Hey Folks,
I never cease to be amazed. This past week, at a beauty pageant of all places, conservative Christian values once again came under attack. During the April 19 Miss America Pageant, judge Perez Hilton asked Miss California, Carrie Prejean a loaded question. Loaded because he wanted the answer she gave. Loaded because he wanted a platform to mock traditional values. Loaded to offer him the opportunity to rant and ridicule anyone who stands for anything right.
Hilton asked Prejean....who is openly Christian, "Should every state legalize same-sex marriage?" She responded by saying, "In my country, in my family, I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised and that's how I think it should be...between a man and a woman."
Since then, Hilton has been on a crusade to crush Carrie Prejean and all those who hold her values. Guess what? He's offended. Guess what again? I'm offended that he's offended.
I'll never go on a crusade to bash the gay community, but I will take the opportunity to defend the truth, morals, values, and everything that has made America great. I don't know Miss Prejean. I appreciate and agree with her opinion, but my defense is less about her and more for the truth she stood for. She spoke her mind...it just happened to be influenced by her Christian roots. If she had sided with Hilton, she would have immediately became the spokesperson for gay marriage. But she disagreed with the mainstream media and is receiving what has become the bitter fruit of speaking your mind.
On the Fox network Miss California said, "I forgive him (Hilton). I know that he's angry for whatever reason. I know there must be a bigger issue going on in his life." The bigger issue in his life and in the lives of all who oppose God, truth, purity, and morality is Evil. That's the bigger issue. The Apostle Paul wrote, "In the last days perilous times will come. Men will be lovers of themselves..." (2 Timothy 3:1-5...read it) The problem is much bigger than some guy named Hilton getting his fifteen minutes of fame on YouTube. It' s bigger than obscenity on every network and in every news publication. It's worse than a bad economy. It is clear and unashamed Evil. And, it's going to get worse.
President Obama said recently on his world tour, "Islam has made the world a better place." I completely disagree. The world will never be a better place. It will become worse. The good news of Christianity is that Jesus didn't come to make the world a better place. He came into an evil world to save sinners from their sin.(John 16:33) His grace is greater than our sin.
Chances are this week, there will be another slam against Christianity and all that is good and right. I ask you to join me, and others who believe in traditional Christian values, in simply standing for truth. That begins in our homes, churches, and schools. Our goal is not necessarily to change the world, but to be faithful where we are. Let's pray for each other.
See you later, Michael

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Friends, Flowers, and a Funeral
Hey Folks,
It's amazing how a funeral can bring us all back to reality. My friend Rodney Bowling died two weeks ago. It's especially eye opening for me. Rodney and I graduated together from Brewer High School in 1981. We both went into the ministry. We both attended New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and graduated about the same time.
Like most of us who claimed Rodney as one of our friends, I was surprised at the news. Many of us who went to school gathered at the funeral home and waited in line at least two hours to tell his wife and children how sorry we were. But here's a good question: Were we really sorry...or were those just the right words to say? I can tell you, we are sorry....we hate it for his wife and children....we hate what they'll face in the days ahead...we hate that his life was cut so short.
But, more than anything, we are shocked. Shocked, because we realize we could be next. Shocked, because we have come face to face with the ugly reality that we're all gonna die. I'd like to think I'm going to live till I'm 100 then die in my sleep. I like to imagine that I'll spend 50 or 60 years married to Crystal....that I'll grow old enjoying my children and grandchildren. But I, along with many of Rodney's friends, have had a reality check. We do care. We are sorry. But, more than anything, we are shocked.
How do we respond to such shock? Ignore it? Make light of it? Here's what happened on Friday after the funeral. Me and my two best friends from high school, Marty Feemster and Van Johnson, went and played golf together. That may not seem like much except for the fact we have never played golf together. In 46 years of life we have never spent most of one day together doing anything. Van even had to borrow a set of clubs. We played the last few holes under a Tornado Watch. We laughed, cut up, lost too many balls, and had more fun than I have had in a long time. Marty, Van, and myself were all friends with Rodney. His death has been a wake up call for us.
