Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Preaching Dates 2012

January 21 Men's Night @ Belmore Baptist, Mooresville, Al.

January 28 Men's Night @ Walker Baptist Assoc., Jasper, Al.

February 11 TRUE Couples Night @ Florence First Assembly, Florence, Al.

March 17-18 TRUE Couples Night and Revival Day @ First Baptist, Richland, NC

April 27-28 Revival @ East Highland Baptist, Athens, Al.

May 6 Revival Morning @ First Baptist, Blountsville, Al.

May 6-9 Revival (p.m. only) @ Stowers Hill Baptist, Attalla, Al.

July 30-August 1 Revival @ Spring Hill Baptist, Cullman, Al.

August 19-22 Revival @ Farmstead Baptist, Jasper, Al.

September 27 @ Moulton Baptist Senior Adult Dinner, Moulton, Al.

September 30-October 3 Revival @ Peniel Baptist, Palatka, Florida

October 4-6 @ Trinity Baptist Adult Retreat in Gulf Shores, Al.

November 4-7 Revival @ First Baptist Church, Winchester, Tennessee

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Forever and Ever Amen

Randy Travis has had a rough year. Twice, so far, in 2012 he has been found drunk and charged with DWI. Just last night, near his home in Texas, he was discovered by a passing motorist. He was laying in the middle of the road...drunk, half dressed, and combative to the police who came. I hated to hear the story on the morning news...and hated to see the pictures. He’s a country music icon with a string of number one records...but over the past few years he has had quite a bit of success singing Gospel music. One of my favorite Gospel songs he sang was “Three Wooden Crosses.” Great song, great message, great voice. The temptation is to write him off as a has-been. A drunk. A phony Christian. A dud. The temptation is to make fun of his pictures on the news and in the papers. Most of us who don’t sin “really bad” sins, tend to make fun of those who do. We like to find easy targets and then take turns taking shots. Many of us in the Christian community who have enjoyed his Gospel songs over the past few years will write Mr. Travis off as being hopeless. But maybe there are enough of us who will remember there were times when we should have been written off as well – but we weren’t. Someone prayed for us. Someone believed there was something in us worth saving. Someone looked beyond our faults and saw our needs – and told us about Jesus, and grace, and forgiveness. I’m not condoning Randy Travis’ drunken driving. I’m not even suggesting he’s a Christian. But I am saying he has potential. He is a person who has influence. Imagine if God worked in his heart and turned his life around. Imagine him on national television this coming year talking about all God brought him through. Imagine him giving a testimony of God’s saving and changing grace for all the world to hear and see... I’m glad people didn’t give up on me. I’m glad people prayed for me. I’m glad my mother and my Sunday School teacher saw something in me no one else saw. I’m glad I turned to God and experienced His saving grace. I’m glad I have the promise of eternal life that will last forever and ever...amen. Pray for Randy Travis. God has a way of taking what was meant for bad and using it for good.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What Happens After We Die

1 Tim 5:24-25 “Some men's sins are clearly evident, preceding them to judgment, but those of some men follow later.” NKJV This is not a theological summary of what happens to us when we die...in regard to Heaven, eternal life, judgment, etc. It is a common sense piece to remind us that, after we’re gone, life will go on. And if we’ve done things we’re ashamed of, our family members will be the ones who suffer the most. Most guys carry a little emergency money in the back corner of their wallet. It’s money that their wives don’t know about. Men keep money like that for emergencies such as finding a good deal on a new gun....or knife...or driver... When we die our wives will go through our wallets and find our secret stash. Sadly, they’ll spend it at places like Bath and Body or Victioria’s Secret. And, I hate to tell you, but after you die someone else will get your stuff. Fellas, a few months after you’re gone some other guy will be driving your truck, shooting your gun, and riding your atv. Within a year after you’re gone ladies, everything you spent hours at the mall looking for will be sold at a yard sale or donated to charity. We should live our lives in such a way that when we’re dead and gone our families won’t find out any secret information that would cause them to blush or be ashamed they were related to us. We should live our lives faithful to God, faithful in our marriages, and faithful to our children. Because one day we’ll be gone...and people will talk about what they remember about us. And if we have any deep, dark secrets, after we’re gone, they won’t be secrets any more. Joe Paterno is dead and they’ve taken his statue down. “Joe-Pa”... as he was affectionately known, can’t do a thing about it. He can’t defend himself. Can’t go back and do what he should have down. He should have told someone what he knew. He should have called the police, the college officials, somebody...anybody! But he didn’t. Sandusky is going to jail, Paterno’s statue is going in the closet, and Penn State isn’t going to a bowl game anytime soon. It is a sad visible proverb that we all can learn from. If we live with secrets, when we die, our families will have to live with the memory. Joe Paterno is dead and they’ve taken his statue down. Like a country song I heard a few weeks ago that said, “Johnny Cash is dead and his house burned down.” That song summed up the sad reality of life and death. You live – You die – and One day your house burns down. Folks, one day we’ll all die and people will remember us for the way we lived. That’s what happens after we die.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

