Saturday, December 22, 2018

Mary Didn’t Know and Joseph Never Imagined

Both Mary and Joseph had some things to ponder.  Even though they both received a clear word from God, neither of them could have ever dreamed what awaited them.  The popular song asks, “Mary…did you know?”  I say, Mary didn’t know and Joseph could have never imagined.  

We often say things like, “I could never imagine facing that,” or “I could never survive something like that.” But the truth is that God gives us exactly what we need when we are faced with the unimaginable…the grace, mercy, strength, courage we so desperately need.  He meets every need in the midst of every situation when we walk by faith through the very thing we thought we could never survive.   When we surrender our will to His, when we let Him hold the pen in His hand and write our story -  It will be far greater than anything we could ever imagine. 

Somewhere this week, someone got the best news of their life. The thing they had hoped and prayed for came to pass and they literally jumped for joy.   But also, somewhere this week, someone got the worst news of their life.  The thing they dreaded happened, and they received the news they never wanted to hear. Someone had a baby this week…someone lost a baby this week.  Someone got married this week…someone got a divorce.  Someone’s cancer is in remission this week…someone’s cancer came back. Someone bought flowers for their sweetheart this week...someone bought flowers for a funeral for their spouse of fifty years.   What do you do with news that changes your life?  

Dawn and I both received news that changed our lives.  Death and divorce changed our lives.  She lost her husband and I lost my marriage. Suddenly everything changed.  Any plans we had made changed…and thought of growing old together changed…we changed, our lives changed, our world changed.  Ever been there? While she did everything she could to save her husband, and I did all I could to save my marriage, ultimately we lost both. What do you do when you don’t know what to do?  Where do you turn when you don’t know where to turn?  What do you say when you don’t know what to say? Where do you go when you don’t know where to go?

Dawn and I both believe the decisions we make today, especially regarding marriage, our family, and our faith in God have the potential to impact generations to come. If either of us had given up on God in the midst of our crisis, If we had made decisions based on of feelings instead of Truth… we shudder to think what our lives would look like today. 

Every choice we make affects the people closest to you.  Bad choices lead to more bad choices and good choices lead to more good. Imagine how the story of Mary and Joseph couldhave ended.  You have to make decisions you can live with…because you will. 

Think about Mary and Joseph for a minute…  Joseph was a fine, upstanding, young man and suddenly the news comes that his “girlfriend” is pregnant. He never signed up to be a member of the Nativity. He could have never imagined 2000 years later he’d be the subject of sermons or the role model for faithfulness.  Mary is a young, humble, and unpretentious girl in her late teens and suddenly she gets the message that she’ll give birth to the Messiah.  Mary didn’t know her baby boy would one day walk on water…Mary didn’t know her baby boy would save our sons and daughters.  But God did.  And He knows about you – and He knows what you face… 

Oh God…But God 
For every Oh God there is a but God.  “Oh God, why me, why my family, why now...”  But God is faithful, and what was meant for bad He means for good.  

What If…Even If
For every what if there is an even if.  What if my husband dies, what if I lose my marriage, what if the cancer returns?  
Even if I lose everything, even if friends turn to foes, even if I never preach another sermon, God is still God and I am still His child.  He is with me…even if.

I may not know how but I know Who.  
I may not know how the story ends, but I know one who does. 

The end of your story depends on God and your decision to trust Him.  Mary and Joseph’s story ended well – for all of us.  Friend I encourage you today, if you’re in the midst of bad news don’t give up. The God of Mary and Joseph is still the same today.  Trust Him.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Michael Mason December 2018 Newsletter

