Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Pastors...If you are interested, I am available to come to your church and lead a "couples night" or a "marriage weekend"... I wrote "TRUE" last year to encourage married couples to be "true" to their vows...and to help guide young couples who are contemplating marriage.

I would welcome the opportunity to come lead your conference or retreat. Email me at michael-mason@charter.net. Or call me at home 256-350-0797. Thank you.

Jesus Loved the Little Children

Mark 9:42
Jesus loved the little children. All the little children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they were all precious sin His sight. And, he had a few harsh words for those who would mistreat them or cause them to sin. It would have been better if they had never been born.

Do you remember the first time you held your child? I do. She was the answer to my prayers. Blond hair and blue eyes and she was a girl. Just what I wanted. I was holding her within five minutes after she was born and I really believed she recognized me as we gazed into each other’s eyes. That moment is frozen in time in my mind. I have only a few days that stand out in my memory as extremely wonderful... Days like when my children were born and I held them for the first time...and the day I married Crystal...and, of course, the day I was saved.

Alyssa changed my life. After Alyssa, I became a fan of people like Dora the Explorer, Sponge Bob, Barney, BJ, and Baby Bop. Toys on the floor were a beautiful sight...and that cumbersome stroller/carseat wasn’t such a hassle after all. I fell in love with a little girl. So, I know what Jesus meant when He talked about tying a millstone around the neck of someone who mistreated a child. I’d be tempted to do the same if someone hurt Alyssa.

Same goes for Garrett. I don’t remember praying for brown eyes and curley hair, but I did want a boy. And, did I ever get one. Every bone in his body is 100%boy. He likes atv’s, skateboards, guitars, basketball, and anything playstation. If there's a motor on it he wants to drive it. He's the curley-haired monster and I can't imagine life without him. Neither can I imagine what I’d feel if someone were to hurt him or “make him sin.”

Jesus was the very first Children’s Minister. Listen to what He said. He said it would “be better” if a millstone were tied around the neck of someone who hurts children, and they were cast in the sea.

What? Did you hear that? He said, "It would be better...?" My question is, "What could be worse?" In other words, the best thing that could ever happen to a child abuser is to have a close encounter with a millstone. Jesus made it clear. Don’t hurt a child. Don’t do anything to cause a child to sin. Evidently, it’s a big deal.

Jesus loves the little children of the world. They are precious in His sight.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Presents

One of the best stories within the Christmas account is that of the Wise Men. In Matthew 2:7-12 they came to Jerusalem after following a great star, to see Jesus. They were met by Herod who sent them to Bethlehem to search for the child. They were to find the child and then bring word back to Herod as to his whereabouts. God spoke and redirected them away from Herod. The Wise Men brought Gold which represented His purity... Frankincense which illustrates the sweet fragrance of His life which pleased His Father...and Myrrh which was a prediction of his death (used for embalming.) All of these show that the Wise men gave their best. These are the gifts they brought to Christ...But the greatest gifts were given to us by God.

Love – John 3:16 “God so loved the world...” We were all sinners bound by pride and greed. But God sent Jesus to do for us what we could never do on our own. He sent Jesus to save us...God did that because He loved us. One of the greatest gifts God ever gave was the gift of loving those of us who are unlovable. God so loved sinners.... How many sermons have we heard and songs have we sang about the love of God? Among the hundreds and maybe even thousands, we still have trouble loving each other. God so loved us...but we’re have a hard time loving one another. Can we say we have truly been changed by His love and still harbor bitterness in our hearts?

You could give a gift this Christmas that would not cost you a dime. How’s that? Mend a quarrel with someone you’ve had a disagreement with. Stop being suspicious or jealous or critical of others. Tell someone, "I love you." Give something to someone--anonymously. Forgive someone who has treated you wrong. Turn away an angry attitude with a soft answer. Visit someone in a nursing home. Apologize if you’ve been wrong. Be especially kind to someone who may not deserve it.

Light – John 8:12 “I am the light of the world...” The wise men saw a star that lit up the sky. But God sent Jesus to light up the earth. And now whoever follows Him will not walk in darkness. When baby Jesus was lying in a trough, most could have never imagined the power over darkness, doom, dread, and deception that baby would have. Mary and Joseph could have never imagined the power and the change He would bring.

John 1:9 says He is “the true light.” Evidently there others who claimed to be the Light, the Messiah, the Savior. But the Bible is clear, there is only one Light. The darkness he speaks of is sin...evil...ignorance.
People walk in darkness because they choose sin over salvation. When Jesus sheds His light on the power sin has over you, it’s His way of loving you and opening the door that leads out of darkness into light.
People walk in darkness because they become captives rather than believing Christ. Evil is everywhere, from the streets of New Orleans to the streets of Trinity. Whether it’s a crack house in Atlanta or a Meth lab in Decatur. Whether it is a shooting in New York or abuse in the house next door. Evil knows no boundaries. Evil will attack any home, any family, any community. And when it does, people become captives. What about you? Are you bound as a captive...or are you believing Christ?
People walk in darkness because they ignore the obvious while embracing the options. Options that mock the cross and ridicule the sinless life of Christ. Jesus never said He was one of many ways. He said He was the only way. The Gnostics of His day are alive and well in our day. Their attempt to explain, comprehend, and fully describe are what many are looking for. Jesus doesn’t fit into that theology. He is unexplainable. He is incomprehendable. He is in describable.