What Did Dan Cathy Say?

What Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy said to Biblical Reporter, published July 2, when asked about the company’s support for traditional marriage and opposition to gay marriage...... “Well, guilty as charged. We are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that. We operate as a family business ... our restaurants are typically led by families – some are single. We want to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families. We are very much committed to that ... We intend to stay the course. We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles.” ---- On the Ken Coleman radio program June 16: “As it relates to society in general, I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage. I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we would have the audacity to try to redefine what marriage is all about.” (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution) .....The problem is not so much what Dan Cathy said, but what people assume he meant....what people think he said....and what people are quoting him as saying. Being a public speaker myself, I know the value of choosing my words wisely. A one minute lapse in judgment when speaking publicly can result in a barrage of “he said”... “she said he said”...”they said he said”...and once the cat is out of the bag regarding what I supposedly meant when I said what I said, the tsunami of hate, judgment, and stereotyping is coming in full force. Take this week for instance. If I make the statement this week that I love Chik-fil-A, suddenly I have offended thousands because, not only do I love Chik-fil-A, I also hate the gay community. Just for the record, I love Zaxbys too and I have no idea where they stand on anything political. Please give Dan Cathy a break. He was asked...for goodness sake. If you ask me my opinion about a particular hot topic, please don’t be offended if my answer is based on what the Bible says. That’s what I do for a living. I preach and teach the Bible. I am constantly seeking to give biblical answers to life’s problems. Dan Cathy is a Christian. He is a businessman who is a Christian...a businessman who owns one of the most successful businesses in the country. Evidently some people are interested in what this chicken salesman thinks about marriage. I wonder if anyone ever asked Colonel Sanders what he thought about such things. Which reminds me...I guess I better ‘fess up. I also like Kentucky Fried Chicken...along with Zaxbys and Chik-fil-A. I am with Billy Graham on this. He said this week, “Each generation faces different issues and challenges, but our standard must always be measured by God’s word.” I am afraid the real issue this week has nothing to do with Dan Cathy or Chik-fil-A. My guess is it has a lot to do with what the Bible says...about everything. The Bible is an old book and it seems the older it gets the less people agree with what it says. This week in particular we may not like what it says about marriage. But don’t forget what it says about God’s love. He so loved the world so much that he gave His only son to take away our sin. God loves the world....saints and sinners alike. And He will help, guide, forgive, and save anyone who asks. Well it’s about dinner time. What will it be? Zaxbys, Chik-fil-A, or Kentucky Fried? Neither...I’m craving a burrito. MM

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Were You There

Matthew 27:32-35, 59-60, 28:6-8

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?
Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?
Were you there when He rose up from the grave?
Were you there when He rose up from the grave?
Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Were you there when He rose up from the grave?

We were there. Maybe we were caught in the moment. Maybe we were caught up with the wrong crowd. Maybe we believed the lies. Maybe we bought in to what the Pharisees were saying. Some of us secretly believed, few openly for fear of our life. Some of us had been healed. Some of us had been blind, deaf, dumb, and crippled. But there we stood...with restored eyes...we saw it all, with healed ears...we heard it all, and with new tongues...we joined in with the chorus of animosity.