Wow…What an amazing year 2018 has been.  Incredible blessings, open doors, and new beginnings. I preached in 65 different places of ministry this year… I was in El Salvador 4 times working with pastors… And I got married to the beautiful Dawn.  What a difference a year makes.  I am grateful for the Lord’s blessing and favor on me, my marriage, and my ministry. While I like to look back and see what God has done, I am also looking forward to 2019.  I have a busy early spring and summer preaching schedule. And, as of now, I will be in El Salvador 3 times next year.  It’s gonna be a great year…                                                    
I am enjoying Christmas and time with family.  Together, Dawn and I have 5 children and 3 grandchildren.  Our children are Hunter, Jordan, Alyssa, Garrett and Grayson.  The grand-girls are Magnolia, Harper, and Hattie.  We are blessed beyond measure.  While neither Dawn nor I could have ever predicted where we would be at this stage of our lives, we are both grateful that God allowed our paths to cross and our lives to merge.  Needless to say, I have more reasons than ever before to thank God. We wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.   
If you’d be interested in having Dawn or myself speak to your women’s or men’s ministry we are available.  We’ve both walked some winding roads and have found God’s grace to be more than sufficient.  Here’s an idea: Invite me to preach a Revival Day on Sunday morning and then have Dawn and I speak to your women’s and men’s ministries on Sunday evening…  We’d love to come.         
If you’d like to help support the ministries God has given me, here and abroad, pray and give as God leads you.
Thank you. If you’d like to have me speak at your church event, I’m available for revival meetings, harvest days, retreats, conferences, or any thing you’re planning.                  
For more info…
~ January thru April 2019 Preaching Schedule ~

6 Gum Springs Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
13-16 Southside Baptist, Albertville, Al.
20 Wilsonville Baptist, Wilsonville, AL.
27-30 Bellview Baptist, Decatur, Al.
10-13 Pineview Baptist, Thomasville, Al.
17-20 Oak Ridge Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
24 Victory Baptist, Mt Juliet, Tenn.
3-6 Hilldale Baptist, Clarksville, Tenn.
17 Old Brashiers Chapel, Arab, Al.
18-20 Milldale Baptist, Zachary, La.
24 Taylorville Baptist, Tuscaloosa, Al.
5-7 First Baptist, Columbiana, Al.
8-13 El Salvador
28-May 1 Eastside Baptist, Jasper, Al.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Michael Mason November 2018 Newsletter

                                                                                                             Hey everyone…Hope you’re doing well.  If you’re like me you are looking forward to time with family during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons which are upon us.  Needless to say I am so blessed.  I have more reasons than ever to thank God.  I am in the midst of a busy preaching schedule.  And I am thrilled to be a part of what God is doing. 
If you’d be interested in having Dawn or myself speak to your women’s or men’s ministry we are available.  We’ve both walked some winding roads and have found God’s grace to be more than sufficient.  Here’s an idea: Invite me to preach a Revival Day on Sunday morning and then have Dawn and I speak to your women’s and men’s ministries on Sunday evening…  We’d love to come. 
I will be going to El Salvador once more this fall. December 3-8, I will be returning to help lead seminary training for pastors.  I will be going back to El Salvador and possibly Peru in 2019.  If you’re interested in helping support the ministries God has given me, here and abroad, pray and give as God leads you.  Thank you.
If you’d like to have me speak at your church event, I’m available for revival meetings, harvest days, retreats, conferences, or any thing you’re planning.                   
For more info…visit
~ November 2018 thru March 2019 Preaching  Schedule ~

4-7 First Baptist, Aliceville, Al.
11-14 Bovina Baptist, Vicksburg, Miss.
18 Providence Baptist, Hatton, Al.
25 Florence First Assembly, Florence, Al.
28-29 Disaster Relief Conf, Shocco Spring, Al.

2 New Life Church, Falkville, Al.
3-8 El Salvador Seminary 
9 Trinity Baptist, Trinity, Al.
30 Danville Baptist, Danville, Al.

6 Gum Springs Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
13-16 Southside Baptist, Albertville, Al.
20 Wilsonville Baptist, Wilsonville, AL.
27-30 Bellview Baptist, Decatur, Al.

