Monday, July 24, 2017

Muddy Waters

Proverbs 25:26

“Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain, is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.”  Can you imagine drinking from a murky spring or a polluted fountain?  Most of us can’t.  But too many are drinking from the well of the wicked.  The danger is that we get used to the taste.
When I was a boy I drank from a well filled with sulphur water.  I got used to the taste.  It even had a bad smell and I got used to that too.  Sadly, too many folks have gotten used to the taste and smell of sin and it no longer bothers them.  It happens subtly. 
It begins with a weakness…we become spiritually weak.  We casually and carelessly neglect the Bible, prayer, the church, advice of Christian friends, and convictions of the Holy Spirit.  Others may see our drift, but most of us are oblivious to the unhealthy changes taking place in our life.  We’ve become unable to discern the slippery slope of compromise on which we’re sliding.  The choices we are making are not taking us closer to God but further away.  We’re headed toward the far country where we’ll keep company with a host of other prodigals who are wasting away.  The far country is a place that is far from God, and as we sip from the murky and polluted we slowly drift further away from everything that matters.
But then suddenly, the weakness becomes worldliness…we stop believing the Bible, stop praying, quit church, make new friends who couldn’t care less about Christ, and grieve the Holy Spirit.  Worldliness means what it says, we become worldly – thinking and acting like those who don’t know Jesus.  We’ve all witnessed it in the life of someone else.  It’s often compared to a train wreck and we can do nothing but watch.  We can plead, beg, love, and pray.  But those who have gotten used to the distance from God are often undisturbed by the sin that surrounds them. They have drank the murky waters and have themselves become a source of everything distasteful.  They’ve become worldly.  It is sad, because at one time, they were godly.
Then finally, as we drink from this polluted well filled with murky waters, our worldliness becomes wickedness…wicked thoughts and words and lifestyle. At this point all that matters is what “I want” and what “I need.”  Family and friends are put on the shelf.  Convictions and beliefs are nothing but a memory – the future is bright, or so it seems. When we drink from polluted wells – we can’t see clearly.  Our vision is blurred.  Our heart becomes hardened.  Our feelings are numbed.  Again, we have witnessed the progression of sin in others.  As I have said of those who choose the broad path that leads to destruction, they have become a walking, talking proverb. 

Only God can clean the well. Only God can make pure the spring.  Friend, if you’ve been drinking from a murky spring or a polluted well, or if you’ve been become such, turn back to God.  Believe God.  Cry out to God.  His grace is sufficient. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

I Was Glad

Psalm 122:1-9

The Psalmist sang of his deepest joys.  I can relate to this joy of his.  I enjoy going to church.  I go to church more than the average person.  As a traveling preacher I am in church, on the average, at least four days each week.  I preach in small churches and large churches, country churches and city churches, traditional churches and contemporary churches.  Some weeks I preach in a suit and tie, other weeks in blue jeans and a polo shirt.  In some churches the congregation stands and lifts their hands, while in others they sit and fold their hands.  Some congregations are quiet and reverent, while others are loud and energetic.  I’ve been in them all, and I have worshipped in them all, and I have enjoyed them all.   I like to get there a little early and stay a little late.  I can relate to the Psalmist because, he too, was glad to go to the House of the Lord. 
King David is the author and he writes, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”  It’s a place of rufuge.  It’s a place where we can, for a while, escape the loudness of the world.  For a time of worship and thanksgiving we seclude ourselves with other believers to confess our sins, admit our needs, thank God for our blessings, and prepare ourselves for another week of stress, hurry, and worry.  It’s a place of grace and mercy.  It’s a place where we seek forgiveness and comfort.  It’s a place where we search our souls and admit to God our secret needs, hurts, and concerns.  It’s a place of encouragement.  We are encouraged and we encourage one another.  We hear from God through His word, and by His Spirit.  It’s a place of praise where we blend our voices together in hymns, choruses, and anthems proclaiming God’s greatness.  It’s a place of refreshing.  We come thirsty and leave filled.
David then writes of giving “thanks to the name of the Lord.”  At the house of the Lord, in the presence of the Lord, we give thanks to the Lord.  We thank Him for His favor and blessings.  We thank Him for His provision and protection.  We thank Him for healing and hope.  We thank Him for His Son and salvation.  We thank Him for peace and protection.  We thank Him for walking with us, going before us, standing behind us, and abiding within us.  We are reminded of simple blessings like clean water, warm homes, plenty to eat, and clothes to wear.  Once we begin to thank the Lord we find it hard to stop.  Our mind is flooded with the faces of people we have been blessed with.  We remember loved ones already in Heaven and we thank Him for the promise of seeing them again. 
Friend, may I encourage you, if you’re not faithfully involved in a church family, to find a church and get connected.  You need that connection with God and His people.  And I’d also encourage you today to take a few minutes and thank the Lord for His many blessings.  It’ll make your day better and it’ll improve your state of mind. 

Like the Psalmist, you’ll be glad…  

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

July 2017 Newsletter

I’m in the midst of a busy summer preaching schedule. In these two short months of July and August I am preaching in 12 different churches/revival events.  My fall preaching calendar has some openings. Would you pray for these open dates to be filled.  I simply want to stay busy in what God has called me to do.  ….I’m also involved in planning a wedding.  Someone should have told me about this 23 years ago when she was about to be born.  I already miss her and she’s not even gone. 
Thank you for standing with me, praying for me, and believing in me. #pressingon                 
For more info…visit

Prayer Requests: 
  1. Thanks for the continued prayers for my dad.  
  2. Pray for me, my family, financial needs, and opportunities to preach.   
~ July thru October Preaching  Schedule ~

2 Mount View Baptist, Oden Ridge, Al.
9-14 Jones Chapel, Moulton, Al.
16-19 Pine Ridge Bap, Union Hill, Al.
23-26 Mt Pleasant Bap, Lexington, Al.
27-29 Meadowood Bap, Amory, Miss.
30-Aug 2 New Life Ch, Falkville, Al.

6 Danville Baptist, Danville, Al. (am)
6-9 Liberty Baptist, Crossville, Al.
13-16 Lebanon Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
20-23 Buhl Baptist, Buhl,Al.
25-26 Shoal Creek Bap, Decatur, Al.
27-30 Serenity Baptist, Somerville, Al.

3 Open
10 Open
16 Alyssa’s Wedding
17 East Highland Baptist, Hartselle, Al.
24 Shiloh Baptist, Missions Rally, Somerville, Al. 

1 Myrtlewood Baptist, Myrtlewood, Al.
2-7 ElSalvador/Honduras Pastors Conf.
8-11Central Heights Bap, Florence, Al.
15 First Baptist, Milan, Tenn.