Monday, April 15, 2019

Michael Mason Ministries April 2019 Newsletter

I hope you’re doing well.  2019 is going great and looking to be an amazing year in ministry.  El Salvador was a success. While I was there, I taught seminary classes each day and preached in a restaurant on Monday and in two churches on Wednesday and Thursday nights.  Was a good week.  Thanks for your prayers and financial support that allowed me to go.  
Elizabeth Elliot said, “Spiritual strongholds begin with a thought.  One thought becomes a consideration.  A consideration develops in to an attitude.  Attitudes lead to actions.  Actions become habits.  A habit establishes a power base for the enemy – which is a stronghold.”  Friends, I see  strongholds everywhere.  In churches, in families, in pastors, and even in my own life.  In 2 Cor. 10:3-5 Paul said the only way to deal with a stronghold was to tear it down.  And we do that with weapons that are mighty through God, which I believe are prayer and the Word of God.  And I would remind you that Peter said in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary  the Devil walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.”  The enemy is real and in these last days he will destroy all he can.  Guard your heart!

If you’re interested in helping support the ministries God has given me, here and abroad, pray and give as God leads you.  If you are interested, there is a link on my web page where you can give online.  Just click on the link and follow the steps.  Thank you.
If you’d like to have me speak at your church, I’m available for revival meetings, harvest days, retreats, conferences, etc. Dawn is also available and interested in speaking at any women’s events you may be planning.  And we are also available for couples events.                   
~ April thru July 2019 Preaching  Schedule ~
5-7 First Baptist, Columbiana, Al.
8-13 El Salvador
14-17 Bethel Baptist, Arley, Al.
21 Friendship Baptist, Grand Bay, Al.
28-May 1 Eastside Baptist, Jasper, Al.
5 Corinth Baptist, Arab, Al. (AM only)
5-8 New Life Church, Falkville, Al.
12-17 Wheeler Grove Bapt, Hillsboro, Al.
19-22 Bidding Creek Baptist, Stilwell, Ok.
2-5 Smyrna Baptist, Moulton, Al.
9-12 Buhl Baptist, Buhl, Al.
23 Mt. Tabor Baptist, Arab, Al.
30 Lindsay Lane Baptist, Athens, Al.
7-12 Jones Chapel Church, Moulton, AL.
14-17 Pine Ridge Bap, Brindlee Mtn, Al.
21-24 Whitesand Baptist, Prentiss, Miss.

29-31 Topisaw Bap, Bogue Chitto, Miss.