10-13 Pineview Baptist, Thomasville, Al.
17-20 Oak Ridge Baptist, Hartselle, Al.

3-6 Hilldale Baptist, Clarksville, Tenn.
17 Old Brashiers Chapel, Arab, Al.
18-20 Milldale Baptist, Zachary, La.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Michael Mason October 2018 Newsletter

I am having a busy and blessed fall revival schedule.  As I said in last month’s newsletter, revivals are not dead… where there are people willing to pray, seek God, and assemble together in anticipation of God’s presence and power…Revival is alive and well.  And I am honored to be a part of what God is doing. 
Married life is good…  If you’d be interested in having Dawn or myself speak to your women’s or men’s ministry we are available.  We’ve both walked some winding roads and have found God’s grace to be more than sufficient.  Here’s an idea: Invite me to preach a Revival Day on Sunday morning and then have Dawn and I speak to your women’s and men’s ministries on Sunday evening…  We’d love to come. 
I will be going to El Salvador once more this fall. December 3-8, I will be returning to help lead seminary training for pastors.  I will be going back to El Salvador and possibly Peru in 2019.  If you’re interested in helping support the ministries God has given me, here and abroad, pray and give as God leads you.  Thank you.
If you’d like to have me speak at your church event, I’m available for revival meetings, harvest days, retreats, conferences, or any thing you’re planning.                   
For more info…visit
~ October 2018 thru February 2019 Preaching  Schedule ~

1-4 El Salvador Pastor's Conference
7 Myrtlewood Baptist, Myrtlewood, Al.
8-10 Adult VBS, Moulton, Al. Moulton BC
13 Shoal Creek Baptist, Decatur, Al
14-17 Pleasant Hill Baptist, Decatur, Al.
21-24 First Baptist, Troy, Tenn.
28-29 Okalona Baptist, Hatton, Al.

1 Southern Cross Cowboy Church, Arab, Al.
4-7 First Baptist Aliceville, Al.
11-14 Bovina Baptist, Vicksburg, Miss.
18 Providence Baptist, Hatton, Al.
25 Florence First Assembly, Florence, Al.
28-29 Disaster Relief Conf, Shocco Spring, Al.

2 New Life Church, Falkville, Al.
3-8 El Salvador Seminary 
30 Danville Baptist, Danville, Al.

13-16 Southside Baptist, Albertville, Al.
27-30 Bellview Baptist, Decatur, Al.

10-13 Pineview Baptist, Thomasville, Al.
17-20 Oak Ridge Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
24-27 OPEN

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Michael Mason September 2018 Newsletter

What a wonderful summer of revival meetings God gave me.  Revivals are not dead… where there are people willing to pray, seek God, and assemble together in anticipation of God’s presence and power…Revival is alive and well.    
I am a married man, as of September 1st.  And honored to live my life as the husband to Dawn.  I am as surprised as anyone at the favor God has shown me.  I don’t deserve his goodness, but I’ll take it and enjoy it.  We look forward to many years together as husband and wife. 
I will be going to El Salvador twice this fall. October 1-4 I will be helping lead a pastors conference. And December 3-8, I will be returning to help lead seminary training for pastors.  If you’re interested in helping support the ministries God has given me, here and abroad, pray and give as God leads you.  Thank you.
If you’d like to have me speak at your church event, I’m available for revival meetings, harvest days, retreats, conferences, or any thing you’re planning.                   
For more info…visit
~ September thru December 2018 Preaching  Schedule ~

1 Mason / Wakefield wedding
9 Shoal Creek Baptist, Decatur, Al.
13 Barn Mens Ministry, Falkville, Al.
16-18 First Baptist, Arab, Al.
23 New Zion Baptist, Town Creek, Al.
26-30 Milldale Baptist, Zachary, La.

