Tuesday, October 31, 2023

I Am Still Learning

 I Am Still Learning

Paul wrote in Philippians 4:11, "...I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content." I have to say, I am still learning. No doubt about it I am blessed far more than I deserve. I have an amazing wife, children, and grandchildren. I have more friends than I can count. I live in a beautiful home where our cabinets and closets are full. The Lord has given me a great ministry - opportunities to preach in more places than I ever dreamed. I am blessed.

But today I am not content as I should be. The temperature has dropped, and tonight here in north Alabama we will see the temperature dive into the twenties. I am not a fan of cold weather. I would rather sweat than shiver. I am not excited about wearing anything insulated. I don't like wearing coats, gloves, or sweaters. I know I should just take a deep breath and deal with it. This too shall pass. I also realize there are hurting people all over the world today and I should be ashamed to complain about a change in the weather. So...maybe I am not complaining. Maybe I am simply letting it be known how much I enjoy warm weather. 

For those who like warm more than winter - I am with you. I am also thankful and humbled at how blessed I am. I am also praying for the hurting in Israel. I am saddened by the heartache so many of my friends are dealing with. But I have to believe everyone's burdens would seem lighter if the temperatures would consistently hover around 80 during the day and 60 at night. 

I am stil learning....