We are here. We’re not there anymore. We are here some 2000 years later. We have sixty-six books of the Bible that cry out Jesus’ name. We have the Holy Spirit testifying of Christ. We have the Heavenly Father still sending Jesus where the sinners are. And we have Jesus still saving, still changing, still turning hearts and lives to Him. ...Some of us have been healed...some of us have experienced miracles...some of us have been made free from addictions...some of us are in marriages that were saved from divorce...some of us are the product of answered prayers...some of us have been saved.

He was there. Jesus was the center of attention. He was the reason for the day that now stands out as a turning point in history. The world changed that day...and somehow we did too. He had lived thirty-three years. He was finishing the mission for which he was sent. He was dying for all who ever would believe. He was shedding blood that could never be shed by a ram, bull, or goat. On that day, Barabbas went free, and so did we who believe. He was not forced to die – He gave his life. He was not killed – he died. He was not held to the cross by nails – He was held there by love. He bore the cross and then He bore our sins. He sealed the devil’s fate and secured eternal salvation for sinners who believe.

He is here. He died. He arose. He ascended to Heaven. But we are not left as orphans...as children with no father and mother. He is in our midst. He said He would send the Holy Spirit...His spirit to guide us, lead us, and convict us. That’s why, on days like this we feel especially close to Him. We gather to remember, to repent, and to rejoice....in the Hope we have. We rejoice in the reality that there’s more to this life – There’s eternal life. That’s why we feel compelled to do better – to do more – to do the only thing we can do. Surrender.

The Woman at the Well...She was probably there. I have no way of proving this...but why wouldn’t she? She had been known for her inability to stay married. She was already making wedding plans with husband number six when she met Jesus...At a well...Drawing water. She tasted water like no other and then left her bucket at the well. Many people had believed Jesus because of her testimony. Wow. .....I like to imagine she was there. I like to imagine she had her water pot with her. I like to think she pushed her way through the crowd to where Jesus was being led to His death...and she offered Him water. I imagine she was pushed away and the water spilled on the ground... A glimpse of what Jesus was about to do... spill His blood. Jesus saw something in her no one else had ever seen. Jesus loved her in a way no one else had ever loved her. She didn’t know it at the time – But Jesus was going to the cross for her. To take her sins away. Completely. Like the words to an old song.. “When He was on the cross, she was on His mind.” And so were we.

Zacchaeus...He was probably there. He had been the fella up the sycamore tree when Jesus passed through Jericho and called him by name. Was he there? I’d bet my wallet. He had been hated, despised, mocked. But Jesus came along and treated him as if he were somebody. Invited Himself to dinner at Zacch’s house. After that visit Zacchaeus was willing to give away everything if it pleased God. ....I imagine that just as Jesus had called out his name on that unforgettable day not so long ago...not Zacchaeus runs through the crowd calling out Jesus’ name. Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Some Roman guard probably shoved him out of the way... treating him like any other old hired hand of the Roman Government. Zacchaeus was there. Representing all of us who have ever put our hope in riches rather than Jesus.

Blind Bartimaeus...He was probably there. No longer hearing Jesus only and stumbling along and being led by someone else...this man who used to be blind now saw it all. Jesua had asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” Now Bartimaeus is willing to do whatever it takes to save Jesus from death. But he really didn’t understand because even though he could see, he was still blind to the reason for the cross. Blind to the necessity of Christ’s death. Blind to the only hope for all the world. Jesus had given him sight...but was now headed to a cross to give the world salvation. I’m afraid we’re a little like blind Bartimaeus...we’ve had our eyes opened, but we’re still blind to the bigger picture – the grander scheme. Jesus didn’t come to open blinded eyes, or give speech to the dumb or hearing to the deaf. He didn’t come to feed the thousands or heal the sick or even raise the dead. He didn’t come for a nation He came to save the world...at least all who will believe.

