Mark 16:15-16
Guys, is it you or your wife who refuses to stop for directions when you’re lost? Even with the help of GPS and smart-phones, sometimes I still get lost. Crystal and I are known for taking shortcuts that end up being longer than the original plan. Our kids will tell you that. On a trip to the beach several years ago we took a shortcut that ended up being at least an hour longer than what we would have traveled if we had stayed on the interstate. Sometimes I think I’m smarter than my smart-phone. But sometimes I admit I’m lost and I’ll stop to get directions. The sad thing about that is, the number of times I’ve stopped to ask directions from the locals…and they don’t know how to get there either.
One of the best apps on my really smart phone is the compass. I use it a lot. Because I have preached in a number of places that aren’t on the map - GPS can’t find them. But out in the middle of Pickens county the compass is a savior. I may feel like I’m headed south, but the compass tells me I’m headed west. For those of us who are believers, the Holy Spirit is our internal compass. The Holy Spirit will always lead us in the direction of God.
Hang on to this idea… Whatever direction you’re traveling will take you where you’re going. Listen to that again… I didn’t say the direction you’re traveling will take you where you want to go – it will take you where you’re going - like it or not. The only way to change your destination is to change your direction. If you don’t like where you’re headed, turn around.
If I want to go west but I’m walking toward the east…regardless of my intentions – my direction determines my destination. In another blog I talked about INTENTIONS. I said, “Good intentions without hard work, effort, sacrifice, early mornings and late nights, are nothing more than good ideas.” Regardless of how much I intend to go west, if I don’t do what’s necessary I will never be where I want to be.
In yet another blog post I talked about ATTENTION. I said, “Whatever has your attention will drive you, guide you, and to some extent – control you.” I might say I intend to be a better dad…I want to be a better father – I want to spend more time with my daughter like going to a movie and getting a Starbucks – I want to…I intend to… But if something or someone else has my attention I will never be the dad I want to be and need to be. Whatever gets my attention determines my direction. My direction determines my destination.
Whether it’s being a better father, a better husband, or a better Christian…the sad news is that one day the door of opportunity will close and with it goes all my good intentions.
We’re talking about DIRECTION. Where am I going? If God’s will for me is west, why am I traveling east? This may sound elementary but let me explain how to change directions.
1- Stop. (stop doing what you're doing)
2- Turn around. (change directions)
3- Go. (pursue your dreams and goals)
Yes it’s that simple…but it can get complicated. Because changing directions means breaking bad habits. It may mean breaking with relationships. It means sacrificing – giving up things you wanna hang on to. It means growing up. It may mean swallowing your pride. It may mean admitting you’re wrong. But first you have to stop.
Let me be perfectly clear, I’m talking about going in the direction of God and God’s will. Let’s think about the Prodigal Son. He traveled to a far country which was a place he thought he wanted to be. Which is a perfect example of a sad truth. Sometimes when we finally get what we’ve always wanted we discover it’s not what we thought it would be.
In the far country, the Prodigal wanted to go home. He made up his mind he would rather be a slave in his father’s house than to be free in the far country. So he stopped - turned around - and went back. His direction changed – and so did his destination.
Where are we going? Jesus said simply, “Go” into all the world. It’s easier believers and church attenders to go to church – go to Bible study – go to a prayer meeting – go to a seminar – or go to a conference… But Jesus said go into the world. Are we going in God's Direction?
It's a narrow way and difficult to follow at times. MM
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