Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Breaking Through

Mark 2:1-12

“And when they had broken through…” Most weeks in revival I pray for a break-through.  I pray for God to break through our pride and predetermined expectations and do something that can only be blamed on Him.  But…break-throughs can be costly.  The roof repair in Mark 2 was no small thing.  But they were willing to do whatever was necessary to get to Jesus. 

God does the saving and healing…But we have to put forth effort to get to Jesus.  The Paralytic was brought to Jesus.  Your breakthrough will end at Jesus – but you may have to put forth some effort to break through barriers before you get there…

They broke through the crowd.
This is nothing short of a miracle.  They’re carrying a paralytic and we don’t know how far they had already traveled.  When they arrived there was a crowd like Walmart on Black Friday eve. They were tired already.  But then the crowd wouldn’t budge and they’re still carrying their friend.  Crowds, critics, confusion, congestion… It’s enough to make folks wanna go back home saying, “It was too crowded…we’ll go back later” And the fella on the cot is asking, “When?”

They broke through the roof.
Jesus saw their faith.  Everybody else saw a hole in the roof.  Jesus saw their faith.  Others saw the mess they were making.  Jesus saw their faith.  Some saw the cost to repair it all.  Jesus saw their faith. There was no applause…no cheers…no praise choruses…no amens…yet Jesus saw their faith.  They broke through the roof for one reason – To get to Jesus.  If you are willing to do whatever it takes to get to Jesus, don’t expect the world to get out of the way.  You’ll have to fight the crowd and be criticized for tearing up the roof.

They broke through the unbelief.
Can you imagine the opposition, negativity, and unbelief they faced as they journeyed to Jesus carrying their friend.  The only way to break through unbelief is by believing. They believed…all 5 of them.  And by the end of the story, they all gave glory to God.  Walls of unbelief are everywhere…in this story imagine how many times they were faced with unbelief - “It’s too far to carry him.”  “It’s too crowded.”  “You can’t do that.”  Don’t let anything or anyone keep you from Jesus.  Ever.  The four believed…and the paralytic believed and was made whole.  

I have a friend, Mike, who was addicted to alcohol for many years. He was drinking three 6-packs a day for longer than he could remember. One night he was sitting at the computer, listening as the Statler Brothers sang Amazing Grace.  As strange as it may sound, God reached out and touched him through that song.  He called his wife in the room…prayed and in a matter of seconds was saved from alcohol.  God still saves and delivers immediately.  Breakthroughs still happen - but it seems we have to be desperate.

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