I can ignore or make light of the reality....or I can face it. I can determine I am going to live each day with purpose. I'm not going to coast. I'm going to enjoy my wife and children while I can. I'm going to appreciate people more than I have in the past. I'm going to play golf with my buddies more often. I'm going to live for Jesus in such a way that when I die, my family won''t have to wonder where I am. I'm going to live till I die.
I dropped in to visit my dad on the afternoon of the funeral. I'm not a big "hugger"...but that day, before I left I hugged him and told him I loved him. He told me he loved me too. Then said, "It's something to think about, son...you never know who could go first...could be me or you." That's reality.
Talk To You Later, Michael
It's amazing how a funeral can bring us all back to reality. My friend Rodney Bowling died two weeks ago. It's especially eye opening for me. Rodney and I graduated together from Brewer High School in 1981. We both went into the ministry. We both attended New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and graduated about the same time.
Like most of us who claimed Rodney as one of our friends, I was surprised at the news. Many of us who went to school gathered at the funeral home and waited in line at least two hours to tell his wife and children how sorry we were. But here's a good question: Were we really sorry...or were those just the right words to say? I can tell you, we are sorry....we hate it for his wife and children....we hate what they'll face in the days ahead...we hate that his life was cut so short.
But, more than anything, we are shocked. Shocked, because we realize we could be next. Shocked, because we have come face to face with the ugly reality that we're all gonna die. I'd like to think I'm going to live till I'm 100 then die in my sleep. I like to imagine that I'll spend 50 or 60 years married to Crystal....that I'll grow old enjoying my children and grandchildren. But I, along with many of Rodney's friends, have had a reality check. We do care. We are sorry. But, more than anything, we are shocked.
How do we respond to such shock? Ignore it? Make light of it? Here's what happened on Friday after the funeral. Me and my two best friends from high school, Marty Feemster and Van Johnson, went and played golf together. That may not seem like much except for the fact we have never played golf together. In 46 years of life we have never spent most of one day together doing anything. Van even had to borrow a set of clubs. We played the last few holes under a Tornado Watch. We laughed, cut up, lost too many balls, and had more fun than I have had in a long time. Marty, Van, and myself were all friends with Rodney. His death has been a wake up call for us.
I can ignore or make light of the reality....or I can face it. I can determine I am going to live each day with purpose. I'm not going to coast. I'm going to enjoy my wife and children while I can. I'm going to appreciate people more than I have in the past. I'm going to play golf with my buddies more often. I'm going to live for Jesus in such a way that when I die, my family won''t have to wonder where I am. I'm going to live till I die.
I dropped in to visit my dad on the afternoon of the funeral. I'm not a big "hugger"...but that day, before I left I hugged him and told him I loved him. He told me he loved me too. Then said, "It's something to think about, son...you never know who could go first...could be me or you." That's reality.
Talk To You Later, Michael
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
47th Year
Hello Friends,
I got to thinking about it the other day. It was Friday, March 27th that I began to think about it. I was enjoying my 46th birthday and had an ugly thought. I am in my 47th year of life. I'm not just 46 years old, I am in my 47th year pushing 50. You hear broadcasters and journalists all the time saying, "We are in the 21st century." Sounds impressive as if we had something to do with it. I am in my 47th year and really had nothing to do with it. Mom and dad took care of me the first 21 years. Crystal has taken care of me the last 20. For about six years between my folks and Crystal, the Lord was busy watching over me. I have arrived at my 47th year by the grace of God.
I heard about Bill and Bob, two old men, in their early eighties walking along a bike trail early one morning. As they enjoyed the sunrise they noticed a frog sitting right in the middle of the trail. As they approached the frog, it spoke to Bob the older of the two men. It was a girl frog and she said to Bob, "Pick me up, kiss me on the head, and I'll turn into a beautiful princess and go anywhere you want to go and do anything you want to do." Bob reached down, picked up the frog, and put it inside his jacket pocket. His buddy Bill said, "Bob, did you hear that? That frog said if you'd kiss her, she'd turn into a beautiful princess and go anywhere and do anything you want to do. Bob turned to Bill and said, "Yes, I heard her, but at my age I'd rather have a talking frog."
