Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Michael and Dawn Newsletter February 2021


So far 2021 has been a year of unrest…political unrest.  Racial unrest.  Economic unrest.  And even personal unrest.  Because of my unusual and un-busy preaching schedule I have battled with some unrest as well. I have spent many mornings in the Word and prayer refocusing on God and my willingness to trust Him.  I have been reminded of Jesus’ words to Martha and Mary after Lazarus had died and just before he was raised back to life.  Jesus said to them, “Whoever lives and believes in me shall never die…” Then He added, “Do you believe?” Did they believe? Did they believe in Jesus? Did they believe anything was possible?  Well, I haven’t lost a brother named Lazarus, but I have felt like I was losing my ministry.  I have affirmed and reaffirmed over the past few weeks I do believe.  I don’t understand and I don’t know what the future holds…but I absolutely believe.  I believe Him and I trust Him.  Completely.                                                                               …….I have new music available on Pandora, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and most other music outlets.  Search for Michael Mason: Dawned On Me.  I hope you enjoy listening.  I wrote all ten songs through seasons of hurt and hope.  My new book, Faithful, is available.  You can purchase it at Amazon, or order a copy at: michaelmasonministries.com.  I have completed a re-write of a book I published several years ago, One Hope.  I have sent it to the publisher and should be released sometime this spring.  

Last month I shared some thoughts about being thankful IN all things…This month We think about being thankful FOR all things. In Ephesians 5:20…Paul says, “give thanks always for all things…” Paul is speaking from an eternal perspective.  This is bigger than the Big Picture.  This is looking at the big picture with a bigger perspective.  As if I might pray, “Lord I thank you for it all even though I don’t understand it all or how you will use it all…but I trust you with it all and I thank you for it all.” This is us agreeing with Paul when he said, “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings…” I’m being formed by the potter’s hands into a vessel of honor – Jeremiah 18… I’m being transformed by the renewing of my mind Romans - 12:2… I’m being conformed to the image of Christ - Romans 8:29.  We have no choice in whether or not we face sickness and storms…but we do have a choice in how we respond.  We can thank Him for all things and trust Him to create “beauty from ashes”…Isaiah 61:3                                                                 ….If you’d like to have us speak at your church…We’re available for Revivals, Conferences, Retreats, and Special Events. Thanks.     

Michael’s Schedule 2020-21

February 21 Oak Ridge Bap, Hartselle, Al.

Feb. 28-March 3 Topeka Bap, Jayess, Miss.

March 14 First Baptist, Converse, La. 

March 15-17 Milldale Bap, Zachary, La.

Dawn’s Schedule 2021

March 6 Ladies Conf., New Beginning Church, Florence, Al. 

visit - michaelmasonministries.com

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