1-4 El Salvador Pastor's Conference
7 Myrtlewood Baptist, Myrtlewood, Al.
13 Shoal Creek Baptist, Decatur, Al
14-17 Pleasant Hill Baptist, Decatur, Al.
15-17 Moulton Bap, Senior Adult VBS, Moulton, Al. (AM Only)
21-24 First Baptist, Troy, Tenn.
28-29 Okalona Baptist, Hatton, Al.

4-7 First Baptist, Aliceville, Al.
11-14 Bovina Baptist, Vicksburg, Miss.
18 Providence Baptist, Hatton, Al.
25 Florence First Assembly, Florence, Al.
28-29 Disaster Relief Conf, Shocco Spring, Al.

3-8 El Salvador Seminary 
9 New Life Church, Falkville, Al.

30 Danville Baptist, Danville, Al.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Michael Mason August 2018 Newsletter

What a great summer it has been so far. I am in the middle a two month stretch of nine revival meetings plus a couple of other preaching opportunities.  Wow it’s been good.  Thanks for your prayers.
As you know by now, I will be marrying Dawn Wakefield on September 1st.  She is answered prayer for me and a blessing to my life. Look forward to all the future holds.  I continue to be amazed and surprised by the grace of God. 
I will be going to El Salvador twice more this fall. October 1-4 I will be helping lead a pastors conference. And December 3-8, I will be returning to help lead seminary training for pastors.  If you’re interested in helping support the ministries God has given me here and abroad, pray and give as God leads you.  Thank you.
If you are interested in having me come speak at your church or church event I am available for revival meetings, harvest days, retreats, conferences, or any thing you may be planning where you need someone to present the Gospel message.                   
For more info…visit
~ August thru November 2018 Preaching  Schedule ~

5,7-8 Tunstill Rd, Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
6 Grace Baptist, Tullahoma, Tenn.
11 Alabama Deacons Retreat, Shocco Springs, Al.
12-15 Lebanon Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
19-22 Buhl Baptist, Buhl, Al.
26-29 Serenity Baptist, Somerville, Al.

1 Mason / Wakefield wedding
9 Shoal Creek Baptist, Decatur, Al.
16-18 First Baptist, Arab, Al.
23 New Zion Baptist, Town Creek, Al.
26-30 Milldale Baptist, Zachary, Louisiana

1-4 El Salvador Pastor's Conference
7 Myrtlewood Baptist, Myrtlewood, Al.
12-13 Shoal Creek Baptist, Decatur, Al
14- OPEN
21-24 First Baptist, Troy, Tenn.
28--29 Okalona Baptist, Hatton, Al.

4-7 First Baptist, Aliceville, Al.
11-14 Bovina Baptist, Vicksburg, Miss.
18 Providence Baptist, Hatton, Al.


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Michael Mason Ministries July 2018 Newsletter

I am in the midst of a blessed and busy summer preaching schedule.  I have prayed for the Lord to keep me busy…and I am thankful for the open doors. I hope you’ll take a look at where I will be preaching in the next few weeks and come join me in one of the revival services.  And if you can’t come, remember me when you pray.  
September 1st will be here soon…That’s the day I will marry Dawn Wakefield.  I prayed for God to send me someone to love and someone who would love me.  God answered those prayers by sending me Dawn.  She is a blessing to my life.  She prays for me and with me.  She walks with the Lord and is eager to walk with me through doors the Lord will open in days to come.  While neither of us knows all that the future holds, we are taking a step of faith believing God will bless our marriage and our ministry together.  
A quick update on my dad… He is still in a nursing home facility.  His health is still declining.  He has had several mini-strokes this year and has suffered with pneumonia twice.  He sleeps most of the day and night. He still recognizes me most weeks when I visit but the conversations are brief.  He is 87.  I couldn’t have asked for a better dad…and I’ve never known a better man. Thanks for your prayers. 
I will be going to El Salvador twice more this fall.  In October I will be helping lead a pastors conference. And, in November, I will be returning to help lead seminary training for pastors.  Would you be interested in helping support the ministries God has given me here and abroad?  Pray about it and give as God leads you.  Thanks…. 
If you are interested in having me come speak at your church or church event I am available for revival meetings, harvest days, retreats, conferences, or any thing you may be planning where you need someone to present the Gospel message.                   
For more info…visit
~ July thru August 2018 Preaching  Schedule ~
8-13 Jones Chapel, Moulton Al.
15-18 Pine Ridge Bap, Brindlee, Mtn, Al.
22-25 Whitesand Baptist, Prentiss, Miss.
26-28 Corinth Baptist, Joppa, Al.  
29-Aug 1 Topisaw Bap, Bogue Chitto, Miss.

