Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Fork In The Road

Matthew 7:13-14
Not far from where I was raised there’s an old country road with a well-known fork.  It’s well known because over the years several folks couldn’t decide which road to take.  In the fork of this country road stood an old oak tree, almost as big around as a tractor tire.  That tree was marked and bruised and bore the chrome and paint of many a car whose driver couldn’t decide. 

Ever been there?  Can’t decide?  Yogi Berra said, “When you come to a fork in the road take it.”  It’s just not that simple is it?  Many of us are marked by last minute decisions.  Some of us took the right road.  Some of us took the wrong road.  Some of us hit the Oak. 

Where would you be today if you hadn’t made that last minute decision?  You were at a fork in the road and the choice was yours.  To leave or stay.  To quit or recommit.  To chase your dreams or let go.  To believe God or not. 

There’ll always be a fork in the road
…decisions to make…directions to follow.…destinies to pursue.

Fritz Kreisler, world famous violinist, said, "Narrow is the road that leads to the life of a violinist. Hour after hour, day after day and week after week, for years, I lived with my violin. There were so many things that I wanted to do that I had to leave undone; there were so many places I wanted to go that I had to miss if I was to master the violin. The road that I traveled was a narrow road and the way was hard."  The way that leads to Life is narrow but necessary.  At some point we have to decide whether or not we will believe God, follow God, and trust God.    

Robert Frost wrote, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Sadly, the road less traveled today is the one that leads to God.  Many are going to miss God as they choose the busy roads that lead to “far countries” full of prodigals that wish they could come home.  – Which road are you on?

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