There's a billboard on the beltline highway near our church that's getting a lot of attention. The beltline is highway 67 that runs right through the middle of Decatur, Alabama. There is bumper to bumper traffic everyday. It's that busy. It's a great place to advertise your church or business. Several local churches have done just that.
One church has gone to the extremes to get our attention. Beside the name and location of the church is this advertisement: "The real 'f' word..." I have been saved and preaching the gospel for almost 27 years. I strive to have a pure heart and mind. I try to focus on the positive. But I have to tell you, when I read that billboard there was only one "f" word that came to mind, and it wasn't forgiveness.
Is it OK for churches to use crude references, offensive suggestions, and sexually explicit ideas to convey our message of Jesus and the cross? We might ask, WWPS....What Would Paul Say? I don't know for sure. I think, however, Paul had other things in mind when he referenced becoming all things to all men that he might win some. Would he endorse using suggestive language?
This type of advertising has become popular among churches today. Why? In many circles, its called marketing. I believe it comes down to sacrificing values to draw a larger crowd. One local church is promoting a sermon series called, "Good sex God's way." That will surely draw a crowd, but will it change anyone's life?
I simply believe we can do better. We have the opportunity each Sunday to preach a a message that will literally change lives. I have no problem with seeking to have a larger crowd to preach to. If we just want to draw a crowd, then we can preach a message about Good sex God's way, The "f" Word, and other extreme topics. But, if we want to see lives changed, we had better preach the cross and point people to Jesus. I may be labeled out of touch by the critics. I may be considered irrelevant by the latest church growth gurus. But I think I'll preach the cross. The preaching of the cross has always seemed foolish to the world. But it's the only message that saves.
Yes, I realize the real "f" word is forgiveness. I realize what the church down the road is trying to do. I realize they are trying to reach a crowd that most traditional churches will never reach. I can appreciate their motives. I have visited their website and agree with most of the core beliefs they hold to. I could have lunch with the pastor and enjoy myself. But the billboard is too much.
I don't have all the answers...I have not arrived...But this one thing I know. The "j" word is the only word that will save a lost soul, help a troubled life, heal a broken marriage, and bring home a prodigal son. The "j" word is Jesus. He said, "If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me."
Michael Mason Ministries: Preaching Dates
March 30-April 1 New Center Baptist, Moulton, Al. 7pm each nite
March 30 Muscle Shoals Pastor's Conference, Moulton, Al., 10 am
April 3-4 First Baptist, Bay Minette, Al., Marriage Wknd.
May 3-6 First Baptist, Rogersville, Al., Revival

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Front Porches and Pulpits
Just this past Sunday, a gunman walked into an Illinois church and shot the pastor while he was preaching. The pastor was killed leaving behind a wife and family. I've had several folks ask me what I thought about that. What is there to think? We live in a messed up world. Sin is more rampant than ever before. People are more vulnerable than ever before. God is rejected more than ever before.
Yesterday, in south Alabama, a gunman went on a shooting spree killing his own family and several other innocent people. Some of those he killed were sitting on their front porch. I don't know about you, but I've never felt threatened on my own front porch. In rural Alabama, the front porch is sacred ground. But things are changing. In the future, those of us who enjoy an evening on the front porch may have to do so while wearing a bullet-proof vest.
Paul said it best when writing to Timothy. "In the last days perilous times will come." Maybe these are the last days, maybe not. But one thing is for sure, perilous times have come. Economic uncertainty, terrorist threats, excessive immorality, empty churches, and socialist philosophies are driving the America I once knew, to new extremes of ridiculous and unacceptable behavior.
I want better for my children and their children. I want our pulpits and porches to be places where our peace with God and peace of mind are not threatened. I want them to be able to enjoy a sermon from the pulpit on Sunday morning and a glass of iced tea on the front porch on Sunday afternoon. Is that asking too much?
We can't hide. We can't retreat to our living rooms...our hide behind our privacy fences...or isolate ourselves from the world. Imagine if the saints of old who died for American and Christian freedoms had bowed to the enemy. Where would we be today?
This coming Sunday I will stand in the pulpit and preach the goodness and grace of God. Sunday afternoon I think I'll sit on the porch for a while. I hope you'll join me.
Michael Mason Ministries
March 30-April 1st (Mon-Wed) New Center Baptist Revival, Moulton, Al.
April 3-4 (Fri-Sat) FBC Bay Minette Marriage Renewal Weekend, Bay Minette, Al.
May 3-6 (Sun-Wed) FBC Rogersville Revival, Rogersville, Al.
Yesterday, in south Alabama, a gunman went on a shooting spree killing his own family and several other innocent people. Some of those he killed were sitting on their front porch. I don't know about you, but I've never felt threatened on my own front porch. In rural Alabama, the front porch is sacred ground. But things are changing. In the future, those of us who enjoy an evening on the front porch may have to do so while wearing a bullet-proof vest.
Paul said it best when writing to Timothy. "In the last days perilous times will come." Maybe these are the last days, maybe not. But one thing is for sure, perilous times have come. Economic uncertainty, terrorist threats, excessive immorality, empty churches, and socialist philosophies are driving the America I once knew, to new extremes of ridiculous and unacceptable behavior.