Nicodemus...He was probably there. I just have to believe he was there. He had never gotten over that fateful night when he met Jesus in the darkness. He had felt something he had never known. He was moved in a way he had never been moved. And even though he was a part of the Jewish elite, most likely a part of the Sanhedrin, and a very respected ruler of the Jews, something inside him believed. He defended him when they began to falsely accuse him...and he would be there along with Joseph of Arimethea to help bury him... But on this day I believe he was still lurking in the shadows. Still wondering. Still skeptical. Still not fully believing. But he would never be the same. Nicodemus is alive and well. He wants to believe. But what will everybody think? He may go from being a somebody to a nobody. What will he do? Believe...or blend in?

Peter...He was probably there. He was brought to Jesus by Andrew. Jesus called him a rock. He was a fisherman who had walked away from his boats and nets to follow Jesus. He had been on the Mount of Transfiguration. He had boldly proclaimed that even if following Jesus meant prison or death he would never turn back. He would deny the Lord three times...then would run out and weep bitterly over his unbelief. He would be one of the first to see the empty tomb. And he would choose fishing over seeing the resurrected Savior. But Jesus would intervene and Peter would be called out to feed His sheep. And that he would do. On the day of Pentecost Peter told about the death, burial, and resurrection. He preached, as he said, from the viewpoint of an eyewitness of His glory. Peter saw it all....and told it all...and wrote it all down.
Peter is where many of us are...or at least have been. We’ve made big promises in the past but today we’re following Jesus at a distance. Peter was there, reluctantly.

Jesus died for the woman at the well. He died for Zacchaeus. He died for Bartimaeus. He died for Nicodemus...and for Peter. Maybe we weren’t actually there, but we were well represented. And today we are here – with hope in God that all we know is true. That Jesus came and died and rose to take away my sins.
We were there.
We are here.
He was there.
He is here.

Michael Mason Preaching Dates - Spring 2012

January 21 Men's Night @ Belmore Baptist, Mooresville, Al
January 28 Men's Night @ Walker Baptist Assoc., Jasper, Al.
February 11 TRUE Couples Night @ Florence First Assembly, Florence, Al.
March 17-18 TRUE Couples Night and Revival Day @ First Baptist, Richland, NC
April 27-28 Revival @ East Highland Baptist, Athens, Al.
May 6 Revival Morning @ First Baptist, Blountsville, Al.
May 6-9 Revival (p.m. only) @ Stowers Hill Baptist, Attalla, Al.

The Wondrous Cross

Matthew 27:1-2, Acts 20:22-24, Galatians 6:14

Jesus was bound with shackles and led to Jerusalem where he bore our sins...Paul was bound by the Spirit and led to Jerusalem where he bore witness of Jesus and the cross.

.....Most of us will never know what it’s like to be bound with shackles...But may the Lord bind all of us with His Spirit. Paul didn’t know what awaited him in Jerusalem. All he knew was that he must go. GO...the call of every believer. We don’t know what awaits us...but still we go bound by the Holy Spirit.

When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss, and pour contempt on all my pride.
Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, save in the death of Christ my God!
All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood.
See from His head, His hands, His feet, sorrow and love flow mingled down!
Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, or thorns compose so rich a crown?
Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a present far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.

When I survey the wondrous cross I see Sin, Surrender, and Salvation. Sin...because Jesus died for my sin...and the sin of all who would ever believe. He was the final and complete sacrifice for sin. Surrender...because Jesus surrendered to the cross and the humiliation and mocking that accompanied it. He willingly went to the cross and surrendered to the Father’s will saying, “Not my will but Thine.” Salvation...because Jesus purchased my salvation on the cross. My sin debt was cancelled and salvation was purchased ourtright – paid in full for every person who would ever believe.