5,7-8 Tunstill Rd, Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
6 Grace Baptist, Tullahoma, Tenn.
12-15 Lebanon Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
19-22 Buhl Baptist, Buhl, Al.

26-29 Serenity Baptist, Somerville, Al.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

God Made A Junior

A tribute to Evangelist Junior Hill – by Michael Mason

The Lord Knew that people needed to hear about Jesus…
So, one day God made a Junior.

The Lord knew that people needed to be saved…
So, one day God made a Junior.

The Lord knew that young preachers needed a hero…
So, one day God made a Junior.

The Lord knew that people needed to laugh…
So, one day God made a Junior.

The Lord knew that people needed to be encouraged…
So, one day God made a Junior.

The Lord knew that people needed someone to look up to…
So, one day God made a Junior.

God made a Junior to preach the Word…
...that the Gospel might be heard.
God made a Junior to encourage and care…
...for everybody everywhere.
God made a Junior to make us smile… help us go another mile.
God made a Junior one day… lost people could hear and be saved.

Thank you Lord for making Junior Hill.  And when you did, you sure made this world a better place, and you made me a better man. Thank you God for Bro. Junior!

Friday, June 15, 2018

June 2018 Michael Mason Ministries Newsletter

What a great spring it has been. Two trips to El Salvador and a number of good revival days…so much good and so much God.  I am looking forward to the busy summer schedule ahead of me.  
It was only a year and a half ago that I wrote to you about the ending of my marriage.  It was sad news and Lord knows my heart was broken. I prayed many prayers last fall for God to send me someone to love and someone who would love me.  God answered those prayers by sending me Dawn Wakefield.  She is a blessing to my life.  She prays for me and with me.  She walks with the Lord and is eager to walk with me through doors the Lord will open in days to come.  I will marry her on September 1st.  Thank you for your continued prayers.  There will be more details in next month’s newsletter. 
Dawn is an amazing lady who is active in her church, leads a women's Bible study group in her home, and writes a blog to help communicate the message of God's grace and mercy.  If you're interested in learning a little more about her, you can find her blog at:
I will be going to El Salvador twice more this fall.  In October I will be helping lead a pastors conference. And, in November, I will be returning to help lead seminary training for pastors.  Would you be interested in helping support the ministries God has given me here and abroad?  Pray about it and give as God leads you.  Thanks…. 
If you are interested in having me come speak at your church or church event I am available for revival meetings, harvest days, retreats, conferences, or any thing you may be planning where you need someone to present the Gospel message.                   
For more info…visit
~ June thru August 2018 Preaching  Schedule ~

17-22 First Baptist, Aliceville, Al. (youth)
24 Friendship Baptist, Grand Bay, Al.

1 Old Brashiers Chapel. Arab, Al.
8-13 Jones Chapel Church, Moulton, Al.
15-18 Pine Ridge Bap, Brindlee, Mtn, Al.
22-25 Whitesand Baptist, Prentiss, Miss.
26-28 Corinth Baptist, Joppa, Al.  
29-Aug 1 Topisaw Bap, Bogue Chitto, Miss.

5,7-8 Tunstill Rd, Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
6 Grace Baptist, Tullahoma, Tenn.
12-15 Lebanon Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
19-22 Buhl Baptist, Buhl, Al.

26-29 Serenity Baptist, Somerville, Al.