I want better for my children and their children. I want our pulpits and porches to be places where our peace with God and peace of mind are not threatened. I want them to be able to enjoy a sermon from the pulpit on Sunday morning and a glass of iced tea on the front porch on Sunday afternoon. Is that asking too much?
We can't hide. We can't retreat to our living rooms...our hide behind our privacy fences...or isolate ourselves from the world. Imagine if the saints of old who died for American and Christian freedoms had bowed to the enemy. Where would we be today?
This coming Sunday I will stand in the pulpit and preach the goodness and grace of God. Sunday afternoon I think I'll sit on the porch for a while. I hope you'll join me.
Michael Mason Ministries
March 30-April 1st (Mon-Wed) New Center Baptist Revival, Moulton, Al.
April 3-4 (Fri-Sat) FBC Bay Minette Marriage Renewal Weekend, Bay Minette, Al.
May 3-6 (Sun-Wed) FBC Rogersville Revival, Rogersville, Al.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Paul Harvey Has Died
Paul Harvey has died, and so has much of what he believed in and stood for. He was a lone voice in recent years speaking on behalf of morality, values, and faith in God. He could get away with talk about God because he had proven himself to be trustworthy. Unlike the popular radio gurus of our day, I could listen to Paul Harvey with my 10 year old son and not have to worry about hearing some surprise four-letter-word. He loved America. He loved all that was right and decent. He evidently loved to work. He died at age 90 and was still actively involved in the daily broadcast.
There's a story within this story that grabs my attention. Harvey often told us the "rest of the story." They were the captivating stories behind the headlines that often told of heroism, honesty, and humility. Harvey's wife, whom he affectionately referred to as "Angel" passed away just last May and age 92. He made it ten months without her. I have heard this same story time and time again of a couple who spends their life together. One of them dies and then not long after the other passes as well. Why is that? I can't say for sure. But I imagine it has something to do with what God called "becoming one flesh." After God had made both Adam and Eve, he said that man was to cleave to his wife and becoming one flesh. Folks like Paul Harvey and his Angel, got a taste of that. We live in a day of disposable marriages, some of which last only hours. Personally, I thank the Lord for men like Paul Harvey who did their part to preserve all that is good. Men like him really are the "salt of the earth."
I have often wondered what would happen to America when we lost men like Paul Harvey and Billy Graham. Paul is gone and Billy is not healthy. We'll never fill their shoes, but some of us must rise up to the challenge. May the Lord enable and inspire us to live our lives for God, to serve our fellow man, and to give our best for the sake of future generations. If we don't, I'm afraid "the rest of the story" will have a sad ending.
Michael Mason Ministries, Inc.
March 6-8 Adult Retreat, Trinity Baptist Church
March 8 p.m. Walker Associational Evangelism Conf., Jasper, Al.
March 30-Apr 1st (Mon-Wed) New Center Baptist Revival, Moulton, Al.
April 3-4 (Fri-Sat) FBC Bay Minette, Al., Marriage Wknd.
May 3-6 FBC Rogersville, Al. Revival
Paul Harvey has died, and so has much of what he believed in and stood for. He was a lone voice in recent years speaking on behalf of morality, values, and faith in God. He could get away with talk about God because he had proven himself to be trustworthy. Unlike the popular radio gurus of our day, I could listen to Paul Harvey with my 10 year old son and not have to worry about hearing some surprise four-letter-word. He loved America. He loved all that was right and decent. He evidently loved to work. He died at age 90 and was still actively involved in the daily broadcast.
There's a story within this story that grabs my attention. Harvey often told us the "rest of the story." They were the captivating stories behind the headlines that often told of heroism, honesty, and humility. Harvey's wife, whom he affectionately referred to as "Angel" passed away just last May and age 92. He made it ten months without her. I have heard this same story time and time again of a couple who spends their life together. One of them dies and then not long after the other passes as well. Why is that? I can't say for sure. But I imagine it has something to do with what God called "becoming one flesh." After God had made both Adam and Eve, he said that man was to cleave to his wife and becoming one flesh. Folks like Paul Harvey and his Angel, got a taste of that. We live in a day of disposable marriages, some of which last only hours. Personally, I thank the Lord for men like Paul Harvey who did their part to preserve all that is good. Men like him really are the "salt of the earth."
I have often wondered what would happen to America when we lost men like Paul Harvey and Billy Graham. Paul is gone and Billy is not healthy. We'll never fill their shoes, but some of us must rise up to the challenge. May the Lord enable and inspire us to live our lives for God, to serve our fellow man, and to give our best for the sake of future generations. If we don't, I'm afraid "the rest of the story" will have a sad ending.
Michael Mason Ministries, Inc.
March 6-8 Adult Retreat, Trinity Baptist Church
March 8 p.m. Walker Associational Evangelism Conf., Jasper, Al.
March 30-Apr 1st (Mon-Wed) New Center Baptist Revival, Moulton, Al.
April 3-4 (Fri-Sat) FBC Bay Minette, Al., Marriage Wknd.
May 3-6 FBC Rogersville, Al. Revival
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