Too many people settle for a "talking frog" when they could have a "princess." I'm talking about life. I'm talking about life that's worth living. For me, I'm talking about my walk with the Lord. Too many people settle for a "talking frog" religion, when they could have a "princess" salvation. These are those who are Christians, but never really become followers of Christ. These are those who get saved and eventually go to Heaven, but they miss out on what Jesus called the "abundant life." I am in my 47th year. I have been saved for 27 of those years. I hope I have another 27 years ahead of me to preach the Gospel. I would love to be an old preacher one day looking back over 75 or 80 years reflecting on the faithfulness of God. I have made up my mind. I'm not interested in settling for a "talking frog" way of life. I want a princess salvation.
Listen to Isaiah 40:8. "The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Yes the grass withers, the flowers fade, ...and so do we. But even though we fade and wither like the grass and the flower, we have the promise that the word of God never fails. God is true to his word. We can have eternal life. We can know peace that passes understanding. We can have joy that is unspeakable and full of glory. That, my friend, is "princess" salvation.
I'll talk to you later.
Michael Mason Ministries...Preaching Schedule
April 3-4 First Baptist, Bay Minette, Al., Marriage Wknd.
May 3-6 First Baptist, Rogersville, Al., Revival
I got to thinking about it the other day. It was Friday, March 27th that I began to think about it. I was enjoying my 46th birthday and had an ugly thought. I am in my 47th year of life. I'm not just 46 years old, I am in my 47th year pushing 50. You hear broadcasters and journalists all the time saying, "We are in the 21st century." Sounds impressive as if we had something to do with it. I am in my 47th year and really had nothing to do with it. Mom and dad took care of me the first 21 years. Crystal has taken care of me the last 20. For about six years between my folks and Crystal, the Lord was busy watching over me. I have arrived at my 47th year by the grace of God.
I heard about Bill and Bob, two old men, in their early eighties walking along a bike trail early one morning. As they enjoyed the sunrise they noticed a frog sitting right in the middle of the trail. As they approached the frog, it spoke to Bob the older of the two men. It was a girl frog and she said to Bob, "Pick me up, kiss me on the head, and I'll turn into a beautiful princess and go anywhere you want to go and do anything you want to do." Bob reached down, picked up the frog, and put it inside his jacket pocket. His buddy Bill said, "Bob, did you hear that? That frog said if you'd kiss her, she'd turn into a beautiful princess and go anywhere and do anything you want to do. Bob turned to Bill and said, "Yes, I heard her, but at my age I'd rather have a talking frog."
Too many people settle for a "talking frog" when they could have a "princess." I'm talking about life. I'm talking about life that's worth living. For me, I'm talking about my walk with the Lord. Too many people settle for a "talking frog" religion, when they could have a "princess" salvation. These are those who are Christians, but never really become followers of Christ. These are those who get saved and eventually go to Heaven, but they miss out on what Jesus called the "abundant life." I am in my 47th year. I have been saved for 27 of those years. I hope I have another 27 years ahead of me to preach the Gospel. I would love to be an old preacher one day looking back over 75 or 80 years reflecting on the faithfulness of God. I have made up my mind. I'm not interested in settling for a "talking frog" way of life. I want a princess salvation.
Listen to Isaiah 40:8. "The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Yes the grass withers, the flowers fade, ...and so do we. But even though we fade and wither like the grass and the flower, we have the promise that the word of God never fails. God is true to his word. We can have eternal life. We can know peace that passes understanding. We can have joy that is unspeakable and full of glory. That, my friend, is "princess" salvation.
I'll talk to you later.
Michael Mason Ministries...Preaching Schedule
April 3-4 First Baptist, Bay Minette, Al., Marriage Wknd.
May 3-6 First Baptist, Rogersville, Al., Revival
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