June is an exceptionally busy and blessed month. This is usually one of those months when I have few opportunities, but thankfully this June is different. I am glad to be busy preaching. Thank you for your support through prayer, finances, and encouragement.
My latest book, Faithful, is available for purchase on my website as well as Amazon. Also, I have music available on Pandora, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and most other music outlets. Search for Michael Mason: Dawned On Me. A hard copy CD can be purchased through my website also. I have submitted, to my publisher, a re-write of a book I wrote several years ago, One Hope. It should be released by early summer.
This month I am including an excerpt from a message I’ve been working on about the Power-Plays of the Devil. In response to the Devil’s Power-Plays, we as believers have only two positions to take: The two Power-Positions Of The Believer are… Stand on the Word and Kneel in Prayer. What do we do when the Enemy throws the book at us? When we’re on the receiving end of a fiery dart from the Devil…When we’re on the front lines loving the Lord and living the life…what do we do? Stand On The Word…We like our preachers to stand on the Word. We like for our president to quote the Word. We even like a coach that believes the Word. But what about us? When the Devil begins to hurl fiery darts at us do we stand on the Word or run for our life? The Word is a weapon…Hebrews 4:12 The Word is like a two edged sword…cuts both ways. Kneel In Prayer…We believe in prayer...especially before surgery. We want someone to pray…when there’s been a tragedy. We believe we need to pray for our nation. And for our families. And for the sick. But what about when we face the Enemy in battle? Is there really power in prayer? Psalm 95:6 “Come…let us kneel before the Lord our maker.”
….If you’d like to have me or Dawn speak at your church… We are available for Revivals, Conferences, Retreats, and Special Events. Thanks.
Michael’s Preaching Schedule
June 6 New Covenant Bapt, Arab, Al. am
6 Mount Zion Baptist, Hartselle, Al. pm
12 Mount Hebron Ministries, Mobile, Al.
13 Victory Fellowship, Falkville, Al.
22-24 Camp-meeting, Hartselle, Al.
26 Victory Baptist, Moulton, Al.
27 Danville Baptist, Danville, Al. pm
July 11-14 Pine Ridge Bap, Union Grove, Al.
18-21 New Life Church, Falkville, Al.
25-28 Family Baptist, Trinity, Al.
31 Revival Night, HS Auditorium, Falkville, Al.
Dawn’s Speaking Schedule
26 Victory Baptist, Moulton, Al.
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