John 8:21-25The Worst Thing: Salvation is a matter of life or death. People who live in their sins and reject the Savior will die in their sins. There is no alternative. We either receive salvation by grace or experience condemnation. Jesus said in John 3:18, “you are condemned already because you have not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” We either walk in the light and have eternal life, or walk in the darkness and experience eternal death.
The absolute worst thing that could ever happen to you is to die unsaved. Hell is just as real as Heaven. Maybe you were dedicated to God as a child…but that is not your salvation. Maybe you were raised in church…but that is not your salvation. Maybe you are a wonderful person…but that is not your salvation.
The worst thing is: To die in your sin…To die without a Savior.
The Greatest Tragedy: I have to believe the greatest tragedy is to live and die knowing how to be saved and why…but dieing unsaved. In Acts 26:27-29 Agrippa was, “Almost persuaded.” He heard the truth from the greatest preacher in the history of the world. He understood. He felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit. He knew the scriptures. He believed. Paul said, “I know that you believe.”
I wonder, on any given Sunday morning, just how many people are feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit. I think about how folks are hearing from God and then rejecting him. I think as I preach about boys and girls and moms and dads who hear and feel the call of God – and do nothing. And I wonder what more could I do –what more could I say.
The greatest tragedy is: To live and die…almost persuaded, almost saved.
The Most Rejected Message: John 3:12-15 Its old, according to some…outdated, antiquated, irrelevant, narrow, harsh, and even untrue. It is the most simple yet most misunderstood message in history. Jesus died on a cross to save sinners. God demanded sacrifice for sins because of Adam and Eve’s fall in Eden. Then God so loved the world he sent Jesus to put an end to sacrifice – that whosoever believes in him will never die.
It’s not Oprah-friendly. It’s not Muslim-sympathetic. It’s not sin-friendly. It’s not in the headlines or on the evening news. It’s not political although it has been used to rehab a dieing campaign. It is offensive. It is divisive. It is controversial. It is the truth.
The most rejected message is: The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
The Best Life: We hear it on TV, “You only go around once…” Some say things like, “It doesn’t get any better than this.” Some call it, “the sweet life.” Some even say they’re in “Heaven on earth.” But friend, know this... Forbidden Fruit will always leave a bad taste in your mouth. The best life isn’t found on a bar stool. You can’t find it in Tunica. You can’t find it in a secret relationship.
You won’t find it in being filthy rich. The best life is not found in divorce court. The best life isn’t found in a Muslim Mosque or in a Buddhist temple. The Best Life…can only be found in Jesus. Knowing wherever you go and whatever you do, he is your Lord and he is leading you.
The best life is: A life given to and lived for Jesus.
The worst thing a man will ever do is die in his sin.
The best thing he’ll ever do is trust Jesus to save him from his sin.