey Ch Couple's Retreat Joe Wheeler Park, Al.                       
Feb 28-Mar 1 Rosemont Bapt (LaGrange, GA) Women's Retre
March 7 WMU Ladies Luncheon @ Enon Baptist Danville, AL 
March 8 Ladies Lunch @ Fairview Grace Place Falkville, AL
March 13-14 Ladies Retreat Southside Bap@Guntersville Lake 
March 22 First Bap Foley, AL (Ladies Breakout session@4: pm) 
April 16 P.W.O.C Redstone Arsenal Ladies Conference
April 23-26 Ladies Retreat Wilsonville Baptist Church
May 16 Belmor Baptist Ladies Luncheon