Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The New Preacher

Have you heard?  The church is getting a new preacher.  For most churches it happens every three or four years.  Occasionally a pastor will stay ten, fifteen, or twenty years.  But most stay five years or less.  Some would say it is the most stressful job a person could choose.  Stressful on the person doing the preaching and stressful on his family.  But most of the guys who are pastoring are doing so, not because they chose to, but because they believe God chose them.  They even believe God has “called” them to pastor a certain congregation.  

Most pastors are never going to make the headlines because of immorality, dishonesty, or any lack of integrity.  Because, most pastors are the salt of the earth.  They’d give you the shirt off their back.  Most of these guys are simple.  Very simple.  They have no desire to be in the spotlight.  They just want to be faithful to God.  Most of these guys spend countless hours each week putting together sermons to preach…at least two each week and also a Bible Study for Wednesday night.  Many of them also teach a Sunday School class.  

Every week is an adventure.  Along with those two sermons and one Bible Study each week…these pastors are also on call 24/7.  If there is a death, a birth, an accident, an emergency, a family crisis…etc., they’re usually there at twelve noon or twelve midnight.  They are there not because they can do anything, but because they care.  They are there to hold hands, put an arm around a hurting wife or husband…mom or dad, there to pray and encourage.  Most pastors I know want to be there.  It’s more than an obligation - it’s where they want to be.  They are truly like shepherds watching over their sheep.

This new preacher lives in a glass house.  He, his wife, and his children are watched closely.  Most pastors never give this a second thought.  It comes with the territory.  Besides, they have nothing to hide.  

This new preacher has a vision and dream for the church God has called him to.  He sees the fields that are white unto harvest.  He has a heart for God and His word,,,and the Great Commission.  He is eager to hit the ground running.  He and his wife have prayed and have agreed this is God’s will for them.  They’ve resigned current pastorates and jobs, sold homes, and moved to different states or regions to pastor this new church.  

He isn’t there to get rich.  He comes with the understanding of what he will make and, again, he believes God will work everything out.  In fact, most of these new preachers didn’t even talk about money until they knew this was God’s will for them.  Money was not the main consideration - God’s will was.  

This new preacher has new ideas.  He preaches differently.  Dresses a little differently than the last guy.  His music tastes are different.  Be patient with him.  You may not agree with him about everything.  Be careful with him.  Pray for him.  Love him.  Take care of him.  

The congregation has voted and called him because he is young and has new ideas.  Because he is a strong preacher who relates well to people of all ages.  Because he is doctrinally sound.  Because he has a vision for the church.  Because he wants to reach the lost.  And, the sad reality is, those are the same reasons his ministry never takes off.  Because his new ideas are too radical, and he’s too young, and his preaching is too strong, and because there are too many new people coming into the church…and because his vision is more of a dream than reality.  There’s a new preacher in town.  Pray for him.  Dream with him.  

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