• The Cross was always calling Jesus. Matt. 27:1-2 Whether he was healing a cripple or multiplying bread, above the noise of the crowds, He could hear the Cross calling. He was born to die. He was sent to suffer. He was on a mission to redeem. He was sent to save. Hundreds of miles from home, He could still hear the call of the cross. Jesus never got too comfortable because He knew He wouldn’t be here long. The cross kept tugging at His heart.
• The Cross was calling Paul. Acts 20:22-14 After his Damascus Road experience, Paul never felt at home in this world. He was always in a strait between going and staying. The Cross was calling him to a better place. He was imprisoned, beaten, shipwrecked, and left for dead. He was hated and despised. Yet Paul traveled on with the Gospel. An easy out was to take his life. Instead of giving in to weakness and compromise, he lived with urgency knowing he wasn’t guaranteed another day. The cross called him to go on...then Jesus called him home.
• The Cross is calling all believers. Gal. 6:14 In this world where the voice of God is often drowned out by cries against the government, and cries for equal rights, and cries against higher prices, and cries for change in Washington...can any of us hear the Call of the Cross? The Call to follow Jesus... The Call to believe... For us today, the call of the cross thunders out across continents...crossing racial and ethnic barriers. The call of the Cross in America drowns out political rhetoric and nay-sayers. The Cross calls believers to follow Christ...to love Christ...to surrender to Christ!

We sing the old hymn, "To the old rugged cross I will ever be true..." But what does that mean? Does it mean we’ll wear a gold cross around our neck? Or that we’ll give up something for lent? Or that we’ll wear a Christian T-shirt? Could it possibly mean Loyalty? We believe what happened on the cross is our only hope for salvation...and on that belief we rest our case and rest our faith. In whatever situation we find ourselves, we will be Christian! Jesus set the standard.....

1- The Cross was calling Jesus to Finish. Finish what? Finish God’s plan of salvation. God so loved the world before Jesus ever went to the cross...But he demonstrated His love by sending Jesus to the cross. God did more than express His love...He exemplified it. He did more than declare it...He demonstrated it.
.....The finish line is the public’s view of winning or losing. When the runner crosses the line before the rest of the runners, he’s declared the winner. Confetti flies through the air...Sports Illustrated decides on the cover shot...and Nike offers a contract. .....That’s not the finish Jesus was called to. There was no confetti in the air when Jesus died. There was weeping...tears of sadness and some, tears of joy. He finished...and he finished well.
(a) He Fulfilled the Law Which Was Given to Moses. Matt 5:17-18 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.” ...Jesus was and is the fulfillment of the Law of Moses. The law became a tutor...teaching God’s people the way of righteousness. They could never obtain righteousness on their own...so Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin that we might be made the righteousness of God. Jesus fulfilled every demand of the Law and thus is the only one who can take away our sin.
(b) He Finished God’s Plan of Salvation. John 17:4 “I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.” John 19:30 “Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, "It is finished!" And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.” ....If there is a “plan of salvation” Jesus finished it. We are complete in Him. Everything Jesus was predestined to do...he did it. Now we place our faith in Him alone.

2- The Cross was calling Paul to Follow. Follow where? Follow wherever God led Him. Paul had been blinded by the brightness of God’s power while traveling the Damascus Road. But when his eyes were opened, immediately he began to preach the Gospel. Paul’s calling was to take the Gospel to the Gentiles. That is, God sent him to take the Gospel to non-Jews. That is...us. That is why the word whosoever means just what it says. Whosoever believes will be saved. It is still the message of
the cross that changes lives.
In Acts 20:22-24, Paul (a) Realized there was Trouble ahead. He knew imprisonment awaited him, but still he went. He was “bound” to go. His heart had been arrested by the Spirit. And (b) was Ready to Testify to the Gospel of the Grace of God. His story was the story of Grace. He had no other message. The Gospel of the Grace of God is...Jesus.

3- The Cross is calling us to Faith. Faith in Who? Faith in Almighty God that He will do what He said...that He will keep His promise. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for
and the evidence of things not seen.” What is it we hope for...and what is it we hope to see?
(a.) Faith is the Substance of what we hope for... Substance means the “support beams.” Faith supports all we hope for in Christ. Without faith we have no hope.
(b.) Faith is the Evidence of what we’ve never seen... Evidence simply means “proof.” For all those things we have never seen and can’t seem to understand...our faith is our proof.
Hebrews 12:1-2 “....let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
...The Wondrous Cross...
Wondrous in Love – Wondrous in Grace – Wondrous in Salvation.
Trust...believe...and follow.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ready For Revival

Stephen Olford said, “Revival is an invasion of Heaven that brings a conscious awareness of God.” What if Heaven invaded our church this next Sunday morning? What if we were so convicted of our sin and shallow religion that we all fell on our knees and faces before the Lord in repentance? What if God so filled our churches with His presence and power that we were speechless to defend ourselves and our sin? What if the Holy Spirit so overwhelmed us that we were willing to do whatever it took to be right with God and others?