Life – John 6:51 “...for the life of the world...” Jesus is the Bread of Life which he gives for the life of the world. In other words, He gives Himself for the salvation of the world. What a thought! What is it that feeds us? Jesus longs to feed us with Himself...The Living Bread. The Bread that gives eternal life.
When I eat this bread I am filled. The prodigal son came home empty. He had his fill of all the far country had to offer and came back to His father wanting some home-cooking. Jesus fills our life.
When I eat this bread I am freed. Jesus came to make captives free. We don’t talk about that much because none of us likes to admit we are captive to anything. But we are. And receiving Jesus makes us free.
When I eat this bread I am forgiven. Before I can be forgiven I must admit my guilt. Receiving Jesus only happens as I recognize and admit my guilt. I am a guilty sinner and I need an innocent Savior. He Forgives me.

I am thankful for the gift of love in a world filled with hate. I am thankful for light in a world so full of darkness. I am grateful for life in a world full of death. But most of all I am thankful for the greatest gift ever...the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Greatest Gift is Jesus.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Crazy Christmas

Has Christmas gone Crazy or what? Yes...Everything from Alabama and Auburn Santas to TV Christmas Specials that aren’t all that special brought to by folks like Toby Keith and Mariah Carey. Everything from Maxwell House Coffee to Armor All is being sold in a Christmas package. We have Christmas everything... Christmas lights, Christmas trees, Christmas sales, Christmas vacations, Christmas parties, Christmas cookies, Christmas shoes, Christmas music, Christmas movies, Christmas recitals, Christmas hams and turkeys, Christmas hats, Christmas parades, Christmas puppies, Christmas cards, Christmas recipes, Christmas carols, Christmas plays, Christmas concerts, Christmas lights, Christmas decorations...and the list goes on and on.

Christmas has gone crazy. I thought about it the other day as I was listening to what the radio announcer described as Christmas music. It made me go back and look up the Top 5 Christmas songs of 2010:
1- Twelve Days of Christmas
2- Frosty the Snowman
3- The Christmas Song
4- White Christmas
5- I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus ...But then I thought, surely this list is wrong because they’ve left out what has become a Christmas Classic, “I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas.” Written in 1950, let me share with you some of the inspirational lyrics...“I want a hippopotamus for Christmas....Only a hippopotamus will do.... No crocodiles or rhinoceroses....I only like hippopotamuses and hippopotamuses like me too!” Wow...that's right up there with "O Come All Ye faithful" wouldn't you agree?

What can we do? Can we save Christmas from the clutches of retailers and performers and weird songs about hippopotamuses? Can we get back to a simpler time when Christmas was less commercial and more family? Get ready...cause someone will label you a grinch or a scrooge...but are you willing to take a stand?

#1 Just Say No...
“No. I am not singing that song about the hippo.” “No. I am not going to the 15th party of the month.” “No. I am not wearing that silly looking sweater.” “No. I am not going back to Wal-Mart to get dad a bag of peppermints nor am I going back to Bath and Body to get mom another quart of Sweet Pea lotion. “No. I am not getting in the car to fight this traffic at this time of the day.” No. I am not watching the Toby Keith Christmas special.” No. I am not buying our dog an Izod sweater for Christmas. Just say “No.”

#2 Bring new meaning to the word “Wii”...
As in, “Wii are staying home tonight and watching “White Christmas” with Bing Crosby.” As in, “Wii are staying at home tomorrow night and watching “It’s a Wonderful Life” with Jimmy Stewart.” As in, “Wii are going to spend less money on each other and more time with each other.” As in, “Wii are going to listen to Elvis sing Christmas songs back before he wore jumpsuits.” As in, “Wii are going to church together as a family.” As in, “Wii are going to spend Christmas Day together enjoying each other.” As in, “Wii are going to read the Christmas Story on Christmas Eve.” As in, “Wii are going to count our blessings instead of counting our gifts.”

So what will we do? Will we go crazy like Christmas? Or could we do something really crazy... Like loving each other...loving our parents and grandparents and children and grandchildren. Like giving a gift to some who doesn’t expect it or think they deserve it? Like believing God and believing He so loved the world that He sent Jesus to die for our sins. That’d be really crazy. But it’s the right thing to do.

Crazy Christmas? Yes... Be a crazy Christian loving God with a crazy love and cherishing time with family with a crazy sense of urgency. May God bless us with a really crazy Christmas. MM