....In my opinion, Olford was right. We need an invasion of Heaven. Why? Because we’ve been invaded by the world. The truth is, the church has become worldly. The church has become desensitized to the sinfulness of sin. The church has become an unholy assembly of the prideful and sinful. Our problem is not the Muslims, or Hindus, Jehova’s Witnesses, or Atheists...The problem is us. We are worldly, carnal, selfish, lazy, and unfaithful. If the church was open only one hour a week on Sunday from 10:30-11:30 most of our church members would never know the difference. Olford’s right...we need an invasion of Heaven...an invasion of God.

Billy Graham said, "If Jesus were to come today as he did 2000 yrs ago, he would be crucified in less time than then..." Just ask Kirk Cameron who, just two weeks ago on CNN while being interviewed by Piers Morgan, defended his Christian beliefs about traditional marriage. He said he believed what he did because he was a Christian... and that his views were based on the teachings of the Bible. In the days following his interview he was labeled everything but Christian. Just ask Mark Driscoll and his wife Grace who were on the View with Barbara Walters the same week Kirk Cameron was interviewed on CNN. They also defended their traditional Christian beliefs and did so by saying, “We are Bible believing Christians.” ....Billy Graham was right by saying Jesus would be crucified in less time than He was then. Think about it...What Jesus said and taught is less popular now than it was then....Jesus is less respected...less wanted....and He is less loved than He was then.

The words of the Bible and of Jesus are intimidating and even infuriating to the lost and unbelieving because – there is the possibility that what He said is true.

Zephaniah spoke directly to Jerusalem of their sinfulness and promised a sure and swift judgment. We don’t like that idea...and don’t want to hear it. We don’t want to reap what we sow...or get what’s coming to us. We want to live without commitments, without convictions, and without Christ... Israel had forgotten God. Zephaniah was sent to help them remember.

Zephaniah would help them remember...
God Had...Israel must have forgotten what God did for them in the past. The Lord had been their shepherd! Their guider and provider. He had called them out and claimed them as His own.
God Can...They had known God - had walked with God. They had known His power ...they had witnessed the defeat of God's enemies, yet they persisted in sin.
God Is...He was not a God of history only. He was with them. He was in their midst. He was at work, alive and well. They were reminded that God still is what He always was...and that all that He did, He still does!
God Will...Israel knew of a promised redeemer. Jesus was predicted in the days of the prophets...but they forgot. Zephaniah reminded them Jesus was coming as redeemer, messiah, deliverer, Savior!

God Was In Their Midst! He was Mighty! He was Moving! He was Merciful!
• God would Rest in the fact that His people were restored.
• God would Rejoice that His people were secure in Him!
• God would Sing...songs of salvation over His people!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Are you ready for revival?
1- Turn from your sin.
2- Talk to the Lord.
3- Trust him with your life.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Spring 2012 Preaching Dates

January 21 Men's Night @ Belmore Baptist, Mooresville, Al
January 28 Men's Night @ Walker Baptist Assoc., Jasper, Al.
February 11 TRUE Couples Night @ Florence First Assembly, Florence, Al.
March 17-18 TRUE Couples Night and Revival Day @ First Baptist, Richland, NC
April 27-28 Revival @ East Highland Baptist, Athens, Al.
May 6 Revival Morning @ First Baptist, Blountsville, Al.
May 6-9 Revival @ Stowers Hill Baptist, Attalla, Al.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Preaching Dates 2012

January 21 Men's Night @ Belmore Baptist, Mooresville, Al
January 28 Men's Night @ Walker Baptist Assoc., Jasper, Al.
February 11 TRUE Couples Night @ Florence First Assembly, Florence, Al.
March 17-18 TRUE Couples Night and Revival Day @ First Baptist, Richland, NC
May 6 Revival Morning @ First Baptist, Blountsville, Al.
May 6-9 Revival @ Stowers Hill Baptist, Attalla, Al.